How to target Oracle 11g instead of 12 for EntityFramework - entity-framework

Im working on a web api project developed with .net entity framework and oracle 11g DB.
Some of the generated statements contain things like "FETCH FIRST 1 ROWS ONLY" which I believe are only supported in Oracle 12. How can I configure the project to tell entity framework that it should generate statements compatible with Oracle 11?


Entity Framework Power Tools - cannot connect to Oracle

I have just installed Entity Framework Power Tools Beta 4 into Visual Studio 2013. I am running a .NET framework 4.5 project, using Entity Framework code first with an Oracle database. I have installed the latest ODP.NET from Oracle (version 12), including the EF drivers, and I have Oracle.ManagedDataAccess and Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.EntityFramework referenced in my project.
This set up allows me to run my project and read and access data from the Oracle database. It all works fine. My problem is when I try to use the Entity Framework Power Tools. I can specify a connection using the Oracle database name and credentials, and the dialog says 'Test Connection succeeded'. However, after clicking the next button, I get the following error:
System.Data.ProviderIncompatibleException: The store provider factory type 'System.Data.OracleClient.OracleClientFactory' does not implement the IServiceProvider interface. Use a store provider that implements this interface.
I am confused because my project is able to use the installed ODP.NET as is to communicate with the Oracle database via Entity Framework. Most of the research I have done on the WWW suggests there should be a problem with versions and the contents of the web.config - but if this is the case surely I wouldn't be able to use EF with Oracle in my project without errors?
Is it just the case that the Power Tools do not work with Oracle?
As Christian says in his comment, you need to install ODP.NET as a provider that Power Tools can use. I did this by installing Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio.

Does Entityframework 7 support Oracle 12

I am working 5. I have installed Entityframework 7.
I am not able see code first approach. I have to connect oracle 12g.
Is it that ef 7 is not supporting oracle 12g. Any workaround
There is currently no public information from Oracle about support for EF7 (Ef Core)
There is a issue tracking this here:

SQLite and Entity Framework 6

I have already visited those questions and problem solving links:
Entity Framework 6 + SQLite
Visual Studio 2013 say me Entity framework that the provider of SQLite is not found
I downloaded and installed the SQLite Release Package from here
I create a new project (class library) in visual studio 2013.
Through NuGet I add System.Data.SQLite (which on itself also adds Core, EF6 and LINQ), EF is also installed.
I create the new ADO.NET Entity Data Model, I generate from the DB, select my DB (testing connection - ok), I go to "Which version of Entity Framework do you want to use?" and I have only the option "6" which is unavailable and it says:
Your project references the latest version of EF, however, an EF
database provider compatible with this version could not be found for
you data connection.
From what I have read, should work with EF6 (even from
I have done somé testing, and the SQLite support for the EF Tools appear to be completely broken, due to an incomplete implementation of the EF6 provider, which is also not installed in GAC. I would file an issue with the System.Data.SQLite developers

Windows Phone 8 MVVM Database First (like EF)

Is there any framework for Windows Phone 8 which is similar in use to Entity Framework for generating POCOS from an existing database?
LINQ to SQL: A SQL Server Compact database combined with my SQL Server Compact Toolbox for the code generation. If you have VS Express, you can use the standalone edition, download from

ADO.Net 2.0 vs 3.5

what are the new features (if any) in ADO.Net 3.5 as compared to 2.0?
According to this MSDN page ADO.NET 3.5 SP1 includes the following new "feature":
The .NET Framework Data Provider for SQL Server ( System.Data.SqlClient) provides full
support for all the new features of the SQL Server 2008 Database Engine
Also, I think the entity framework was introduced with that version.
I'm not aware of any major new features in straight ADO.NET itself. But the big new feature is LINQ to SQL and LINQ to Entities (about to come out with a major upgrade with .NET 4.0).