Can´t add less-compiler lessc on Netbeans 7.4 - netbeans

At first I downloaded Less from GitHub and saved the folder on my disk. After that, I tried to locate the compiler (file lessc) in my Netbeans IDE (7.4 Beta). After that, I got the following Error-Message:

I'm not sure if Less compiler can work without NodeJS. So I would do following:
install NodeJS (
install less compiler using npm
npm install -g less
then NetBeans should find it, if not, you need to specify path to lessc.cmd, e.g.
to find where is your lessc.cmd, run following in command line
where lessc.cmd
The lessc (without cmd) is for Linux and Mac OSX

I downloaded lessc from here:
unzipped the zip-file and copied all files to C:\bin\lessc but you can copy it anywhere you like.
Then just point Netbeans to that folder and lessc.cmd and it should work.

Install nodejs
Install less in nodejs "cmd: npm install less"
less path netbeans: C:\nodejs\node_modules.bin\lessc.cmd


TNS command not found after installing NativeScript

I updated NPM and Node before installing NativeScript, without errors I might add, but when I attempt to create a new project using tns create MyProjectName, I get the error tns command not found.
After much reading, I'm getting the feeling it has something to do with my PATH.
This is what is outputted in terminal during the NativeScript install regarding TNS:
sudo npm install -g nativescript --unsafe-perm
/Users/martingeldart/.npm-global/bin/tns -> /Users/martingeldart/.npm-global/lib/node_modules/nativescript/bin/tns
/Users/martingeldart/.npm-global/bin/nativescript -> /Users/martingeldart/.npm-global/lib/node_modules/nativescript/bin/tns
If I run echo $PATH, this is what outputs:
echo $PATH
Which looks really odd to me but I'm no command line expert by any means. In fact, I'm incredibly inexperienced with the whole command line system.
Why am I not able to access the tns command? What is going on with that PATH I echoed?
Between version of npm the location of the global package moved location in the OS. Since the installation has moved the terminal does not know where to find the command. The PATH variable is used to tell the terminal where all the command may be located. In this case this seems a standard.
Now the best way to access command from an installed package is to use npx which is included by default with the new installation of npm.
npx tns
# In your case
npx tns create MyProjectName
There 2 other ways to resolve this.
Either your global package folder is not set up correctly.
Add the bin folder where nativescript was install to your path manually (usually in .bash_profile), open a new terminal.
I use nativescript for various project and I have a suggestion for package management. Usually I avoid installing global package because in case of multiple project there may be conflict between version if some project are updated and other not.
I usually create a folder with the version I am installing. Go to the folder, npm init and install locally the package.
mkdir nativescript-project-6-0
cd nativescript-project-6-0
npm init
npm i --save nativescript
Now I have a fix version to work with and can create other project with the same version even if I have other project with newer version of the tool or lib. Now in nativescript-project-6-0 I create my project.
npx tns create MyProjectName
This should create a folder nativescript-project-6-0/MyProjectName. All set and ready to go. Remember that is is always a good idea to use npx in this case since we want to use the local package.

How to run PHP 5.5.4 mcrypt run on CentOS 6.4?

I am getting the following error:
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
'/usr/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20121212/' -
/lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.14' not found (required by
Does mcrypt require glibc 2.14?
We are running CentOS 6.4 (latest stable version of CentOS) and it comes with glibc 2.12 (can't really upgrade glibc as being a core part of OS, changing it will likely break lots of stuff)
How do I make my PHP 5.5.4 run mcsypt under these circumstances?
Current configuration (phpinfo output) is here.
I was also having issues installing mcrypt on my VPS dev server so I thought I would post my solution in the hopes that it helps someone. I am running Centos OS 6.5 and had upgraded PHP to 5.5.13 using the Webtatic EL yum repository.
First shh into your server
initially I was trying to do (which was not working):
yum update
yum install php-mcrypt
I then realized my mistake when I looked at php -v and realized php-common was conflicting as the above code was trying to load a dependency from 5.3.
I then executed the following correct commands:
rpm -Uvh
yum update
yum install php55w-mcrypt
service httpd restart
This worked perfectly for me.
I also read while researching this issue that some people did have to add the extension to their .ini file manually by adding the following line but i did not have to do this.
you can find the location of your php.ini file by looking at phpinfo(); and see which configuration it is loading. For me the following ini files were loading:
If the installation is successful then you will see the extension when you echo phpinfo();
Try installing php-mcrypt using yum. That should pull in any other libraries you need to run it.
yum install php-mcrypt
In light of your update, it would appear that you are trying to use the MCrypt extension built from another PHP Source which was created by an updated GLIBC library. The only proper solution I can see is the following:
You first need to ensure you have libmcrypt, libmcrypt-devel, and mcrypt installed before continuing. Check your CentOS repository.
Download the PHP Source from
Untar the downloaded source tar -zxf php-5.5.4.tar.gz
cd into the source cd php-5.4.4
Copy your current ./configure string. The whole thing!
Add support for Mcrypt --with-mcrypt=/usr and run the new configure command
make && make install
restart Apache and PHP-FPM
This will keep your current configuration just as CentOS has built it but with the additional support of MCrypt as you are looking to have. Once you've done this, you do not need to enable the MCrypt extension in your php.ini file as it will be built into PHP itself and will be automatically loaded for you now.
When in doubt, you can also read up on the installation here

how to uninstall doxygen using make file on Ubuntu (12.04)?

I am using Ubuntu 12.04. I have installed doxygen using make install.
I would like to uninstall the doxygen built by make, but I don't find any way to do it using make (uninstall or clean...).
In the Makefile there is no reference to uninstall it the software. :(
Unfortunately I can't use the sudo apt-get remove doxygen because it wasn't an installed. :(
I don't find anything related on the internet.
Can anyone help me, please?
Thank you in advance,
There is no "uninstall" target. You need to do a "rm" be hand. If you used the standard prefix path "/usr/local" then
rm /usr/local/bin/doxygen
rm /usr/local/man/man.1/doxygen.1
(more if you install the docs are wizard). Depend on the user used for install, you need sudo to do it.
I know this question is old, but since it is the first result in google I would like to share another way of uninstalling Doxygen built from source. In the build directory where you've ran make there should by a file name install_manifest.txt. That file contains paths to files that were installed using make install command. All you need to do is to run the following command:
sudo xargs rm < install_manifest.txt
Of course this assumes that you've kept the build directory or at least the install_manifest.txt file. If not you need to remove the files by hand as somebody already suggested.

How to install a plugin using JRuby?

I'm trying to install the jQuery Grid Rails Plugin. I'm using JRuby 1.7.0. I tried this command with no luck:
jruby -S plugin install git://
rails plugin install git://
And some others...
I know that some commands change for JRuby. Commonly I prepend jruby -S to the command but it's not working with plugin install. Any suggestion?
Problem solved, I was executing the command jruby -S plugin install git://
The error message says:
jruby: No such **file or directory** -- plugin (LoadError)
As you may know there is a rails file under the ../script folder, since the error says No such file or directory I thought of pointing jruby into the right directory and file:
jruby script/rails plugin install git://
That way jruby knows where is the script that I need. This should work the same way for the other rails commands as generate and server.

Where do I get libpq source?

I want to write application which uses Postgresql as DBMS.
To write client application do I need libpq library and header files?
If yes where I would get libpq library and header files.
Libpq is included in the full PostgreSQL source code. You can use just libpq without the rest of PostgreSQL, but must download the full package.
You can download it from the PostgreSQL Downloads page.
Once you extract the full package it is inside src\interfaces\libpq.
The PostgreSQL installation guide details how to install only the client libraries in the Installation section, under Client-only installation.
Libpq documentation is also available.
In postgresql sources, src\interfaces\libpq.
And yes, it is possible to compile only the libpq.
get the lipq from repo, {for debian} :
sudo apt-get install libpq-dev
I was also facing this issue but didn't got a clear answer:
This issue clearly states that while installing diesel-cli system is not able to locate libpq.lib
First of all you should have a Postgres installed on your machine.
Also diesel require visual c++, thus download and install it if not already, the size of setup will be ~5gb.
Once above installations are done you need to setup environment variables:
In my case path of Postgres installation is C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL thus add 2 environment variable path under User variables add new in Path where your libpq.lib is located in my case it is available in both C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\12\lib and C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\12\bin
Once this is added create one more environment variable PQ_LIB_DIR and set path as shown below
Note: Once done re-trigger the installation command in a new cmd window
Source: pq-sys and github-solution
For Windows users, it's in (version may be different)
C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\11\lib
There you find libpq.lib. Provide this directory to Linker input.
Don't forget to include C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\11\include directory for include directories.
I fix this problem reccently. This is a solution if you don't want to install Postgres in you windows.
At first, you need download Postgres Binaries. The version I download is 13.6, but it's seems like any version is fine.
Unzip the zip file.Copy libpq.lib from pgsql\lib to shomewhere like C:\Program Files\Postgres\lib.
Execute the following command in cmd window.
setx PQ_LIB_DIR "{where_you_copy_to}"
Open a new cmd windows and install diesel_cli
cargo install diesel_cli --no-default-features --features postgres
In linux vertify you get the libpq.
1st, there is an app: pg_config:
after you found out the pg_config absolute bin path.(if you installed multi version of postgressql) Then You can get
Print the location of C header files of the client interfaces.
Print the location of object code libraries.
Then try to compile/build some example code:
Some common failure example:
You can install Postgres locally from but select only "Command line tools" for install.
After that, you can found libpq.dll in C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\15\bin