join table between 2 persistance unit - jpa

I have two different persistence units in my application. I'm using JPA 2.0 as ejb3.0 as my entity provider. In one of my database schemas, I have a table which contains a column which has a foreign key relationship to a table in the other schema. These tables are mapped as separate entities in my code with no relationship. Is it possible to construct a named query to join across these two schemas?

across 2 schemas, yes.
across 2 persistence units no, since anything referenced has to be present in the persistence unit.
No reason why a persistence unit can't have entities from 2 schemas


How to refer two schemas in single entity using ejb

I want to use two different schema in database, each schema has same set of Tables but data differs. How to use same entity two point different schemas in ejb.
Thanks in advance

Joining multiple tables from different databases

I am working on ASP.NET core application where I am using Entity Framework to interact with SQL server database. so far, I was using Scaffold-DbContext command to create new model from SQL server database. Even if , we wanted to create DbContext based on multiple tables, I could do that using -t flag in above command. Everything happening on single SQL database.
Scaffold-DbContext "Server=XXXXXXXXX;Database=XXXXXXXX;User Id=XXXXX;Password:XXXXXX" Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -OutputDir Models -t Table1 Table2
From Scaffold-DbContext parameters commands, I couldn't find option to specify different databases.
In new scenario, I have to join 2 tables from different SQL databases. Is there a way to create model which is consist of 2 tables from different databases. Both tables are using one-to-one relationship between them.
For example- DB1 has table1 and DB2 has table2. Is there a way to create a DbContext which is consist of these 2 tables (table1 and table2)?
Is there any other way to achieve join between 2 tables from 2 different database?
No, you can't do that with EntityFramework (neither 6.x nor Core). A DbContext is per database and you can only do joins within the same DbContext.
You could create a view and map the view to the models you needs, but iirc. mapping of views is still on the roadmap for EntityFramework Core. May work with EntityFramework 6.x though.
At least you can't doing it with Linq/Fluent api. You can execute raw queries though. The catch: The project must match the model exactly, there can't be any missing fields of the model. The Ad-hoc mapping to non-entities is on the roadmap for future versions of EntityFramework Core

Stored procedures with joined data in entity framework

We currently have a system with quite large database and stored procedures are used both for CUD and querying. DataSets are used to retrieve the results from the SP querys.
Now we are looking into developing another project against the same database using Entity Framework. When querying the database, the stored procedures often perform a lot of joins to gather some fields not in the target table, but data from the joined tables that is needed by the client in some way. When using DataSets, all the fields returned by the SP was included in the DataTable. So the DataTable doesn't actually match the target database table.
What is the correct way of handling this scenario in EF? When creating my model, the entities are mapped to each table which as mentioned above only sometimes matches the result of the SP. Can I add the "additional" fields of the SP query result to the entity class as properties and have them filled by the query but with these properties being excluded when it comes to CUD on the specific entity type? Seems like the EF-way, if queried through LINQ to Entities and not SPs, would be to have entity instances with relational properties to the joined entities so that using those "additional" properties would be done by navigating the relational properties?
You can define an arbitrary complex type (just a class that's generated for you, to match the columns and datatypes returned by the stored procedure) as the return type for your stored procedure in Entity Framework (as of version 4 and newer) - no problem here.
See Stored Procedures in the Entity Framework for a great explanation of all things related to using stored procedures in Entity Framework.

How to split tables among databases with JPA (Eclipselink)?

Is there a way to split a database using JPA (eclipselink)? I would like to separate the system data from the client data.
I would like to have relationship between them and if possible being one Persisence Unit.
Not sure what you mean. But you can have two persistence units, one for a client database, and one for a system databases.
If you want to use them as a single persistence unit from your application, or want to have relationships between the two, you can use Composite Persistence Units in EclipseLink.

one or more Entity models for one database for entity framework?

When use entity framework for DAL tier, VS 2010 can create edmx for each database.
If I have a database with many tables, should I create only one edmx for all tables or mutiple edmx files? for example, maybe all security tables for one edmx file, other tables for another edmx file. If there is more than one, then in other tiers, there will have more then on ObjectContext in code for business logic.
Which one it the best solution for this case?
I've done this before when experimenting with AdventureWorks. If you have a large database with lots of tables, and the tables are segmented into separate schemas (like the Purchasing, Sales, HumanResources schemas in AdventureWorks) then it may work well to create multiple models. They don't have to be separate schemas- any two groups of related tables where there are no relations between the groups would work.
You'd want to make sure that you include all related tables in each model so that you don't have to try to join entities across models.