How would I be able to make this possible with Powershell? - powershell

Basically what I want to do is locate a shared folder on the server (I'll be running this script from the domain controller), unshare it (so I make sure no user is still using files from there, to avoid issues), and then backup all the files from that folder into a .zip/.rar, then share the folder again. I been looking into how to automate this using powershell (I dont have much experience with it), I found this script ( that im planning to modify, but I still not know how to unshare and share a folder with powershell or how to make it so that the script is automatically executed for example every day at 1:00 am or something like that, how would I be able to this? I dont want you guys to do my homework, if you could just point me in the right direction or link some documentation I would apreciate it.


How to make a PowerShell script dowload a source

So I would like to know if it's possible to write a script that will download a sources like an .exe or .msi from a website like Git or any other website that I provide the right url.
My goal is to dowload the .exe or .msi compare his version to the soft already installed then either update it or do nothing depending the case ( This part will be easy since I already wrote it)
But since I don't know if it's possible to dowload a file and after some search I didn't find anything that was working for me at least.
Hope you guys can guide me to the light

Simple yet fast deployment tool or solution for FTP-based server

I have a simple task to which some simple solution should exist yet I cannot come across one.
I have a huge file tree on computer A (development). I have the same (multiple) such file trees on a computer B (let's call it production). Computer B runs FTP and PHP, nothing much else.
I need to move the changed files from the tree on A to the tree on B but as efficiently as possible. I.e. if just one file changes, it will just transfer that one file. It would be enough to "compare" the local and remote trees using last modification dates, nothing else needed.
I tried to use the good old Ant for it but that really does not work as the FTP task is really bad one there (does not preserve modification dates on PUT and so on). What other options are there if I do not want to write the code for such a task myself? I'd expect there is some tool out there that would make a remote dir listing, download it to local computer, select only those changed files and transfer them to the destination. Do you know how I could do it? Some sort of FTP or PHP-based distributed robocopy?
EDIT: I should have added that I mean doing it on a Windows 10 computer syncing to some FTP/PHP server using command-line automated script, not GUI.
Actually I solved the issue using winscp. I managed to integrate it into ant calling it through the task and using the winscp's synchronize command. For my current folder size it is fast enough, let's see later. The FTP command in ant was not useful since it does not preserve the modification dates.

How do I convert a PowerShell script with custom modules into a single executable?

I've written a simple script that has multiple custom functions stored as modules. I have done it this way because I was always been told that if your function can be reused by other things then it should be a module and not a .\ source include. I'm starting to think that mantra isn't right in my current scenario. I am trying to convert the script to an single .exe so that I can install it as a windows service.
Probably should acknowledge that I understand why you wouldn't want to include system modules like Active Directory or IIS management for the obvious issue that could lead to but I'm only trying to include custom functions in a single disputable non editable way.
I have used PowerGUI in the past but can't find any valid exe's for that since DELL have removed it and from memory, I don't think I've ever used it with a module.
I've tried PS2EXE-GUI and PS2EXE. Both of these make the exe and everything works fine while the modules exist. However, as soon as I put the exe on a server that hasn't got the Modules deployed to it, it fails to run. I thought the compile followed all the dependencies and included them as part of the build into the single exe? That appears to not be the case.
I've also tried the PowerShell Studio 2018 by Sapien, but based on their forums you can't include modules into the complied exe. Which again feels wrong if they are actually just custom functions, but it's the way they've written it.
I see would possibly do what I need but that's chargeable and it looks like it actually merges all the content back into a single file. Given the time pressure I'm starting to think I'll have to pay if there are really no other better options. I just don't have time to join everything together manually and I can't help thinking there is a better way I'm missing!
Can anybody please suggest other options?
Could I also get clarification around my original mantra (functions go in modules...)?
"No, never!" or "Yes, always!" or "It's just wrong in this scenario."

How to set directory-property comments

I'm trying to find a way to set comments with powershell for a directory.
How can I set for a folder comments (like contains contact files)?
Thanks for infos
This is a quite interesting question so i quickly did a bit of research. It is not as trivial as one would hope. In fact at least on W10 its basically impossible to do it via UI but i found a way to do it with Powershell:
First you have to make the Folder a system folder (somehow comments are only shown on system folders on my machine, got to test on yours yourself):
attrib +s <Folderpath>
Not sure if we can do it with a cmdlet (probably but no time to research right now).
Then you have to create a "Desktop.ini" file inside the folder like so:
"[.ShellClassInfo]","Infotip=YOUR COMMENT HERE"|Out-File <Folderpath>\Desktop.ini
and thats basically it :)

Making and Interfacing with Custom Services

I've been searching for this for awhile now, and I am not sure if I am just not using the correct search terms or if the answer is really that hard to find.
What I am trying to do is to create a new Windows service for a game server from a batch file, and then have a task run another batch file every 30 minutes or more that would run two commands on the game server's command line and do some file work.
Specifically, I am running a Minecraft server using Bukkit for a gaming community I help run, and I want to make sure that the thing is always up unless I specifically tell it to stop (like a service). Bukkit is run directly from a batch file and has it's own command line thing running on it.
I am told that you CAN run this type of thing as a service, but the command line will be hidden from view and/or interaction. This is the second part of my query. I have a handy little backup.bat file that copies all the world files and userdata files into a backup directory, 7zips it, and deletes the directory. The only thing is, is that Minecraft likes to always have the worlds' region files open and writing at all times, meaning that it could cause map corruption if I just run it straight off. To compensate, I need to run the command "save-off" on the server to disable the file hooks temporarily, run the backup, and as soon as it finishes, run "save-on" so that the game can continue without lost data.
What I would like to know about this second one is, is it possible to interface with the game service through a batch file, or do I need to create an application to do that? If the latter, how exactly does one go about doing that? I have moderate C++ knowledge (up through my second OO-C++ course in college), and can possibly learn another language if absolutely necessary.
So, in short, two questions:
1. Is it possible to, and how to run a BAT file as a Windows Service?
2. How to interface with said service via BAT files, and if not possible, what kind of application do I need to write (redirection to or writing a tutorial works for me).
Thank you in advance for any and all help!
Old question, user account doesn't seem active on SO anymore, but hey, if you stumble upon this because you have a similar problem:
Since we are speaking about a Bukkit Minecraft server, turn to the "Essentials" plugin for Bukkit.
It now includes a Backup function that does exactly what the OP asks for, namely stop the save so the files can be manipulated without corruption, launch a script, then starts again.
The script can be a backup one (examples provided in the linked page) but can be used to run any operation on the world's files.