Windows Phone 8 MVVM Database First (like EF) - entity-framework

Is there any framework for Windows Phone 8 which is similar in use to Entity Framework for generating POCOS from an existing database?

LINQ to SQL: A SQL Server Compact database combined with my SQL Server Compact Toolbox for the code generation. If you have VS Express, you can use the standalone edition, download from


Does EF functionality work against PostgreSQL like it does against SQL Server?

Does EF functionality work against PostgreSQL like it does against SQL Server? Are there any limitations when using Entity Framework with Postgres as opposed to using EF with SQL Server? Do all the same EF features work with Postgres like they do with SQL Server?

How to target Oracle 11g instead of 12 for EntityFramework

Im working on a web api project developed with .net entity framework and oracle 11g DB.
Some of the generated statements contain things like "FETCH FIRST 1 ROWS ONLY" which I believe are only supported in Oracle 12. How can I configure the project to tell entity framework that it should generate statements compatible with Oracle 11?

Synchronize two SQL Server CE 4.0 databases/ data replication

How to synchronize two SQL Server CE 4.0 databases? I'm using version 4.0 because I want to use the code first approach. As it turned out SQL Server CE 4.0 does not support MS Sync framework, and SQL Server CE 3.5 supports MS Sync but does not support full code first approach. (No Database Creation).
I would like to use at least EF database first. How can I do in this situation? Abandon the code first and switch to SQL Server CE 3.5? Use SQLite or other compact database like ms access. Maybe write my own synchronization using a TimeStamp for each row.
A similar question Using MS Sync Framework to synchronize two SQL CE Dbs
You can make Sync Framework work with SQL CE 4. It's unsupported though.
have a look at
:Sync Framework and SQL Compact 4 (Yes, You Can!)

ADO.NET Entity Framework with OLE DB SQLServer2000 Data Source

Same as Title.
Has anyone found a way to make the ADO.NET Entity Framework work with OLE DB or ODBC data sources? Specifically, I need to work with an SqlServer2000.
Visual Studio 2010 and EF4 do no longer support SQL Server 2000 - are you using VS2010??
Check out this page:
Starting with Visual Studio 2010, the
ADO.NET Entity Data Model Tools do not
support SQL Server 2000.

ADO.Net 2.0 vs 3.5

what are the new features (if any) in ADO.Net 3.5 as compared to 2.0?
According to this MSDN page ADO.NET 3.5 SP1 includes the following new "feature":
The .NET Framework Data Provider for SQL Server ( System.Data.SqlClient) provides full
support for all the new features of the SQL Server 2008 Database Engine
Also, I think the entity framework was introduced with that version.
I'm not aware of any major new features in straight ADO.NET itself. But the big new feature is LINQ to SQL and LINQ to Entities (about to come out with a major upgrade with .NET 4.0).