Number of indexes per table - postgresql

Based on your experience, is there any practical limit on the number of indexes per one table in Postresql? In theory, there is not, as per the documentation, citation: "Maximum Indexes per Table Unlimited" But:
Is it that the more indexes you have the slower the queries? Does it make a difference if I have tens vs hundreds or even thousands indexes? I am asking after I've read the documentation on postgres' partial indexes which makes me think of some very creative solutions that, however, require a lot of indexes.

There is overhead in having a high number of indexes in a few different ways:
Space consumption, although this would be lower with partial indexes of course.
Query optimisation, through making the choice of optimiser plan potentialy more complex.
Table modification time, through the additional work in modifying indexes when a new row is inserted, or current row deleted or modified.
I tend by default to go heavy on indexing as:
Space is generally pretty cheap
Queries with bound variables only need to be optimised once
Rows generally have to be found much more often than they are modified, so it's generally more important to design the system for efficiently finding rows than it is for reducing overhead in making modifications to them.
The impact of missing a required index can be very high, even if the index is only required occasionally.
I've worked on an Oracle system with denormalised reporting tables having over 200 columns with 100 of them indexed, and it was not a problem. Partial indexes would have been nice, but Oracle does not support them directly (you use a rather inconvenient CASE hack).
So I'd go ahead and get creative, as long as you're aware of the pros and cons, and preferably you would also measure the impact that you're having on the system.


read queries becoming slower the more indexes I add

It seems that the more compound index I add to my collection it gets better to some point and then beyond that the more indexes the slower it becomes.
Is this possible? If so why?
I am referring to read queries. not write queries. I am aware that writes will be slower.
This is the case for any sort of index, not just compound indexes.
In MongoDB (and most databases) a lot of operations are sped up by having an index, at the cost of maintaining each index.
Generally speaking this shouldn't slow down things like a find but it will very much affect insert and update as those change the underlying data and thus requires modifying or rebuilding of each index those changes are linked to.
However, even with inserts and updates an index can help speed up those operations as the query engine can find the documents to update quicker.
In the end it very much a balance as the cost to maintain the indexes, and the space they take up ... can if you were to be overzealous (i.e. creating many, many less used indexes) ... counteract their helpfulness.
For a deeper dive into that, I'd suggest these docs:
I agree with the information that #Justin Jenkins shared in their answer, as there is absolutely write overhead associated with maintaining indexes. I don't think that answer focuses query performance much though which is what I understand this question to be about. I will give some thoughts about that below, though without additional details about the situation it will necessarily be a little generic.
Although indexes absolutely feel magical at times, they are still just a utility that we make available for the database to use when running operations. Ideally it would never be the case that adding an index would slow down the execution of a query, but unfortunately it can in some circumstances. This is not particularly common which is why it is not often an upfront talking point or concern.
Here are some important considerations:
The database is responsible for figuring out the index(es) that would result in the most efficient execution plan for every arbitrary query that is executed
Indexes are data structures. They take up space in memory when loaded from disk and must be traversed to be read.
The server hosting the database only has finite resources. Every time it uses some of those resources to maintain indexes it reduces the amount of resources available to process queries. It also introduces more possibilities for locking, yielding, or other contention to maintain consistency.
If you are observing a sudden and drastic degradation in query performance, I would tend to suspect a problem associated with the first consideration above. Again while not particularly common, it is possible that the increased number of indexes is now preventing the database from finding the optimal plan. This would be most likely if the query contained an $or operator, but can happen in other situations as well. Be on the lookout for a different index being reported in the winningPlan of the explain output for the query. It would usually happen after a specific number of indexes were created and/or if that new index(es) had a particular definition relevant to the query of interest.
A slower and more linear degradation in performance would seem to be for a different reason, such as the second or third items mentioned above. While memory/cache contention can certainly still degrade performance reasonably quickly, you would not see a shift in the query plans with one of these problems. What can happen here instead is now you have two indexes which (for simplicity) take up twice the amount of space now competing for the same limited space in memory. If what is requested exceeds what is available then the database will have to begin reading useful portions of the indexes (and data) into and out of its cache. This overhead can quickly add up and will result in operations now spending more time waiting for their portion of the index to be made available in memory for reading. I would expect a broader portion of queries to be impacted, though more moderately, in this situation.
In any case, the most actionable broad advice we can give would be for you to review and consolidate your existing indexes. There is a little bit of guidance on the topic here in the documentation. The general idea is that the prefix of the index (the keys at the beginning) are the important ones when it comes to usage for queries. Except for a few special circumstances, a single field index on { A: 1 } is completely redundant if you have a separate compound index on { A: 1, B: 1 }. Since the latter index can support all of the operations that the former one can, the former one (single field index in this example) should be removed.
Ultimately you may have to make some tradeoffs about which indexes to maintain and there may not be a 'perfect' index present for every single query. That's okay. Sometimes it is better to let one query do a little extra scanning when one of its predicate fields is not indexed as opposed to maintaining an entirely separate index. There is a tradeoff here at some point and, as #Justin Jenkins put it, it's important to go too far and become overzealous when creating indexes.

Increase postgresql-9.5 performance on 200+ million records

I have 200+ millions of records in postgresql-9.5 table. Almost all queries are analytical queries. To increase and optimize the query performance so far I am trying with Indexing and seems that its not sufficient. What are the other options i need to look it into?
Depending on where clause condition create partitioned table (
,it will reduce query cost drastically,also if there is certain fixed value in where clause do partial indexing on partitioned table.
Important point check order of columns in where clause and match it while indexing
You should upgrade to PostgreSQL v10 so that you can use parallel query.
That enables you to run sequential and index scans with several background workers in parallel, which can speed up these operations on large tables.
A good database layout, good indexing, lots of RAM and fast storage are also important factors for good performance of analytical queries.
If the analysis involves a lot of aggregation, consider materialized views to store the aggregates. Materialized views do take up space and they need to be refreshed too. But they are very useful for data aggregation.

are hashed indexes in mongodb field-size limited?

in our DB we have a large text field which we want to filter on exists/does not exist basis. So we don't need to perform any text search in it.
we assume that index would help, although it's not guaranteed the fiels wont exceed 1024 bytes. So that's not an option.
does hashed index on such field support $exists-filtering queries?
do hashed indexes impose any field-size limitations (in our experiments, hashed index is well capable of indexing fields where ordinary index fails)? We haven't found any explicit statement on this in docs though.
is chosen approach as a whole the correct one?
Yes, your approach is the correct one given the constraints. However, there are some caveats.
The performance advantage of an index compared to a collection scan is limited by the RAM available, since mongod tries to keep indices in RAM. If it can't (die to queries, for example), even an index will be read from disk, more or less eliminating the performance advantage in using it. So you should test wether the additional index does not push the RAM needed beyond the limits of your planned deployment.
The other, more severe problem is that you can not use said index to reliably distinguish unique documents with it, since there is no guarantee for uniqueness on hashes. Albeit a bit theoretical, you have to keep that in mind.

MongoDB multiple compound indexing will affect performance?

Is creating multiple compound indexes for serving various types of queries is better?
Is it better to
use a single compound index in a way that supports multiple queries(which is hard to analysis and construct, since there are many number of queries).
My basic question is "Does creating multiple compound indexes will slow down read/write operations?"
Please suggest me a solution.
There isn't any answer that fits all cases, but in general adding the right indexes will give you better performance. You will have less reads when accessing data. Calculating the index will cost you some performance, however if they are correct and used your db will perform better afterwards. Start with monitoring: mongodb monitoring docs
Indices will slow down writes but speed up reads. A high read to write ratio warrants one or more indices on commonly fetched fields (keys). For example our current system sees 25 writes to 20,000 reads (tps) so indices are beneficial to counter the wide margin. That being said, be mindful of retaining the mongo write lock as short as possible.
MongoDB uses a readers-writer 1 lock that allows concurrent reads
access to a database but gives exclusive access to a single write
operation. mongodb docs

indexing multiple keys for random queries in different combinations of keys

I'm building an application that stores lots of data per user (possibly in gigabytes).
Something like a request log, so lets say you have the following fields for every record:
response code
response time (range)
and possibly some more.
The good thing is that the usage will be mostly write only, but when there are reads
I'd like to be able to answer then quickly in near real time.
Another prediction about the usage pattern is that most of the time people will be looking at the most recent data,
and infrequently query for the past, aggregate etc, so my guess is that the working set will be much smaller then
the whole database, i.e. recent data for most users and ranges of history for some users that are doing analytics right now.
for the later case I suppose its ok for first query to be slower until it gets the range into memory.
But the problem is that Im not quite sure how to effectively index the data.
The start of the index is clear, its customer_id and date. but the rest can be
used in any combination and I can't predict the most common ones, at least not with any degree of certainty.
We are currently prototyping this with mongo. Is there a way to do it in mongo (storage/cpu/cost) effectively?
The only thing that comes to mind is to try to predict a couple of frequent queries and index them and just massively shard the data
and ensure that each customer's data is spread evenly over the shards to allow fast table scan over just the 'customer, date' index for the rest
of the queries.
P.S. I'm also open to suggestions about db alternatives.
with this limited number of fields, you could potentially just have an index on each of them, or perhaps in combination with customer_id. MongoDB is clever enough to pick the fastest index for each case then. If you can fit your whole data set in memory (a few GB is not a lot of data!), then this all really doesn't matter.
You're saying you have a GB per user, but that still means you can have an index on the fields as there are only about a dozen. And with that much data, you want sharding anyway at some point soon.
I think, your requirements don't really mix well together. You can't have lots of data and instantaneous ad-hoc queries.
If you use a lot of indexes, then your writes will be slow, and you'll need much more RAM.
May I suggest this:
Keep your index on customer id and date to serve recent data to users and relax your requirements to either real-timeliness or accuracy of aggregate queries.
If you sacrifice accuracy, you will be firing map-reduce jobs every once in a while to precompute queries. Users then may see slightly stale data (or may not, it's historical immutable data, after all).
If you sacrifice speed, then you'll run map-reduce each time (right now it's the only sane way of calculating aggregates in a mongodb cluster).
Hope this helps :)