Deploy jhipster on server with CentOS 7 - server

I'm trying to deploy my jhipster application on a server.
The server is an basic CentOS 7 distribution.
What should I install before deploying the war?
Apache, Tomcat, mySQL, anything else?
I'm not able to find a complete doc where to find how to set up a server from zero.

Jhipster offers easy docker integration, so just use ist, and install docker on your server.
For docker documentation:
If not:
For the war file you only need a javaRuntime and run it with java -jar your.jar
mysql only when you need it


Deploying Oracle Forms 11g on standalone WebLogic Server

I set up the environment and everything, but I was wondering whether it is possible to install WebLogic Server alone and then configure it to run a Forms application, without having to install Forms 11g on the server machine.
Alone, Unfortunately oracle does not provide perfect solution for that....
This means not, it has no solution Here is 2 solutions..
Solution 1 :
You have to install both weblogic and form 11g on server machine.
Solution 2:
you can copy required files form development machine to server machine for alone server.
Choice is yours...
good luck!

How to install MongoDB on amazon linux and connect it to Laravel-jenssegers MongoDB?

I followed this for installing mongodb on Amazon Linux. I have a laravel project to host on my amazon Linux server. Jenssegers mongoDB is already installed in the framework while developing the web app (in Ubuntu).
The web app was developed in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, and it was working properly.
When I hosted it on the server I am getting error:
Class 'MongoClient' not found
My questions are
1. How can I configure mongodb on amazon linux?
(now when i do sudo service mongod restart it is showing FAILED)
2.What all are the configurations that must be changed in the web app(which is done in Ubuntu) in order to use mongodb?
I am using PHP54
httpd 24
Laravel 4.2
Mongo client is not included in the base PHP API. Instead it needs to be installed as extension.
Its not part of the base repository, but it is part of EPEL which can be enabled on Amazon Linux. You can also install it via pecl (Provided you have installed the tools to compile extensions). Use one of the two commands to install the extension:
yum install php-pecl-mongo --enablerepo=epel
pecl install mongo
Once the installation is complete, restart apache and/or php.

Chef running from the outside

is there a way to provision a server with Chef without having Ruby installed on the server that is going to be provisioned?
Basically in the same way that Capistrano is used to provision a server?
ciao robertj
You can use the Chef Omnibus Installer to install a native package for your OS including Chef Client and needed Ruby runtime packaged into one - but Ruby is always needed to be installed.
Currently Chef is not able to remotely provision a server via ssh orso.

How can i run java command as a service Centos 5?

i want to execute java -cp server.jar:mysql.jar server.NithServer this command as linux service how can i do that. & not working. centos 5
What's about using Java Service Wrapper?
It provides cross platform way of running java applications as services and also have a community version that should be enough for your purposes.
A seriously written service must have the bash script that accepts start, stop and restart parameters. Such script can be copied or better linked (original at /etc/init.d) to /etc/rc3.d or /etc/rc5.d and will be maintained by the system, executing shutdown and startup when required. Here there is a tutorial how to wrap Apache Tomcat as a service.

Is the same to leave netbeans running on vps or should I run only glassfish?

I have managed to get my app, up & running in my vps an over the internet, but I have done using this from netbeans, is it the same or I should close netbeans, run glassfish from bin files, deploy and start from admin console and have only glassfish running?
Enviroment: glassfish v3, JSF2.0, netbeans 6.8
Thank you very much
Best regards
The 'standard' way would be to have Glassfish running as a standalone app.
You can still use netbeans to administer it from your machine (by setting up a remote domain GF server in 'services->servers') or you can use the admin console (http://yourhost:4848) or indeed use the asadmin CLI tool.