How to perform Delta-Build - deployment

I am creating an Ant Script that will in essence make a delta-build. Instead of deleting the initial directory and creating a new directory, then updating it will all new contents, the goal is to have the script checks the directory, and update it with only materials it does not have, then updating the label.
Does anybody see a way of accomplishing this? I've researched for hours and can't find anything that can steer in any direction.

These should help get you started.
ant - uptodate task : regenerate only outdated files


Deploying solution with mulitple windows forms projects

I apologize if this has been answered in another post, I can't seem to find it if it has. Anyway, I have built a back end utility for a fellow streamer friend of mine but I can't seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong when it comes to deploying it. This is a project that will be expanded on in the future, and possibly have more windows form projects. So here is what I am running into (With Pictures):
Here is my solution explorer with the projects:
When I go to build the deployment I've tried making all the projects "outputs" and got this error. Thinking it was there were too many Project Outputs I changed it to where the startup project would be the output and the others would be either source or content files. Still got these errors. Here is the File System Setup:
And when I go to run the build to create the deployment, here are the errors I receive:
I don't know/don't see what I am doing wrong here and would very much appreciate a point in the right direction. Thank you all so much in advance.
Check your updates. I remember there is an option to review or check the status of latest updates.
I found this article about that issue but it looks like a general error with updates or the installation
It is not too long but maybe it does not help. I hope it helps, good luck

Find project files in RubyMine not working

Every time I look for a file using the files finder console the file does not show up as a result of the search despite its existence in the project.
At certain point this feature was working but I may have change some configuration in Rubymine involuntary. Any help it's welcome!
That's a known issue already fixed:
Builds with the fix will be added to that issue so you can follow it.
As a workaround, please try invoking File - Invalidate Caches (still the issue might come back).

How would I be able to make this possible with Powershell?

Basically what I want to do is locate a shared folder on the server (I'll be running this script from the domain controller), unshare it (so I make sure no user is still using files from there, to avoid issues), and then backup all the files from that folder into a .zip/.rar, then share the folder again. I been looking into how to automate this using powershell (I dont have much experience with it), I found this script ( that im planning to modify, but I still not know how to unshare and share a folder with powershell or how to make it so that the script is automatically executed for example every day at 1:00 am or something like that, how would I be able to this? I dont want you guys to do my homework, if you could just point me in the right direction or link some documentation I would apreciate it.

Why is Visual Basic 6 Packaging and Deployment Wizard system freezing with no message why

I have amended an old VB6 program, adding new images and making fairly simple code changes. When I come to creating the CAB file, the P&D Wizard freezes halfway through and gives no reason why. It could be looking for a file, can't find it and is just looping.I have tried checking existence of files but so far have found nothing.
Does anyone have any good ideas? I would be very grateful for help with this. Is there any other way of creating a CAB file?

Back and Rollback Script for a File Transfer

I looking for a good solution to backup and rollback a folder using the Windows(XP/Vista/7) OS.
As an example, say, I have a folder, called "\SOMEOTHERPC\Destination" (that contains files and subfolders). I wish to take a back up of this folder to my local disk. Then, say I was to edit or delete some of the content of this "\SOMEOTHERPC\Destination" folder and the afterwards rollback the folder to its previous state.
What's the best way to go about this. I am thinking of writing a PowerShell script? Perhaps there is a better way. Any suggestions appreciated?
RoboCopy seems to do the trick requiring just a couple of lines of script.