mongodb findOne not found document in base - mongodb

in my collection i have this document:
"_id" : ObjectId("5eecb84a9e41ff609fd6389a"),
"uid" : NumberLong(619942065802969109),
"banmute" : 0,
"expire" : ISODate("2023-03-15T13:06:18.694Z"),
"fid" : "3cac4490b6ca491e838d4e5317e5b87e",
"id" : null,
"nick" : "Flawe",
"nicks_ld" : "",
"old_nicks" : "",
"reason" : ""
Indexes is:
/* 1 */
"v" : 2,
"key" : {
"_id" : 1
"name" : "_id_",
"ns" : "fsl.index_profile"
"v" : 2,
"unique" : true,
"key" : {
"uid" : 1
"name" : "uid_1",
"ns" : "fsl.index_profile",
"background" : true
On direct request i have null answer:
db.getCollection('index_profile').findOne({uid: 619942065802969109})
result: ->
But if i request $gte i found it:
db.getCollection('index_profile').find({uid: {$gte: 619942065802969109}}).limit(1)
result: ->
/* 1 */
"_id" : ObjectId("5eecb84a9e41ff609fd6389a"),
"uid" : NumberLong(619942065802969109),
"banmute" : 0,
"expire" : ISODate("2023-03-15T13:06:18.694Z"),
"fid" : "3cac4490b6ca491e838d4e5317e5b87e",
"id" : null,
"nick" : "Flawe",
"nicks_ld" : "",
"old_nicks" : "",
"reason" : ""
I tried deleting the cache, rebooting the server, deleting indexes, assigned different new indexes
I am in despair, help solve this problem

have you tried:
db.getCollection('index_profile').findOne({uid: NumberLong(619942065802969109)})


MongoDB - how to optimise find query with regex search, with sort

I need to execute the following query:
where X and Y are numbers.
The number of documents in my collection is:
Currently, this sort of query takes about 6 minutes to execute.
I have the following indexes:
"v" : 2,
"key" : {
"_id" : 1
"name" : "_id_"
"v" : 2,
"key" : {
"venue.raw" : 1
"name" : "venue.raw_1"
"v" : 2,
"key" : {
"venue.raw" : 1,
"title" : 1,
"year" : -1
"name" : "venue.raw_1_title_1_year_-1"
A standard document looks like this:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5fc25fc091e3146fb10484af"), "id" : "1967181478", "title" : "Quality of Life of Swedish Women with Fibromyalgia Syndrome, Rheumatoid Arthritis or Systemic Lupus Erythematosus", "authors" : [ { "name" : "Carol S. Burckhardt", "id" : "2052326732" }, { "name" : "Birgitha Archenholtz", "id" : "2800742121" }, { "name" : "Kaisa Mannerkorpi", "id" : "240289002" }, { "name" : "Anders Bjelle", "id" : "2419758571" } ], "venue" : { "raw" : "Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain", "id" : "49327845" }, "year" : 1993, "n_citation" : 31, "page_start" : "199", "page_end" : "207", "doc_type" : "Journal", "publisher" : "Taylor & Francis", "volume" : "1", "issue" : "", "doi" : "10.1300/J094v01n03_20" }
Is there any way to make this query execute in a few seconds?

Inconsistent query results with embedded documents on MongoDB

I've got a collection called payments with an example of its document shown below:
"_id" : ObjectId("579b5ee817e3aaac2f0aebc1"),
"updatedAt" : ISODate("2016-07-29T11:04:01.209-03:00"),
"createdAt" : ISODate("2016-07-29T10:49:28.113-03:00"),
"createdBy" : ObjectId("5763f56010cd7b03008147d4"),
"contract" : ObjectId("578cb907f1575f0300d84d09"),
"recurrence" : [
"when" : ISODate("2016-05-29T11:03:45.606-03:00"),
"_id" : ObjectId("579b6241ea945e3631f64e2d"),
"transaction" : {
"createdAt" : ISODate("2016-05-29T11:03:45.608-03:00"),
"tid" : "9999999999999999B01A",
"status" : 4,
"code" : "00",
"message" : "Transação autorizada"
"status" : "PAGO"
"when" : ISODate("2016-06-29T11:03:45.608-03:00"),
"_id" : ObjectId("579b6241ea945e3631f64e2c"),
"transaction" : {
"createdAt" : ISODate("2016-06-29T11:03:45.608-03:00"),
"tid" : "9999999999999999B01A",
"status" : 4,
"code" : "00",
"message" : "Transação autorizada"
"status" : "PAGO"
"when" : ISODate("2016-07-29T11:03:45.608-03:00"),
"_id" : ObjectId("579b6241ea945e3631f64e2b"),
"status" : "ERRO",
"transaction" : {
"code" : "56",
"createdAt" : ISODate("2016-07-29T11:04:01.196-03:00"),
"message" : "Autorização negada",
"status" : 5,
"tid" : "1006993069000730B88A"
"when" : ISODate("2016-07-30T11:03:45.608-03:00"),
"_id" : ObjectId("579b6241ea945e3631f64e2a"),
"status" : "PENDENTE"
"when" : ISODate("2016-07-31T11:03:45.608-03:00"),
"_id" : ObjectId("579b6241ea945e3631f64e29"),
"status" : "PENDENTE"
"when" : ISODate("2016-08-01T11:03:45.608-03:00"),
"_id" : ObjectId("579b6241ea945e3631f64e28"),
"status" : "PENDENTE"
"status" : "PAGO",
"conditions" : {
"originalValue" : 7406.64,
"totalValue" : 7400,
"upfrontValue" : 1500,
"upfrontInstallments" : 3,
"balanceInstallments" : 9
"__v" : 0,
"transaction" : {
"code" : "00",
"createdAt" : ISODate("2016-07-29T10:49:46.610-03:00"),
"message" : "Transação autorizada",
"status" : 6,
"tid" : "1006993069000730AF5A"
If I run the query below, I get the desired document shown above:
db.payments.find({ "recurrence.transaction.tid": "1006993069000730B88A" })
However, if I run this other query, MongoDB returns my entire collection (presumably because it didn't match the subdocument's id):
db.payments.find({ "recurrence._id": ObjectId("579b6241ea945e3631f64e2b") })
Both queries should return the same result! I also checked some other questions including this one so unless I'm going crazy I'm doing the same thing. Not sure why the inconsistent results though.
Tryout this:
db.payments.find({ recurrence : { $elemMatch: { "transaction.tid": "1006993069000730B88A"} } }).pretty()

$near query returns 0 results after adding $maxDistance

I have a database with structure like this :
"_id" : ObjectId("5785663bda7b71a0c5601c89"),
"visible" : true,
"created" : {
"changeset" : "29670315",
"user" : "samit_53",
"version" : "1",
"uid" : "2297171",
"timestamp" : "2015-03-23T03:59:14Z"
"type" : "node",
"id" : "3413812873",
"pos" : [
Now I have '2d' index on pos
"v" : 1,
"key" : {
"_id" : 1
"ns" : "project_sample.kol_sample",
"name" : "_id_"
"v" : 1,
"key" : {
"pos" : "2d"
"ns" : "project_sample.kol_sample",
"name" : "pos_2d"
Now when I query with only the $near I get 100 results
"_id" : ObjectId("5785663bda7b71a0c5601c89"),
"visible" : true,
"created" : {
"changeset" : "29670315",
"user" : "samit_53",
"version" : "1",
"uid" : "2297171",
"timestamp" : "2015-03-23T03:59:14Z"
"type" : "node",
"id" : "3413812873",
"pos" : [
But after I add the $maxDistance param no matter what distance I pass it always returns null
MongoDB shell version: 2.4.9 32bit
I was using a wrong syntax where I need to pass $maxDistance in the dictionary passed to the pos

MongoDB : geospatial index not getting added

I have a mongo collection where each document has a 'loc' array as follows:
> db.trucks.findOne()
"_id" : ObjectId("52afe2a9e8de3f311ec675ee"),
"objectid" : "427856",
"fooditems" : "Cupcakes",
"facilitytype" : "Truck",
"loc" : [
"priorpermit" : "0",
"location" : {
"latitude" : "37.7901490874965",
"needs_recoding" : false,
"longitude" : "-122.398658184594"
"lot" : "055",
"cnn" : "101000",
"status" : "REQUESTED",
"schedule" : "",
"locationdescription" : "01ST ST: STEVENSON ST to JESSIE ST (21 - 56)",
"latitude" : "37.7901490737255",
"blocklot" : "3708055",
"address" : "50 01ST ST",
"received" : "Mar 14 2013 3:34PM",
"applicant" : "Cupkates Bakery, LLC",
"longitude" : "-122.398658184604",
"expirationdate" : "2013-03-15T00:00:00",
"permit" : "13MFF-0068",
"y" : "2115738.283",
"x" : "6013063.33",
"block" : "3708"
When I try to index on 'loc', it doesn't get added:
> db.trucks.ensureIndex( { loc : "2d" } )
> db.trucks.getIndexes()
"v" : 1,
"key" : {
"_id" : 1
"ns" : "food.trucks",
"name" : "_id_"
What am I doing wrong?
Shouldn't be db.trucks.ensureIndex( { loc : "2d" } )? You are creating indexes on some other collection.

Why Using GeohayStack fail

I run this query in mongo shell, and successful get result
db.tablebusiness.find({ "LongitudeLatitude" : { "$near" : [106.772835, -6.186753], "$maxDistance" : 0.053980478460939611 }, "indexContents" : { "$all" : [/^warung/] } }).limit(2);
I got:
"_id" : "warung-nasi-nur-karomah__-6.19_106.78",
"BuildingID" : null,
"Title" : "Warung Nasi Nur Karomah",
"InBuildingAddress" : null,
"Building" : null,
"Street" : "Jl. Arjuna Utara No.35",
"Districts" : [],
"City" : "Jakarta",
"Country" : "Indonesia",
"LongitudeLatitudeFromGoogle" : null,
"DistanceFromGoogleAddress" : 0.0,
"Checkin" : 0,
"Note" : null,
"PeopleCount" : 0,
"Prominent" : 45.5,
"CountViews" : 0,
"StreetAdditional" : null,
"LongitudeLatitude" : {
"Longitude" : 106.775693893433,
"Latitude" : -6.18759540055471
"Rating" : {
"Stars" : 0.0,
"Weight" : 0.0
"Reviews" : [],
"ZIP" : null,
"Tags" : ["Restaurant"],
"Phones" : ["081380087011"],
"Website" : null,
"Email" : null,
"Price" : null,
"openingHour" : null,
"Promotions" : [],
"SomethingWrong" : false,
"BizMenus" : [],
"Brochures" : [],
"Aliases" : [],
"indexContents" : ["restaura", "estauran", "staurant", "taurant", "aurant", "urant", "rant", "ant", "nt", "t", "warung", "arung", "rung", "ung", "ng", "g", "nasi", "asi", "si", "i", "nur", "ur", "r", "karomah", "aromah", "romah", "omah", "mah", "ah", "h"]
But when I try this query with additional search multikey index I got nothing result
db.runCommand({ geoSearch : "tablebusiness", near : [106.772835, -6.186753], maxDistance : 0.053980478460939611, search : { "indexContents" : { "$all" : [/^warung/] } }, limit : 30 })
I got this
"results" : [ ],
"stats" : {
"time" : 0,
"btreeMatches" : 0,
"n" : 0
"ok" : 1
This is index in my collection database
"v" : 1,
"key" : {
"_id" : 1
"ns" : "isikotacobacoba.tablebusiness",
"name" : "_id_"
"v" : 1,
"key" : {
"LongitudeLatitude" : "2d",
"Prominent" : -1,
"indexContents" : 1
"ns" : "isikotacobacoba.tablebusiness",
"name" : "LongLat_Prominent_indexContents",
"dropDups" : false,
"background" : false
"v" : 1,
"key" : {
"LongitudeLatitude" : "2d",
"Prominent" : -1
"ns" : "isikotacobacoba.tablebusiness",
"name" : "LongLat_Prominent",
"dropDups" : false,
"background" : false
"v" : 1,
"key" : {
"indexContents" : 1
"ns" : "isikotacobacoba.tablebusiness",
"name" : "indexContents",
"dropDups" : false,
"background" : false
"v" : 1,
"key" : {
"LongitudeLatitude" : "2d",
"indexContents" : 1,
"Prominent" : -1
"ns" : "isikotacobacoba.tablebusiness",
"name" : "LongitudeLatitude__indexContents_1_Prominent_-1",
"bits" : 22
"v" : 1,
"key" : {
"Title" : 1
"ns" : "isikotacobacoba.tablebusiness",
"name" : "Title",
"dropDups" : false,
"background" : false
"v" : 1,
"key" : {
"City" : 1
"ns" : "isikotacobacoba.tablebusiness",
"name" : "City",
"dropDups" : false,
"background" : false
"v" : 1,
"key" : {
"LongitudeLatitude" : "geoHaystack",
"indexContents" : 1
"ns" : "isikotacobacoba.tablebusiness",
"name" : "LongitudeLatitude__indexContents_1",
"bucketSize" : 0.1
How format use runCommand mongoDB using geohaystack with additional field mulikey??
Geohaystack queries do not support arrays for the additional field,
only single values. The current implementation of geospatial indexes
and geohaystacks do not use the standard query and index code.
The examples from MongoDB's geohaystack documentation ( )
only shows the additional field to be a simple single value, not an
array of values in a geohaystack query.