artifactory not started after machine reboot - service

I have installed artifactory 3.0.3 on a debian 7 virtual machine. When I reboot the virtual machine using vSphere artifactory is not restarted. I originally started artifactory as root with
service artifactory start
which worked fine. There is also an artifactory script here:
why is that script not picked up on reboot?

Did you make sure that /etc/init.d/artifactory service was added to the default runlevels?
You should see symbolic links to the service in the /etc/rcX.d/ directories (where X is the runlevel number).
To add the service to the default runlevels use update-rc.d:
update-rc.d artifactory defaults


not able to find /var/lib/awx/projects directory after installing awx version 19 and more(19.2.2)

I installed AWX version 19.2.2 on my machine which is ubuntu 18.04.5
It got installed without any error and I can see the AWX web page at https://my machine ip:8043/#/login. I installed AWX using docker. for AWX port 8043 is opened. From AWX page I tried running playbooks but i am not able to see the /var/lib/awx/projects/ directory in my machine after successfully installing AWX.Also i tried changing the path of the directory by changing the path in /awx/awx/settings/ changed path to /home/ubuntu/exmp/awx/projects.but no use.
so can anyone help me regarding this playbook directory to appear in my machine

VSCode: Using dev container remotely without local installation of docker

Currently, I have:
a desktop with low system specs, Windows 7 Pro (without Admin Rights), without docker.
a Virtual Machine with Centos7, and docker installed.
On my desktop, I can either use:
my local installation of VSCode, and Remote - SSH to develop remotely on my VM. It works well, but I can't combine this with Remote - Containers.
X11Forwarding to develop directly with VSCode installed on this VM. I can use Remote - Containers, but X11 is very slow.
Is there a way, with local VSCode, to develop in a remote container, without local installation of docker (obviously with docker installed on the host)?
Is there a way, with local VSCode, to develop in a remote container,
without local installation of docker (obviously with docker installed
on the host)?
No. In the 'advanced containers' docs it says
You can use the Docker CLI locally with a remote Docker host by
setting local environment variables like DOCKER_HOST,
under the hood, you can use these same environment variables to
connect the Remote - Containers extension to the same remote host.
I added the bolding. Note that it is referring to the client not the remote there. This is from Developing inside a container on a remote Docker host.
Though not officially supported, it seems that it is possible to install Docker CLI without the daemon...
Is it possible to install only the docker cli and not the daemon
Maybe you can do this without admin?
That would, though, certainly be swimming against the grain. Probably your best bet is to stick with the 'remote - SSH' setup you've got going.
I just achieved this using the solution linked by #Tom (but with admin rights, I didn't test it without them)
I downloaded the docker-cli from the docker-cli-builder github repo and created the docker context successfully.
After selecting it in VSCode, it has started using the context allowing me to see the containers on the remote machine.
We have build a small tool called LiveSync which could solve your problem. You simply run
python3 -m pip install livesync
livesync <virtual-machine>
from inside your vscode workspace. It will start watching for changes and push them immediately to the remote. Hence you can code locally (even run your tests) and have all changes synced with your target system.

Deploy jhipster on server with CentOS 7

I'm trying to deploy my jhipster application on a server.
The server is an basic CentOS 7 distribution.
What should I install before deploying the war?
Apache, Tomcat, mySQL, anything else?
I'm not able to find a complete doc where to find how to set up a server from zero.
Jhipster offers easy docker integration, so just use ist, and install docker on your server.
For docker documentation:
If not:
For the war file you only need a javaRuntime and run it with java -jar your.jar
mysql only when you need it

Installing the newest version of Zabbix Agent on Windows Server

I've got a problem in installing the newest version of Zabbix agent on Windows Server via vm boxes in Linux, since the old version of zabbix has not been uninstalled perfectly. Zabbix agent service is existed however the system cannot file the file related to specified address in services.
Uninstall the Windows service:
zabbix_agentd.exe --config c:\zabbix_agentd.conf --uninstall
You might also want to use the example file, if the config file isn't a copy of that one already.

How to install a plugin in redmine 1.4.4 via SSH on redmine VM?

I have got access to redmine VM via SSH and have plugin files on my local machine. Now I need to install it in redmine.
Can anyone explain the steps to do it? I am using a windows 7 machine as SSH client.
You can use SFTP client such as WinSCP (Windows client that I uses) or find any other.
SFTP is SSH File Transfer Protocol, i.e. you will have access to VM's file system via SSH connection, and Redmine plugins installation will be just files copying :)
Also, SFTP clients can launch simple commands as touch (touch tmp/restart.txt command needed to restart Ruby on Rails applications)
Put the plugin directory in the vendor/plugins sub directory of your Redmine installation. Check the plugin installation instructions for any additional steps that might be necessary.
Redmine 1.4.4 is several years old, you should first make sure with a local test that the plugin actually works with that version. And you should really upgrade to a recent version of Redmine (current stable is 3.2) as there have been quite a few security issues in Rails and Redmine since 1.4.4 was released.