Send email alert from Performance Monitor using PowerShell script - email

I have created an alert in Performance Monitor (Windows Server 2008 R2) that should be triggered whenever \Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time is Above 10 (a small value just to guarantee that the condition for sending the alert is always met). You can see the Alert Task properties in the image.
In addition, I have also created a new task in the Task Scheduler that will run whether the user is logged on or not, and it will run with highest privileges. The trigger for this task has the following properties:
Begin the task: On an event
Settings: Basic
Log: System
Source: Processor
The Actions (and this is the part I don't know if it's correct) has the following settings:
Action: Start a program
Program/script: the path to a PowerShell script to send an email.
The PowerShell code is the following ($name, $date, $counter, $threshold, $value are supposed to come from the Performance Monitor data collector set alert task properties, as in the image above):
function SendMail ($name, $date, $counter, $threshold, $value) {
$MailMessage = New-Object Net.Mail.MailMessage
$MailMessage.From = "do-not-reply#blah.bleh"
$MailMessage.Subject = "ALERT - Performance Monitor"
$MailMessage.IsBodyHtml = $True
$MailMessage.Body = #"
The following counter needs attention:<BR><BR>
Name: $($name)<BR>
Date: $($date)<BR>
Counter: $($counter)<BR>
Threshold: $($threshold)<BR>
Actual Value: $($value)<BR>
<FONT face=Courier>$($html)</FONT>
--- Automatically generated with SENDMAIL function ---
$SmtpClient = New-Object Net.Mail.SmtpClient("blah.bleh")
Once the task is started, I have the following in the History: Task Started, Action Started, and Created ask Process. The email is never sent though.
I tried sending an email using the Action: Send an email, and it worked fine. Does anyone know what could be wrong?

There are basically two things to address that should make this work for you.
Get the alert parameters correctly passed to your script.
Actually call the function defined in your script.
We'll start with the parameters. On the Alert Task tab of your alert (pictured above), edit the Task Arguments field and replace:
"{name}" "{date}" "{counter}" "{threshold}" "{value}"
Your parameters are basically being parsed as a space-separated string value, so we add double-quotes around each individual parameter token to handle values that include spaces, and we add a space between each individual parameter token so that we'll be able to tell one parameter from the next.
Then, for the action of your scheduled task (named "Processor Monitoring") you have to tell it to expect parameters from the alert and to pass those parameters to the PowerShell script.
Your Action is correct, i.e. "Start a program".
For the Program/script field, enter "powershell.exe" (or browse for the full path).
And for the Add Arguments field, enter this:
-File C:\path\to\your\PowerShell\scripts\perfmon_send_email.ps1 $(Arg0)
Where perfmon_send_email.ps1 is the script file containing your SendMail() function as described above.
This bit was kind of finicky, so there may be other ways to set this up, but explicitly using the -File parameter made a difference for my tests. The $(Arg0) part is what gets replaced with the parameter string from the Alert when the scheduled task executes PowerShell to run your script.
So that should make the Alert parameters available to your PowerShell script. Now all you have to do is actually call the function you've already defined. Add the following to the end of your script (after the function definition):
# Get parameter values by position and pass them to the SendMail() function.
SendMail $args[0] $args[1] $args[2] $args[3] $args[4]
$args is an array containing the parameter values passed to a script file called from the command line, which is exactly what we configured the scheduled task to do.
Since we know the alert will always send the same values in the same order, i.e. name, date, counter, threshold, and value, we can just pull them from the command line arguments based on position and pass them to the SendMail() function.
Note that there are more robust ways to process command line arguments, but this should be sufficient for your purposes.


How to set a cloudformation parameter to a powershell variable

Trying to simply run some powershell in my cloudformation based on a user inpute parameter in cloudformation.
This works
write-host ${CFParameter} >> C:\temp\log.txt
but this does not
$PSVariable = ${CFParameter}
write-host $PSVariable >> C:\temp\log.txt
the second one just returns a blank line but the first one returns the correct information
If your powershell is being used in userdata and you can use ref function to refer to the parameter. I would recommend using cloudkast which is an online cloudformation template generator. It makes it easy to generate cloudformation templates.

Powershell script queues results of an if statement in a do while in a function

I'm using a function that I call from another script. It prompts a user for input until it gets back something that is not empty or null.
function GetUserInputValue($InputValue)
$UserValue = Read-Host -Prompt $InputValue
if (!$UserValue) { $InputValue + ' cannot be empty' }
return $UserValue
The issue is quite strange and likely a result of my lack of powershell experience. When I run the code and provide empty results, the messages from the if statement queue up and only display when I finally provide a valid input. See my console output below.
Console Results
test: 1
test cannot be empty
test cannot be empty
test cannot be empty
test cannot be empty
test cannot be empty
test cannot be empty
I can make this work however in the main file with hard coded values.
$Server = Read-Host -Prompt 'Server'
if (!$Server) { 'Server cannot be empty' }
I'm working Visual Studio Code. This is a function I have in another file I've named functions.ps1.
I call this from my main file like this,
$test = GetUserInputValue("test")
When you put a naked value in a script like "here's a message" or 5 or even a variable by itself $PID what you're implicitly doing is calling Write-Output against that value.
That returns the object to the pipeline, and it gets added to the objects that that returns. So in a function, it's the return value of the function, in a ForEach-Object block it's the return value of the block, etc. This bubbles all the back up the stack / pipeline.
When it has nowhere higher to go, the host handles it.
The console host (powershell.exe) or ISE host (powershell_ise.exe) handle this by displaying the object on the console; this just happens to be the way they handle it. Another host (a custom C# application for example can host the powershell runtime) might handle it differently.
So what's happening here is that you are returning the message that you want to display, as part of the return value of your function, which is not what you want.
Instead, you should use Write-Host, as this writes directly to the host, skipping the pipeline. This is the correct command to use when you want to display a message to the user that must be shown (for other information you can use different commands like Write-Verbose, Write-Warning, Write-Error, etc.).
Doing this will give you the correct result, and prevent your informational message from being part of the return value of your function.
Speaking of which, you are returning the value twice. You don't need to do:
return $UserValue
The first one returns the value anyway (see the top of this answer); the second one does the same thing except that it returns immediately. Since it's at the end of the function anyway, you can use wither one, but only use one.
One more note: do not call PowerShell functions with parentheses:
$test = GetUserInputValue("test")
This works only because the function has a single parameter. If it had multiple params and you attempted to call it like a method (with parentheses and commas) it would not work correctly. You should separate arguments with spaces, and you should usually call parameters by name:
$test = GetUserInputValue "test"
# better:
$test = GetUserInputValue -InputValue "test"

Powershell returns wrong result

I came across this weird issue in Powershell (not in other languages). Could anyone please explain to me why this happened?
I tried to return a specified number (number 8), but the function keeps throwing everything at me. Is that a bug or by design?
Function GetNum() {
Return 10
Function Main() {
$Number10 = GetNum
$number10 #1 WHY NO OUTPUT HERE ??????? I don't want to use write host
return $result
do {
$again = Main
Write-Host "RESULT IS "$again # Weird Result, I only want Number 8
} While ($again -eq 10) # As the result is wrong, it loops forever
Is that a bug or by design?
By design. In PowerShell, cmdlets can return a stream of objects, much like using yield return in C# to return an IEnumerable collection.
The return keyword is not required for output values to be returned, it simply exits (or returns from) the current scope.
From Get-Help about_Return (emphasis added):
The Return keyword exits a function, script, or script block. It can be
used to exit a scope at a specific point, to return a value, or to indicate
that the end of the scope has been reached.
Users who are familiar with languages like C or C# might want to use the
Return keyword to make the logic of leaving a scope explicit.
In Windows PowerShell, the results of each statement are returned as
output, even without a statement that contains the Return keyword.
Languages like C or C# return only the value or values that are specified
by the Return keyword.
Mathias is spot on as usual.
I want to address this comment in your code:
$number10 #1 WHY NO OUTPUT HERE ??????? I don't want to use write host
Why don't you want to use Write-Host? Is it because you may have come across this very popular post from PowerShell's creator with the provocative title Write-Host Considered Harmful?
If so, I encourage you to read what I think is a great follow-up/companion piece by tby, titled Is Write-Host Really Harmful?
With this information, it should be clear that as Mathias said, you are returning objects to the pipeline, but you should also be armed with the information needed to choose an alternative, whether it's Write-Verbose, Write-Debug, or even Write-Host.
If I were going to be opinionated about it, I would go with Write-Verbose, altering your function definition slightly in order to support it:
function Main {
$Number10 = GetNum
Write-Verbose -Message $number10
When you invoke it by just calling $again = Main you'll see nothing on the screen, and $again will have a value of 8. However if you call it this way:
$again = Main -Verbose
then $again will still have the value of 8, but on the screen you'll see:
likely in differently colored text.
What that gives is not only a way to show the value, but a way for the caller to control whether they see the value or not, without changing the return value of the function.
To drive some of the points in the articles home further, consider that it's not necessarily necessary to invoke your function with -Verbose to get that.
For example, let's say you stored that whole script in a file called FeelingNum.ps1.
If, in addition to the changes I made above, you also add the following to the very top of your file:
Then, you still invoked your function "normally" as $again = Main, you could still get the verbose output by invoking your script with -Verbose:
powershell.exe -File FeelingNum.ps1 -Verbose
What happens there is that using the -Verbose parameter sets a variable called $VerbosePreference, and that gets inherited on each function called down the stack (unless it's overridden). You can also set $VerbosePreference manually.
So what you get by using these built-in features is a lot of flexibility, both for you as the author and for anyone who uses your code, which is a good thing even if the only person using it is you.

Teamcity not printing built-in parameters using Powershell

I'm trying to print TeamCity parameters using Powershell. The Teamcity parameter is formed at run-time, by assigning it values elsewhere. The problem is that Teamcity only prints the string thus formed and not the value that is stored within the parameter. Please see a sample code where I need to print the build id, here the words "teamcity" and "" are formed during run time. However, upon running Teamcity prints the string, and not the actual build id.
The type of TeamCity build in parameters that I need to print are agent parameters and not system parameters or environment parameters
$per = "%"
$t = "teamcity"
$b = ""
$indirect = $per+$t+$b+$per
Write-Output $indirect
PowerShell can't interpret the TeamCity variable at runtime.
The variable is injected into the script prior to it being run, thus the only way to do this would be to reference the variable as a whole.
$buildId = ""
Write-Output $buildId

Auto Complete User Input PowerShell 2.0

I have a large list of data (over 1000 different values) and I want the user to be able to select certain values from the list from a PowerShell console.
What is the easiest way from within the console to allow the user to quickly select values?
I would like to do something like tab completion or the ability to use the arrow keys to scroll through the values but I am not sure how to do either of these things.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
PowerShell tab completion can be extended to custom parameters and parameter values (in v3). However, this is a property of advanced functions. You can use the ValidateSetAttribute to do that.
Check the Technet help topic on advanced functions:
You can replace the tabexpansion (v2) and tabexpansion2 (v3) function in PowerShell to auto complete parameter values outside of advanced functions. You can get a basic definition of this in PowerShell v3 by running
Get-Content function:TabExpansion2
Here is an example of showing custom tab expansion function.
But, if you want to the user to be able to auto complete values for a Read-Host kind of input, you need to write a proxy for Read-Host to achieve that.
You can, optionally, look at PowerTab module at
For folks who are looking for a way to do this and are fortunate enough to be using PS v3 (and my apologies for all those required to stay with V2):
The easiest way to achieve this is using the "ValidateSet" option in your input parameters.
function Show-Hello {
param (
[ValidateSet("World", "Galaxy", "Universe")]
$greetingString = "Hello, " + $noun + "!"
Write-Host "`t=>`t" $greetingString "`t<="
ValidateSet throws an error if a user attempts to use any other input:
Show-Hello "Solar System"
Show-Hello : Cannot validate argument on parameter 'noun'. The argument `
"Solar System" does not belong to the set "World,Galaxy,Universe" specified `
by the ValidateSet attribute. Supply an argument that is in the set and `
then try the command again.
It also adds tab-completion to your function for that parameter. And if it is the FIRST parameter for your function, you don't even have to type in "-noun" for the tab-complete to make suggestions for its value.