How does MongoDB order their docs in one collection? [duplicate] - mongodb

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How does MongoDB sort records when no sort order is specified?
(2 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
In my User collection, MongoDB usually orders each new doc in the same order I create them: the last one created is the last one in the collection. But I have detected another collection where the last one I created has the 6 position between 27 docs.
Why is that?
Which order follows each doc in MongoDB collection?

It's called natural order:
natural order
The order in which the database refers to documents on disk. This is the default sort order. See $natural and Return in Natural Order.
This confirms that in general you get them in the same order you inserted, but that's not guaranteed–as you noticed.
Return in Natural Order
The $natural parameter returns items according to their natural order within the database. This ordering is an internal implementation feature, and you should not rely on any particular structure within it.
Index Use
Queries that include a sort by $natural order do not use indexes to fulfill the query predicate with the following exception: If the query predicate is an equality condition on the _id field { _id: <value> }, then the query with the sort by $natural order can use the _id index.
Typically, the natural order reflects insertion order with the following exception for the MMAPv1 storage engine. For the MMAPv1 storage engine, the natural order does not reflect insertion order if the documents relocate because of document growth or remove operations free up space which are then taken up by newly inserted documents.
Obviously, like the docs mentioned, you should not rely on this default order (This ordering is an internal implementation feature, and you should not rely on any particular structure within it.).
If you need to sort the things, use the sort solutions.
Basically, the following two calls should return documents in the same order (since the default order is $natural):
db.mycollection.find().sort({ "$natural": 1 })
If you want to sort by another field (e.g. name) you can do that:
db.mycollection.find().sort({ "name": 1 })

For performance reasons, MongoDB never splits a document on the hard drive.
When you start with an empty collection and start inserting document after document into it, mongoDB will place them consecutively on the disk.
But what happens when you update a document and it now takes more space and doesn't fit into its old position anymore without overlapping the next? In that case MongoDB will delete it and re-append it as a new one at the end of the collection file.
Your collection file now has a hole of unused space. This is quite a waste, isn't it? That's why the next document which is inserted and small enough to fit into that hole will be inserted in that hole. That's likely what happened in the case of your second collection.
Bottom line: Never rely on documents being returned in insertion order. When you care about the order, always sort your results.

MongoDB does not "order" the documents at all, unless you ask it to.
The basic insertion will create an ObjectId in the _id primary key value unless you tell it to do otherwise. This ObjectId value is a special value with "monotonic" or "ever increasing" properties, which means each value created is guaranteed to be larger than the last.
If you want "sorted" then do an explicit "sort":
db.collection.find().sort({ "_id": 1 })
Or a "natural" sort means in the order stored on disk:
db.collection.find().sort({ "$natural": 1 })
Which is pretty much the standard unless stated otherwise or an "index" is selected by the query criteria that will determine the sort order. But you can use that to "force" that order if query criteria selected an index that sorted otherwise.
MongoDB documents "move" when grown, and therefore the _id order is not always explicitly the same order as documents are retrieved.

I could find out more about it thanks to the link Return in Natural Order provided by Ionică Bizău.
"The $natural parameter returns items according to their natural order within the database.This ordering is an internal implementation feature, and you should not rely on any particular structure within it.
Typically, the natural order reflects insertion order with the following exception for the MMAPv1 storage engine. For the MMAPv1 storage engine, the natural order does not reflect insertion order if the documents relocate because of document growth or remove operations free up space which are then taken up by newly inserted documents."


Fundamental misunderstanding of MongoDB indices

So, I read the following definition of indexes from [MongoDB Docs][1].
Indexes support the efficient execution of queries in MongoDB. Without indexes, MongoDB must perform a collection scan, i.e. scan every document in a collection, to select those documents that match the query statement. If an appropriate index exists for a query, MongoDB can use the index to limit the number of documents it must inspect.
Indexes are special data structures that store a small portion of the
collection’s data set in an easy to traverse form. The index stores
the value of a specific field or set of fields, ordered by the value
of the field. The ordering of the index entries supports efficient
equality matches and range-based query operations. In addition,
MongoDB can return sorted results by using the ordering in the index.
I have a sample database with a collection called pets. Pets have the following structure.
"_id": ObjectId(123abc123abc)
"name": "My pet's name"
I created an index on the name field using the following code.
What I expect is that the documents in the collection, pets, will be indexed in ascending order based on the name field during queries. The result of this index can potentially reduce the overall query time, especially if a query is strategically structured with available indices in mind. Under that assumption, the following query should return all pets sorted by name in ascending order, but it doesn't.
Instead, it returns the pets in the order that they were inserted. My conclusion is that I lack a fundamental understanding of how indices work. Can someone please help me to understand?
Yes, it is misunderstanding about how indexes work.
Indexes don't change the output of a query but the way query is processed by the database engine. So db.pets.find({},{"_id":0}) will always return the documents in natural order irrespective of whether there is an index or not.
Indexes will be used only when you make use of them in your query. Thus,
db.pets.find({name : "My pet's name"},{"_id":0}) and db.pets.find({}, {_id : 0}).sort({name : 1}) will use the {name : 1} index.
You should run explain on your queries to check if indexes are being used or not.
You may want to refer the documentation on how indexes work.

MongoDB Aggregate Framework - Grouping with Multiple Fields in _id

Before marking this question as a duplicate - please read through. I don't think a sufficiently conclusive and general answer has been given yet, as most questions have focused on specific examples.
The MongoDB documentation says that you can specify an aggregate key for the _id value of a $group operation. There are a number of previously answered questions about using MongoDB's aggregate framework to group over multiple fields in this way, i.e:
{$group: {_id:{field_a:'$field_a', field_b:'$field_b'} } }
Q: In the most general sense, what does this action do?
If grouping documents by field A condenses any documents sharing the same value of field A into a single document, does grouping by fields A and B condense documents with matching values of both A and B into a single document?
Is the grouping operation sequential?
If so, does that imply any level of precedence between 'field_a' and 'field_b' depending on their ordering?
If grouping documents by field A condenses any documents sharing the same value of field A into a single document, does grouping by fields A and B condense documents with matching values of both A and B into a single document?
Let A = { a:A, b:B }, then that automatically follows from the assumption. You didn't make any assumption about the type of A, which is correct: the type doesn't matter. If the type of A is document, the usual comparison rules apply (equal content is considered equal).
Is the grouping operation sequential?
I'm not sure what that means. The aggregation pipeline runs accumulator functions on all items in each stage, so it certainly iterates the entire set, but I'd refrain from making assumptions about the exact order that happens in, i.e. from performing any non-associative operations.
If so, does that imply any level of precedence between 'field_a' and 'field_b' depending on their ordering?
No, documents are compared field-by-field and there are no strict guarantees on the ordering of fields ("attempts to...") in MongoDB. However, one can, in principle, create documents that contain multiple fields of the same name where the ordering might matter. But it's hard to do so, since most client interfaces don't allow different fields of equal name.

Mongodb id on bulk insert performance

I have a class/object that have a guid and i want to use that field as the _id object when it is saved to Mongodb. Is it possible to use other value instead of the ObjectId?
Is there any performance consideration when doing bulk insert when there is an _id field? Is _id an index? If i set the _id to different field, would it slow down the bulk insert? I'm inserting about 10 million records.
1) Yes you can use that field as the id. There is no mention of what API (if any) you are using for inserting the documents. So if you would do the insertion at the command line, the command would be:
db.collection.insert({_id : <BSONString_version_of_your_guid_value>, field1 : value1, ...});
It doesn't have to be BsonString. Change it to whatever Bson value is closest matching to your guid's original type (except the array type. Arrays aren't allowed as the value of _id field).
2) As far as i know, there IS effect on performance when db.collection.insert when you provide your own ids, especially in bulk, BUT if the id's are sorted etc., there shouldn't be a performance loss. The reason, i am quoting:
The structure of index is a B-tree. ObjectIds have an excellent
insertion order as far as the index tree is concerned: they are always
increasing, meaning they are always inserted at the right edge of
B-tree. This, in turn, means that MongoDB only has to keep the right
edge of the B-Tree in memory.
Conversely, a random value in the _id field means that _ids will be
inserted all over the tree. Then the machine must move a page of the
index into memory, update a tiny piece of it, then probably ignore it
until it slides out of memory again. This is less efficient.
:from the book `50 Tips and Tricks for MongoDB Developers`
The tip's title says - "Override _id when you have your own simple, unique id." Clearly it is better to use your id if you have one and you don't need the properties of an ObjectId. And it is best if your ids are increasing for the reason stated above.
3) There is a default index on _id field by MongoDB.
Yes. It is possible to use other types than ObjectId, including GUID that will be saved as BinData.
Yes, there are considerations. It's better if your _id is always increasing (like a growing number, or ObjectId) otherwise the index needs to rebuild itself more often. If you plan on using sharding, the _id should also be hashed evenly.
_id indeed has an index automatically.
It depends on the type you choose. See section 2.
Conclusion: It's better to keep using ObjectId unless you have a good reason not to.

Mongodb store and select order

Basic question. Does mongodb find command will always return documents in the order they where added to collection? If no how is it possible to implement selection docs in the right order?
Sort? But what if docs where added simultaneously and say created date is the same, but there was an order still.
Well, yes and ... not exactly.
Documents are default sorted by natural order. Which is initially the order the documents are stored on disk, which is indeed the order in which the documents had been added to a collection.
This order however, is not deterministic, as document may be moved on disk once these documents grow after update operations, and can't be fit into current space anymore. This way the initial (insert) order may change.
The way to guarantee insert order sort is sort by {_id : 1} as long as the _id is of type ObjectId. This will return your documents sorted in ascending order.
Write operations do not take place simultaneously. Write locks are imposed in database level (V 2.4 and on). The first four bytes of _id is insert timestamp, and 3 last digits is a random counter used to distinguish (and sort) between ObjectId instances with same timestamp.
_id field is indexed by default

The fastest way to show Documents with certain property first in MongoDB

I have collections with huge amount of Documents on which I need to do custom search with various different queries.
Each Document have boolean property. Let's call it "isInTop".
I need to show Documents which have this property first in all queries.
Yes. I can easy do sort in this field like:
.sort( { isInTop: -1 } );
And create proper index with field "isInTop" as last field in it. But this will be work slowly, as indexes in mongo works best with unique fields.
So is there is solution to show Documents with field "isInTop" on top of each query?
I see two solutions here.
First: set Documents wich need to be in top the _id from "future". As you know, ObjectId contains timestamp. So I can create ObjectId with timestamp from future and use natural order
Second: create separate collection for Ducuments wich need to be in top. And do queries in it first.
Is there is any other solutions for this problem? Which will work fater?
I have done this issue with sorting on custom field which represent rank.
Using the _id field trick you mention has the problem that at some point in time you will reach the special time, and you can't change the _id field (without inserting a new document and removing the old one).
Creating a special collection which just holds the ones you care about is probably the best option. It gives you the ability to logically (and to some extent, physically) separate the documents.
Newly introduced in mongodb there is also support for a "sparse" index which may fulfill your needs as well. You could only set the "isInTop" field when you want it to be special, and then create a sparse index on it which would not have the problems you would normally have with a single indexed boolean field (in btrees).