"Copy" when using ARC - iphone

I know that when using ARC and you have an NSString property, you do #property(nonatomic, copy) just as you would MRC. But I'm wondering, after I converted my project to ARC, I still have this in my initializer method:
_someString = [someStringParameter copy]
Is this a bug? Or even with ARC, do I still need to explicitly say "copy" ? Or should I just do:
self.someString = someStringParameter
and all will be OK? Bit confused here...

You'd never use self.someString = anything in your initialiser. The dot notation is a method call. You shouldn't call methods on classes that aren't fully instantiated yet. Most demonstrable failure case: a subclass overrides setSomeString: — where is it in its init when that method is called?
ARC will handle proper retains and releases on instance variables but can't automatically do copies — e.g. there are __strong and __weak modifiers but no __copy. So you still need explicitly to copy when doing a direct instance variable assignment.

_someString = [someStringParameter copy];
Is this a bug?
Or even with ARC, do I still need to explicitly say "copy" ?
You're assigning the instance variable by copy and it's perfectly legit under ARC. As opposed to that, doing just:
_someString = someStringParamenter;
will cause ARC to automatically retain (not copy) it, resulting in something like
_someString = [someStringParameter retain];
This happens because under ARC variables have an implicit __strong identifier unless specified otherwise.
self.someString = someStringParameter
This is right, and both under ARC and MRC you'll get the object to be copied if you provided the copy attribute in the property declaration.
That said, it's still a bad idea to use accessor methods in initializers, since they may have unwanted side effects in case you have a custom implementation for them. Check out this answer on the subject: Should I refer to self.property in the init method with ARC?


Setters and Getters on ARC environment

I am still learning some nuances of CocoaTouch. What kind of getters/setters are generated internally for types like float, int, etc., on an ARC environment?
I know that if the property is an object on a non-ARC I may have something like this:
- (NSURL *)url {
if (_url == nil)
_url = [[MyURL alloc] initWithURL:url];
return _url
- (void)setUrl:(NSURL *)theUrl {
if (theUrl != _url) {
[_url release];
_url = [theUrl retain];
but on an ARC environment release and retain cannot be used. What kind of getter/setter is created automatically for an ARC environment on this case.
And what about scalar type like float, int, etc.?
ARC handles all the releasing and retaining for you. You should probably just use synthesized getters and setters, but if you aren't doing that, just set the ivar and remove all the other code.
A couple of thoughts:
The accessor methods (the getters and setters) for fundamental data types (int, bool, etc.) are very much like the standard accessor methods for objects, the only difference being is that there are no memory management semantics, as they don't make any sense except within the context of an object. Thus, you'll see no strong or weak with these fundamental data types. And thus the concept of retain is not applicable, either.
Behind the scenes, the system generated setter for an object declared as a strong property in ARC is not dissimilar to the setter for a retain property of an object in non-ARC code. It increases the retain count (a.k.a. "maintains a strong reference"). Now, clearly if you were writing the ARC setter for your strong property yourself (which you really shouldn't do), you wouldn't be writing that line of code that says retain, but the compiler is effectively doing that for you behind the scenes.
I'm not quite sure to make of your getter method, as it doesn't quite make sense. Generally getters are not doing any alloc or init for you.
Your setter is a little closer (and I assume this was for a #property declared as retain). Clearly, the automatically synthesized setters will automatically pick up the memory lifetime qualifier (e.g. retain vs. assign vs. copy vs. ...) and generate the appropriate code for you, so it's better to just let it do its own thing.
By the way, the actual system generated setter will also include KVO (key-value-notification) calls, too. You don't need to worry about what KVO is, but the key thing is that you don't want your code littered with your own hand-written setter methods, because when you start using KVO, you'll regret having done so. This is just another reason to let the compiler synthesize it's own accessor methods.

iphone - properties and instance variables

Suppose I have this code...
#interface Foo : NSObject {
NSString *aString; // 1
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *aString;
#synthesize aString = _aString;
- (void)dealloc {
[aString release];
[super dealloc];
My questions are:
do I really need to declare aString in "1"? (see code)
if I am synthesizing aString = _aString, I am already creating an instance
variable, right?
if I am retaining the property on foo.h (#property), why Xcode complains if I release aString in dealloc?
You are mixing up the property and the backing variable. "aString" is the property, which you access via method call (e.g. [self aString]). "_aString" is the backing variable, which you access directly (e.g. _aString).
Taking your questions in order:
No. This is an unused variable because you told the compiler to use _aString as the variable. (You don't actually need to declare either one in the modern run-time.)
Yes, as indicated in my answer to the first question.
Because the compiler expects you to send a message to an object, and "aString" is undefined as written. Normally you would use [self aString] to access the object, but this is a special case: in -dealloc and in -initXYZ you don't use accessor methods because of potential side effects. Switch to [_aString release] and everything will work (unless you have ARC, in which case you don't release at all.
With your #synthesize, the instance variable (your "1") should be NSString* _aString.
The reason you use synthesize with a differently named variable is so that you always use self.aString to properly release the old object instead of accidentally overwriting the pointer by directly modifying aString.
Do you have ARC enabled? If so, that's why Xcode complains about releasing it.
To answer your questions in order:
No. There might some sort of "best-practice" reason that I'm missing, but #property will synthesize the instance variable as well.
When you declare aString = _aString, what that allows you to do is directly manipulate _aString without accessing the synthesized getter/setter (by calling _aString) or use the synthesized getter/setters (by calling self.aString).
You are likely releasing it somewhere else, someone else is over-releasing it, or you're using ARC. With NSStrings (and other simple objects that have deep copy method readily available), I find it best to use #property (copy), and _aString = [stringPassedToInit copy], so that you are the only one handling your string's retain count. If you're using ARC, you don't need to worry about retain/release in most instances.
No, you don't need to declare ivars any more (since iOS 3 I think). You can delete the entire { ... } part of your interface declaration and it won't make any difference.
It's complaining because your ivar is named _aString, not aString. You need to say
[_aString release]
Answers : -
do I really need to declare aString in "1"? (see code) - Now with iOS 4 onwards you won't need to declare.
if I am synthesizing aString = _aString, I am already creating an instance variable, right? - Yes
if I am retaining the property on foo.h (#property), why Xcode complains if I release aString in dealloc? - now you need to use this - self.aString = nil, this will take care.
My answers are:
Try [_string release] instead.

Need to retain, and synthesize NSStrings?

I'm a bit confused as to whether NSStrings should ever be retained and synthesized. I have a NSString value as an instance variable, and am retaining and synthesizing it. But I am assigning it different values such as:
self.value = #"VALUE";
self.value = #"DIFFERENT_VALUE";
I'm not actually calling alloc anytime. Do I need to retain and synthesize this variable then?
You can think of on-the-fly strings as autoreleased in terms of how you use them, although in reality they will probably stay around as fixed values... because you are using the accessors they will automatically get copied or retained (however you marked the accessor) and so you do need to release them in dealloc.
As for the need to #synthesize, remember all that is doing for you is actually creating the get/set methods that take the variable and place it in your iVar. So not matter what you either need to #synethsize a property OR create the get/methods yourself - usually far better just to use #sythesize.
You should as you'll never know how you are going to change the use of the code in the future. Change the code to use dynamically created strings, and it will break if don't follow the rules.
Also note that the best practice for NSString is to set it to copy instead of retain. The reason is simple, this prevents the string from being changed under your feet.
See NSString property: copy or retain? for more details.
If you have never alloc'ed them, you usually don't need to retain, but if they are instance variables in your objects, they are probably marked as retain or copy so at your object's dealloc method you should release these objects if there is a value on it.

Assigning ivars using self keyword in an object's init method

I've read that it's bad to use self.ivar = (convenience method) in and object's 'init' method, as this messes with inheritance.
However, if you know you're not going to subclass your object, is it ok to use the self keyword assignment?
i.e. self.iVar = [Object objectConvenienceMethod];
The reason I ask is this. I create a new object with its own init method, and in that method, I perform various initial assignments. Since I don't use the self keyword, I assign them directly to the iVars, and therefore use the alloc methods rather than the convenience methods. I.e.
iVar = [[Object alloc] init];
Or if I use a convenience method, I retain it. I.e.
iVar = [[Object convenienceMethod]retain]
But... when I run my program with the memory leak tool on, all of these assignments are identified as memory leaks.
If I can use the self keyword plus a convenience method instead of alloc-init, then this would avoid the problem.
If I choose to use the alloc-init approach though, where am I supposed to release the iVars?? Just in dealloc?
Thanks for your help :)
No, because it isn't only subclass behavior you need to take into account — superclass implementations and even the behavior of code generated by the framework (e.g. synthesized accessors and the black magic used to implement KVO) can also cause trouble. It will probably be OK, but that's still a significant chance of being not-OK. All in all, it's best just to follow Apple's recommendation and assign directly.
Assigning to ivars in init shouldn't be reported as leaks in a properly functioning program. If you're seeing that, there's some other problem that you need to address. Try reducing the problem to a minimal case that we can try out and ask about that — then we can tell what's wrong.
If you alloc or retain them in your class's init method, you should release them in the corresponding dealloc method.
I am thinking your "enclosing" class is not being released, and hence its dealloc method is not being called resulting in your iVars not being released.

Different between self.myIvar and myIvar?

What's the difference between referring to an instance variable in an objective-c class as this:
if it's been declared as a property in the header and synthesized?
If you refer to self.myVar, it will use the #property declared in your header file.
For example
#property(nonatomic, retain) Class *myClass;
If you have
myClass = [ [ Class alloc ] init .... ];
Retain Count will be 1
But if you use
self.myClass = [ [ Class alloc ] init .... ];
Retain Count will be 2 because of the retain property.
It's the same if you set setter || getter method in the #property.
What's the difference between referring to an instance variable in an objective-c class as this:
if it's been declared as a property in the header …
Simple: The former does not refer to an instance variable.
It refers to a property named myIvar. Likewise, the latter refers to an instance variable and not a property.
The property is, of course, misnamed, because a property and an instance variable do not necessarily have anything to do with each other, and indeed a property does not even need to be backed by an instance variable.
Attempting to access self.myIvar is exactly the same as sending self a getter message for the property. That is, these two statements:
foo = self.myIvar;
foo = [self myIvar];
are exactly the same.
Likewise, attempting to assign to self.myIvar is exactly the same as sending self a setter message. These two statements:
self.myIvar = foo;
[self setMyIvar:foo];
are exactly the same.
By comparison, referring to the instance variable myIvar (no self.):
foo = myIvar;
myIvar = foo;
is exactly that: accessing a variable; nothing more.
This means a lot.
The accessors, particularly the setter, tend to have side effects. For example, if the property is declared as retain, a synthesized setter for it will release the old value of the property and retain the new value. Likewise, if the property is declared as copy, a synthesized setter will release the old value and make a copy of the new one.
Since an assignment to a property:
self.myProperty = foo;
is an accessor message, that “assignment” will cause the old value to be released and the new value to be retained/copied.
An assignment to a variable:
myIvar = foo;
being nothing more than an assignment to a variable, will not do that. If you owned the old value of myIvar, you just leaked it, and if you don't already own the new value, you still don't own it, which means it will probably die while you're still holding onto it, leading to a crash later. (See the Memory Management Programming Guide.)
Despite the two looking similar, they are very, very different.
As a general rule, you should use your properties everywhere except init methods and the dealloc method, and directly access the instance variables (where you have instance variables) in those methods. (Again, accessors may have side effects; you're likely to not want those side effects in a half-initialized or half-deallocated object.)
… and synthesized?
That doesn't matter. #synthesize is just one of three ways of telling the compiler how the property's accessors are implemented:
#synthesize: Compiler, you implement them.
#dynamic: Don't worry about it, compiler; my superclass will dynamically supply the accessors at run time. (Most common in subclasses of NSManagedObject.)
- (Foo *) myProperty { … } / - (void) setMyProperty:(Foo *) newFoo { … }: Here are my implementations of the accessors.
Failing to do one or more of those things for a property will get you a warning from the compiler and probably some run-time exceptions, because you never actually stated an implementation for the accessors that (by declaring a #property) you declared the instances would have.
The difference is that ivar is just a variable pointing to a location in memory, whereas self.ivar calls the setter (in the case of self.ivar = x) and getter (for x = self.ivar) methods. IE, under the hood, the self.ivar in these statements gets translated into [self setIvar:value] and [self getIvar] respectively . These methods can then handle things like retain/release and any class-specific behaviour on your behalf, and in fact do so by referencing ivar directly. The #synthesize keyword automatically generates these getter and setter methods for you to cut down on boilerplate code.
So, ivar is a location in memory where your object can store something, and self.ivar wraps class methods around that location in memory to manage access to it. Note that when initializing an object it is usually preferable to set the ivars directly to avoid possible strange behaviour with not-quite-fully-formed objects.
Without the self. part you'll be accessing/assigning the actual data member of the class, without going through the getter/setter generated by #synthesize (or you can write your own getter/setter if you need something more fancy than the default behavior).
Note that in those custom accessors you'd pretty much have to omit the self. part to avoid endless recursion, e.g. if you have a string property called s, a setter could be (this is similar to what is generated when you do #synthesize, by the way):
-(void)setS:(NSString *)newVal
if(newVal == s) return;
[s release];
s = [newVal retain]; //if you use self.s here, setS will be called again
calls a property method that you can later change or add to, and that might do some memory management as well. For instance, you could make setting self.ivar also change ivar2, increment ivar3, bounds check ivar4, send a message to object5, release object6, play sound7, etc.
just reads or writes some number of bits in memory.