can't shard a collection on mongodb - mongodb

I have a db ("mydb") on mongo that contains 2 collections (c1 and c2). c1 is already hash sharded. I want to shard a second collection the same way. I get the following error :
use mydb
sh.shardCollection("mydb.c2", {"LOG_DATE": "hashed"})
"proposedKey" : {
"LOG_DATE" : "hashed"
"curIndexes" : [
"v" : 1,
"key" : {
"_id" : 1
"ns" : "mydb.c1",
"name" : "_id_"
"ok" : 0,
"errmsg" : "please create an index that starts with the shard key before sharding."
So I did
db.c2.ensureIndex({LOG_DATE: 1})
sh.shardCollection("mydb.c2", {"LOG_DATE": "hashed"})
Same error but it shows the new index.
"proposedKey" : {
"LOG_DATE" : "hashed"
"curIndexes" : [
"v" : 1,
"key" : {
"_id" : 1
"ns" : "mydb.c2",
"name" : "_id_"
"v" : 1,
"key" : {
"LOG_DATE" : 1
"ns" : "mydb.c2",
"name" : "LOG_DATE_1"
"ok" : 0,
"errmsg" : "please create an index that starts with the shard key before sharding."
Just to be sure, I run :
{ "v" : 1, "key" : { "_id" : 1 }, "ns" : "mydb.c1", "name" : "_id_" }
{ "v" : 1, "key" : { "timestamp" : "hashed" }, "ns" : "mydb.c1", "name" : "timestamp_hashed" }
{ "v" : 1, "key" : { "_id" : 1 }, "ns": "mydb.c2", "name" : "_id_" }
{ "v" : 1, "key" : { "LOG_DATE" : 1 }, "ns" : "mydb.c2", "name" : "LOG_DATE_1" }
I try again the same commands on admin and it fails with the same error.
Then I tried on admin without "hashed" and it worked.
db.runCommand({shardCollection: "mydb.c2", key: {"LOG_DATE": 1}})
Problem : now my collection is sharded on something that is not hashed and I can't change it (error : "already sharded")
What was wrong with what I did ?
How can I fix this ?
Thanks in advance

The problem initially was that you did not have a hashed index what you proposed to use for sharding this is the error message is about. After the first error message, when you created an index which is
"v" : 1,
"key" : {
"LOG_DATE" : 1
"ns" : "mydb.c2",
"name" : "LOG_DATE_1"
You still just have an ordinary index which is not a hashed one. If you would do this :
db.c2.ensureIndex({LOG_DATE: "hashed"})
Instead of this :
db.c2.ensureIndex({LOG_DATE: 1})
Than would be a hashed index. As you can see in the output of the db.system.indexes.find() on the other collection you have a hashed index for the timestamp i assume this is the shard key for that collection.
So if you have no data in the c2 collection:
db.c2.ensureIndex({LOG_DATE: "hashed"})
sh.shardCollection("mydb.c2", {"LOG_DATE": "hashed"})
This will work properly.


mongodb findOne not found document in base

in my collection i have this document:
"_id" : ObjectId("5eecb84a9e41ff609fd6389a"),
"uid" : NumberLong(619942065802969109),
"banmute" : 0,
"expire" : ISODate("2023-03-15T13:06:18.694Z"),
"fid" : "3cac4490b6ca491e838d4e5317e5b87e",
"id" : null,
"nick" : "Flawe",
"nicks_ld" : "",
"old_nicks" : "",
"reason" : ""
Indexes is:
/* 1 */
"v" : 2,
"key" : {
"_id" : 1
"name" : "_id_",
"ns" : "fsl.index_profile"
"v" : 2,
"unique" : true,
"key" : {
"uid" : 1
"name" : "uid_1",
"ns" : "fsl.index_profile",
"background" : true
On direct request i have null answer:
db.getCollection('index_profile').findOne({uid: 619942065802969109})
result: ->
But if i request $gte i found it:
db.getCollection('index_profile').find({uid: {$gte: 619942065802969109}}).limit(1)
result: ->
/* 1 */
"_id" : ObjectId("5eecb84a9e41ff609fd6389a"),
"uid" : NumberLong(619942065802969109),
"banmute" : 0,
"expire" : ISODate("2023-03-15T13:06:18.694Z"),
"fid" : "3cac4490b6ca491e838d4e5317e5b87e",
"id" : null,
"nick" : "Flawe",
"nicks_ld" : "",
"old_nicks" : "",
"reason" : ""
I tried deleting the cache, rebooting the server, deleting indexes, assigned different new indexes
I am in despair, help solve this problem
have you tried:
db.getCollection('index_profile').findOne({uid: NumberLong(619942065802969109)})

MongoDB PartialFilterExpression filter issue

I have a collection of items where a document looks something like this:
"source" : "rest",
"serviceCode" : "fluff",
"fluff" : "puff",
"systemEntryTime" : ISODate("2018-05-16T09:04:00.585Z")
I have an index with a TTL option for two weeks :
"v" : 1,
"key" : {
"systemEntryTime" : 1
"name" : "systemEntryTime_1",
"ns" : "storage.item",
"expireAfterSeconds" : NumberLong(1209600)
Now I want certain documents where source = "ftp" to have a different TTL. For this purpose I created the following index with a partialFilterExpression:
"v" : 1,
"key" : {
"systemEntryTime" : 1,
"source" : 1
"name" : "systemEntryTime_1_source_1",
"ns" : "storage.item",
"expireAfterSeconds" : NumberLong(1),
"partialFilterExpression" : {
"source" : {
"$eq" : "ftp"
Unfortunately this is not working, what am I doing wrong here? I have experimented with dropping the old index and using only this, but no documents a dropped according to the TTL (or any documents at all for that matter).

mongodb - indexes disappear after few minutes

Have tested this on MongoDB 3.4 and 3.6:
Create one or more indexes in a collection
rs1:PRIMARY> db.coll.createIndex({checkinDate:1}, {background:1})
"createdCollectionAutomatically" : false,
"numIndexesBefore" : 1,
"numIndexesAfter" : 2,
"ok" : 1,
"operationTime" : Timestamp(1518162276, 2),
"$clusterTime" : {
"clusterTime" : Timestamp(1518162276, 2),
"signature" : {
"keyId" : NumberLong(0)
Now list the indexes.
rs1:PRIMARY> db.coll.getIndexes()
"v" : 2,
"key" : {
"_id" : 1
"name" : "_id_",
"ns" : "cico.coll"
"v" : 2,
"key" : {
"checkinDate" : 1
"name" : "checkinDate_1",
"ns" : "cico.coll",
"background" : 1
Wait for some time (few mins)
List the indexes again:
rs1:PRIMARY> db.coll.getIndexes()
"v" : 2,
"key" : {
"_id" : 1
"name" : "_id_",
"ns" : "cico.coll"
I have no clue why these indexes created are getting deleted? Any help appreciated.
Index option background is of type boolean, try:
db.coll.createIndex (
{ checkinDate:1 }, { background: true }
this is actually a non-issue. there was a program, running in the background, which was dropping all the indexes periodically (for a completely different reason).

Mongo Case Insensitive index (collation) not getting results

I'm trying to use the CaseInsensitive Index using Mongoid 5. I even went down to the Mongo console to run the experiments but it won't pull the results at all:
> db.charges.getIndexes()
"v" : 1,
"key" : {
"_id" : 1
"name" : "_id_",
"ns" : "paymentsapi_development.charges"
> db.charges.createIndex({'':1},{name:'emails_index',collation:{locale:'en',strength:1}})
"createdCollectionAutomatically" : false,
"numIndexesBefore" : 1,
"numIndexesAfter" : 2,
"ok" : 1
> db.charges.getIndexes()
"v" : 1,
"key" : {
"_id" : 1
"name" : "_id_",
"ns" : "paymentsapi_development.charges"
"v" : 1,
"key" : {
"" : 1
"name" : "emails_index",
"ns" : "paymentsapi_development.charges",
"collation" : {
"locale" : "en",
"strength" : 1
> db.charges.find({'':''}).count()
> db.charges.find({'':'LoLo#LoLo.cOm'}).collation({locale:'en',strength:1}).count()
I'm basing in the Collation ( and the Case Insensitive Index ( .
I already checked the db version, the db.adminCommand( { setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: <version> } ) based on and all further things possible.
Any help is very appreciated.

Cannot create index - bad index key pattern

After some activities with my database, I lost my index. I had these indexes:
"v" : 1,
"key" : {
"_id" : 1
"name" : "_id_",
"ns" : "collection.statement"
"v" : 1,
"unique" : true,
"key" : {
"name" : 1
"name" : "name_1",
"ns" : "collection.statement"
and now I have only first one.
I've entered this command
"v" : 1,
"unique" : true,
"key" :{ "name" : 1 },
"name" : "name_1",
"ns" : "collection.statement"
and I only get and error message that i have a bad index key pattern.
Please, help me, how to return this index? What I do wrong?
Use this:
db.collection.createIndex( { "name": 1 }, { unique: true } )
You attempt includes internal aspects of the index ("v" : 1), you just need to supply the field(s) and an order for each and the unique instruction.
More details in the docs.