How can I replace `UITableViewCell` with a `UIScrollView` or `UITableView` after the main `UITableView` is already loaded? - iphone

So I am messing around with how this feels in my app. I have a UITableView and I have the swiping/panning in place, where I kind of flick the cell away and once the cell is away I have it call a method in the same class where I have my UITableView as a property. Once that cell is swiped away and that method gets called, I want to animate the size of the now empty cell to be about 3 times the size of the cell and have a UIScrollView or UITableView be added. It will be a place to store all comments about that cell.
Basically, I would just like some ideas on how I can replace a swiped cell with a UIScrollView or UITableView and animate it to three times the size of any cell.

In a nutshell, if the text below is tl;dr:
call reloadRowsAtIndexPaths, remember which cell you've changed, update cellForRowAtIndexPath and heightForRowAtIndexPath accordingly, and you are set to go.
Full version:
When you said swiped away, did you meant that you are reloading or deleting certain row of your UITableView?
If so, I think you might be able to do what you described by calling [tableView reloadRowsAtIndexPaths:indexPaths withRowAnimation:UITableViewRowAnimationLeft]; (or whatever direction you'd like), then saving the indexPaths you've changed (in your case only one indexPath), and react appropriately in the cellForRowAtIndexPath dataSource method - changing the normal cell for another one, custom-made, with UITableView or UIScrollView inside, and also reacting in the heightForRowAtIndexPath delegate method, to change the height.
The animation itself will be handled by tableView, so that's an ease for you.
Also, if you will use this method to change the contents of the cell for UITableView, don't forget to assign delegate and dataSource of that cell's new tableView, since that causes lot of troubles when forgot.


CellForRowAtIndexPath returning the wrong cell

I am running into an issue where cellForRowAtIndexPath is returning the wrong cell and therefore, it is seguing and performing other actions on the wrong cell.
I have built custom cells that are quite big because I am fitting some UIImageViews (+text +buttons), so a cell takes up the entire screen. When you scroll down and two cells are on the screen at the same time, if you tap on the top one, it segues to the content of the bottom one (same for button actions inside the cell).
I thought this might be specific to IB, so I rebuilt everything in code, but am still having the same behavior.
Is there any way to fix this and maintain the correct indexPaths?
I think you have your perspective wrong. cellForRowAtIndexPath doesn't return wrong cells. It should just return a fresh cell, which may have been recycled if you're using dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier or similar. In which case, dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier will return any old cell which may have just scrolled off the top. It's your job to take the fresh cell (which may be a new cell or a recycled one) and stuff the correct values in it, inside cellForRowAtIndexPath. Then the cell it returns will be the "correct" one because you've just written all the correct values to it. So I would look at your implementation of cellForRowAtIndexPath to make sure that correct values for the index path that you're passed are stuffed into the cell that cellForRowAtIndexPath returns.

Expanding UITableViewCell on Tap?

I need to expand a UITableView cell when I tap it (animate it as well). However I don't know the cell which is being tapped and I have seen the answer here: Can you animate a height change on a UITableViewCell when selected?
It seems to be a very popular answer, not just in the question. However, I need to get the cell, so how in the heightForRowAtIndexPath method can I get the cell?
Because I have tried this:
UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:indexPath];
However using this in the heightForRowAtIndexPath method crashes the app as the first time it runs (when the view loads) it gets caught in an infinite loop I think.
Anyway if I was to take this approach how would you suggest i get around this issue? I need to access the cell. Or how else would you expand your tableview cell (animated)?
Carry on adjusting the height as you are.
I would suggest trying to get as much as you can from autoresizing masks as they have worked well for me in the past.
If you need finer grained control you can create a subclass and override the setFrame: method to find out when the frame is changing size and then set up animations appropriately there.

How to have an editable multine UITextView in UITableViewCell

I've got a UITextView inside a UITableViewCell subclass. I have no problem getting the new height of the Text view and cell. The problem I have is telling the UITableView to update.
I have implemented heightForRowAtIndexPath: to return the live height of the cell as the TextView expands.
But somewhere `[tableView beginUpdates]; [tableView endUpdates]; must be called.
How? Should I add a delegate property to the UITableViewCell which is set to the UITableViewController subclass? And then send a delegate message when the cell expands height and the Tableview needs to update? It seems a little weird to have a delegate between the UITableViewCell and Controller?
I tried using NSNotificationCenter, but I have more than one editable cell, and more than tableview of this nature. So there is no way to register only for notifications for the cells without copying and pasting the same line over again, which isn't nice (as the cells are created in IB, and are not in an array or set), and having multiple tableviews means an exception occurs on the other table view as it is told to update but nothing changes.
I've seen lots of questions and answers on this topic, but when it comes to updating the tableview they all just say "now update the tableview" and not how to. So how do I telly he tableview to update, from one of it's cells?
I would think that this behavior would be best implemented in the UITableViewController instead of the view itself (the UITableViewCell).
Your controller is responsible for setting cell height, and typically will be the delegate for your UITextView's, so let it handle all of this.
In your textViewDidChange method, figure out what the new height of your cell should be, update your data structure to reflect that, and call reloadRowsAtIndexPaths:withRowAnimation: to have it actually change.
So since you didn't like my first suggestion, another way to do this would be to add a recommendedRowHeight property to your custom UITableViewCell.
Then, you can either observe this property from your UITableViewController or implement a delegate protocol with a method along the lines of:
- (void)recommendedRowHeightDidChange
// or
- (void)recommendedRowHeightDidChangeTo:(CGFloat)newHeight
Then, when your height changes, update your recommendedRowHeight property and call your delegate's method if you go that route.
Either way, once your controller figures out that the recommended row height of a cell has changed, it can do what it is supposed to do. Update your data structures reflecting the current row heights and then call reloadRowsAtIndexPaths:withRowAnimation:.
You can add your tableview controller object as a weak reference to your tableview cell class. And in tableview controller you can have a method which will be called from tableview cell class.

iphone sdk stay the selection colour of cell in UItableview?

How to get the selection cell still in the selected state in uitableview. Actually I am pushing a view from a tableview when came back then the selection cell is deseleted. I want to be show the previous selection cell when came back also how to do that.
In didselectrowatindexpath use the method selectRowAtIndexPath:animated:scrollPosition: and the row stays selected.
when you are going and coming back from anotherview make sure that save the selectedCell and then in viewwillappear method reloaddata.In cellforindexpath write the code of selection style uitableviewcellselectionstyleblue.
first, you can store the selected indexPath in user default in the didSelectRowAtIndexPath method.(maybe you can store a indexPath that is bigger than your table view's row count to indicate initialization stage, which means that no row has ever been selected)
then, you can load the stored indexPath in the viewDidLoad method using
tableView selectRowAtIndexPath:<#(NSIndexPath *)#> animated:<#(BOOL)#> scrollPosition:<#(UITableViewScrollPosition)#>
meanwhile, you can do some check (like mentioned above or something else) to check if there's nothing selected yet.(saving a bool in user defaults works, too)

How to get all the UITableViewCell from UITableView?

I have a list reusable UItableViewCells. As what I want: after selecting one of the cells, the app should update the images on each Cell.
For solving this requirement, I use method visibleCells to fetch all the cells from UITableView, and update the images in each cell by iterating the returned cell array.
But the problem is: I can not get all the cells, method visibelCells only returns the cells currently appear on the iPhone screen.
So, any idea about how to get all the reusable cells into one array?
I think that you might be misunderstanding how the UITableView is implemented. The important point to understand is that cells that are not visible i.e don't actually exist (or at least they might not)
Accordingly, you should update the images on the visible cells and update the images on other cells as they become visible in your implementation of
-(UITableViewCell) cellForRowAtIndexPath (NSIndexPath *)indexPath