Matlab - Trying to use vectors with grid coordinates and value at each point for a color plot - matlab

I'm trying to make a color plot in matlab using output data from another program. What I have are 3 vectors indicating the x-position, y-yposition (both in milliarcseconds, since this represents an image of the surroundings of a black hole), and value (which will be assigned a color) of every point in the desired image. I apparently can't use pcolor, because the values which indicate the color of each "pixel" are not in a matrix, and I don't know a way other than meshgrid to create a matrix out of the vectors, which didn't work due to the size of the vectors.
Thanks in advance for any help, I may not be able to reply immediately.

If we make no assumptions about the arrangement of the x,y coordinates (i.e. non-monotonic) and the sparsity of the data samples, the best way to get a nice image out of your vectors is to use TriScatteredInterp. Here is an example:
% samplesToGrid.m
function [vi,xi,yi] = samplesToGrid(x,y,v)
F = TriScatteredInterp(x,y,v);
[yi,xi] = ndgrid(min(y(:)):max(y(:)), min(x(:)):max(x(:)));
vi = F(xi,yi);
Here's an example of taking 500 "pixel" samples on a 100x100 grid and building a full image:
% exampleSparsePeakSamples.m
x = randi(100,[500 1]); y = randi(100,[500 1]);
v = exp(-(x-50).^2/50) .* exp(-(y-50).^2/50) + 1e-2*randn(size(x));
vi = samplesToGrid(x,y,v);
imagesc(vi); axis image
Gordon's answer will work if the coordinates are integer-valued, but the image will be spare.

You can assign your values to a matrix based on the x and y coordinates and then use imagesc (or a similar function).
% Assuming the X and Y coords start at 1
max_x = max(Xcoords);
max_y = max(Ycoords);
data = nan(max_y, max_x); % Note the order of y and x
indexes = sub2ind(size(data), max_y, max_x);
data(indexes) = Values;
imagesc(data); % note that NaN values will be colored with the minimum colormap value


plot a 3D matrix of concentrations in matlab with slice

I have a 3D matrix C=51x51x11 dimensions, obtained from a function in a separate script, the x,y,z represent length, depth and height, and the value represent a concentration per x,y,z point. I want to create a slice crossing x and another crossing y showing the difference in concentration by color. I have tried using ngrid and meshgrid but didn't work. may i have some help with this please?
Use slice()
C = randi(1,[51,51,11]);
x= 25; y = 25; z = 5;
sl = slice(C,x,y,z);
Using slice inside a function to make it easy to view in 3d:
function eslice(V,sx,sy,sz)
shading interp
axis equal
axis vis3d
This is from my personal library, enjoy.

Matlab: 1D array to RGB triplets with colormap

I'm trying to draw a set of rectangles, each with a fill color representing some value between 0 and 1. Ideally, I would like to use any standard colormap.
Note that the rectangles are not placed in a nice grid, so using imagesc, surf, or similar seems unpractical. Also, the scatter function does not seem to allow me to assign a custom marker shape. Hence, I'm stuck to plotting a bunch of Rectangles in a for-loop and assigning a FillColor by hand.
What's the most efficient way to compute RGB triplets from the scalar values? I've been unable to find a function along the lines of [r,g,b] = val2rgb(value,colormap). Right now, I've built a function which computes 'jet' values, after inspecting rgbplot(jet). This seems a bit silly. I could, of course, obtain values from an arbitrary colormap by interpolation, but this would be slow for large datasets.
So, what would an efficient [r,g,b] = val2rgb(value,colormap) look like?
You have another way to handle it: Draw your rectangles using patch or fill specifying the color scale value, C, as the third parameter. Then you can add and adjust the colorbar:
x = [1,3,3,1,1];
y = [1,1,2,2,1];
for ii = 1:10
patch(x + 4 * rand(1), y + 2 * rand(1), rand(1), 'EdgeColor', 'none')
With this output:
I think erfan's patch solution is much more elegant and flexible than my rectangle approach.
Anyway, for those who seek to convert scalars to RGB triplets, I'll add my final thoughts on the issue. My approach to the problem was wrong: colors should be drawn from the closest match in the colormap without interpolation. The solution becomes trivial; I've added some code for those who stumble upon this issue in the future.
% generate some data
x = randn(1,1000);
% pick a range of values that should map to full color scale
c_range = [-1 1];
% pick a colormap
% get colormap data
cmap = colormap;
% get the number of rows in the colormap
cmap_size = size(cmap,1);
% translate x values to colormap indices
x_index = ceil( (x - c_range(1)) .* cmap_size ./ (c_range(2) - c_range(1)) );
% limit indices to array bounds
x_index = max(x_index,1);
x_index = min(x_index,cmap_size);
% read rgb values from colormap
x_rgb = cmap(x_index,:);
% plot rgb breakdown of x values; this should fall onto rgbplot(colormap)
hold on;
axis([c_range 0 1]);
ylabel('RGB component');
With the following result:

How to plot a surface with a texture map

I want to plot a surface with a texture map on it, but the conditions are not the "ideal" ones.
first lets explain what I have.
I have a set of points (~7000) that are image coordinates, in a grid. This points do NOT define perfect squares. IT IS NOT A MESHGRID. For the sake of the question, lets assume that we have 9 points. Lets ilustrate what we have with an image:
Lets say we can get the "structure" of the grid, so
And now lets say we have a 3rd dimension, Z.
EDIT: Forgot to add a piece if info. I triangulate the points in the image and get a 3D correspondence, so when displayed in a surface they don't have the X and Y coords of the image, for a simplification of the given data lets say X=X/2 Y=Y/3
And we have:
What I want is to plot the surface in 3D with the image texture. Each element should have the texture piece that have in the first image.
This needs to work for huge datasheets. I don't specially need it to be fast.
related post (but I has a meshgrid as initial set of points) : Texture map for a 2D grid
PD: I can post original images + real data if needed, just posted this because i think it is easier with small data.
You can use the texturemap property of surf which works with rectangular meshes as well as with non-rectangular ones.
Creating non-rectangular data points
% creating non-rectangular data points
[X, Y] = meshgrid(1:100, 1:100);
X = X+rand(size(X))*5;
Y = Y+rand(size(X))*5;
which results in the following data points:
Generating height data:
Z = sin(X/max(X(:))*2*pi).*sin(Y/max(Y(:))*2*pi);
Loading picture:
and mapping it as texture to the mesh:
surf(X,Y,Z, imageTest, ...
'edgecolor', 'none','FaceColor','texturemap')
Note that, for the sake of demonstration, this non-rectangular grid is quite sparsely populated which results in a rather jagged texture. With more points, the result gets much better, irrespective of the distortion of the grid points.
Note also that the number of grid points does not have to match the number of pixels in the texture image.
If X and Y coordinates are only available for parts of the image, you can adjust the texture accordingly by
minX = round(min(X(:)));
maxX = round(max(X(:)));
minY = round(min(Y(:)));
maxY = round(max(Y(:)));
surf(X,Y,Z, imageTest(minX:maxX, minY:maxY, :), ...
'edgecolor', 'none','FaceColor','texturemap')
I don't think you can do what you want with Matlab's built in commands and features. But using the technique from my other answer with a high-res version of the grid can do it for you.
By "high-res", I mean an interpolated version of the non-uniform grid with denser data points. That is used to sample the texture at denser data points so it can be drawn using the texturemap feature of surf. You can't use a normal 2D interpolation, however, because you need to preserve the non-uniform grid shape. This is what I came up with:
function g = nonUniformGridInterp2(g, sx, sy)
[a,b] = size(g);
g = interp1(linspace(0,1,a), g, linspace(0,1,sy)); % interp columns
g = interp1(linspace(0,1,b), g', linspace(0,1,sx))'; % interp rows
Note that you have to call this twice to interpolate the X and Y points independently. Here's an example of the original grid and an interpolated version with 10 points in each direction.
Here's how to use that high-res grid with interp2 and texturemap.
function nonUniformTextureMap
% define the non-uniform surface grid
X = [310,270,330; 430,410,400; 480,500,520];
Y = [300,400,500; 300,400,500; 300,400,500];
Z = [300,330,340; 300,310,330; 290,300,300];
% get texture data
load penny % loads data in variable P
% define texture grid based on image size
% note: using 250-550 so that a,b covers the range used by X,Y
[m,n] = size(P);
[a,b] = meshgrid(linspace(250,550,n), linspace(250,550,m));
% get a high-res version of the non-uniform grid
s = 200; % number of samples in each direction
X2 = nonUniformGridInterp2(X, s, s);
Y2 = nonUniformGridInterp2(Y, s, s);
% sample (map) the texture on the non-uniform grid
C = interp2(a, b, P, X2, Y2);
% plot the original and high-res grid
% plot the surface using sampled points for color
surf(X, Y, Z, C, 'edgecolor', 'none', 'FaceColor','texturemap')
colormap gray
I'm not sure I understand your question, but I think that what you need to do is sample (map) the texture at your grid's X,Y points. Then you can simply plot the surface and use those samples as colors.
Here's an example using the data you gave in your question. It doesn't look like much, but using more X,Y,Z points should give the result you're after.
% define the non-uniform surface grid
X = [310,270,330; 430,410,400; 480,500,520];
Y = [300,400,500; 300,400,500; 300,400,500];
Z = [300,330,340; 300,310,330; 290,300,300];
% get texture data
load penny % loads data in variable P
% define texture grid based on image size
% note: using 600 so that a,b covers the range used by X,Y
[m,n] = size(P);
[a,b] = meshgrid(linspace(0,600,n), linspace(0,600,m));
% sample (map) the texture on the non-uniform grid
C = interp2(a, b, P, X, Y);
% plot the surface using sampled points for color
surf(X, Y, Z, C)
colormap gray

Finding the belonging value of given point on a grid of 3D histogram?

I use 2D dataset like below,
37.0235000000000 18.4548000000000
28.4454000000000 15.7814000000000
34.6958000000000 20.9239000000000
26.0374000000000 17.1070000000000
27.1619000000000 17.6757000000000
28.4101000000000 15.9183000000000
33.7340000000000 17.1615000000000
34.7948000000000 18.2695000000000
34.5622000000000 19.3793000000000
36.2884000000000 18.4551000000000
26.1695000000000 16.8195000000000
26.2090000000000 14.2081000000000
26.0264000000000 21.8923000000000
35.8194000000000 18.4811000000000
to create a 3D histogram.
How can I find the histogram value of a point on a grid? For example, if [34.7948000000000 18.2695000000000] point is given, I would like to find the corresponding value of a histogram for a given point on the grid.
I used this code
point = feat_vec(i,:); // take the point given by the data set
X = centers{1}(1,:); // take center of the bins at one dimension
Y = centers{2}(1,:); // take center of the bins at other dim.
distanceX = abs(X-point(1)); // find distance to all bin centers at one dimension
distanceY = abs(Y-point(2)); // find distance to center points of other dimension
[~,indexX] = min(distanceX); // find the index of minimum distant center point
[~,indexY] = min(distanceY); // find the index of minimum distant center point for other dimension
You could use interp2 to accomplish that!
If X (1-D Vector, length N) and Y (1-D vector, length M) determine discrete coordinate on the axes where your histogram has defined values Z (matrix, size M x N). Getting value for one particular point with coordinates (XI, YI) could be done with:
% generate grid
[XM, YM] = meshgrid(X, Y);
% interpolate desired value
ZI = interp2(XM, YM, Z, XI, YI, 'spline')
In general, this kind of problem is interpolation problem. If you would want to get values for multiple points, you would have to generate grid for them in similar fashion done in code above. You could also use another interpolating method, for example linear (refer to linked documentation!)
I think you mean this:
[N,C] = hist3(X,...) returns the positions of the bin centers in a
1-by-2 cell array of numeric vectors, and does not plot the histogram.
That being said, if you have a 2D point x=[x1, x2], you are only to look up the closest points in C, and take the corresponding value in N.
In Matlab code:
[N, C] = hist3(data); % with your data format...
[~,indX] = min(abs(C{1}-x(1)));
[~,indY] = min(abs(C{2}-x(2)));
result = N(indX,indY);
done. (You can make it into your own function say result = hist_val(data, x).)
I just saw, that my answer in essence is just a more detailed version of #Erogol's answer.

Create a tailored colorbar in matlab

I have to create a map to show how far o how close some values are from a range and give them colors in consequence. Meanwhile, values that are within that range should have another different color.
For example: only the results that are within [-2 2] can be considered valid. For the other values, colors must show how far are from these limits (-3 lighter than -5, darker)
I've tried with colorbar but I'm not able to set up a self-defined color scale.
Any idea??
Thanks in advance!
You need to define a colormap for the range of values you have.
The colormap is N*3 matrix, defining the RGB values of each color.
See the example below, for a range -10:10 and valid values v1,v2:
a = -10:10;
linspace(0,1,abs(-10-v1)+1) , ...
ones(1, v2-v1-1) , ...
c=repmat(graylevels , [3 1])';
Here is some code that I just put together to demonstrate a simple means of creating your own lookup table and assigning values from it to the image that you're working with. I'm assuming that your results are in a 2D array and I just used randomly assigned values, but the concept is the same.
I mention the potentila use of HSV as a coloring scheme. Just note that, that requires you to have a m by n by 3 matrix. The top layer is the H - hue, 2nd being the S - saturation and the 3rd being the V or value (light/dark). Simply set the H and S to whatever values you want for the color and vary the V in a similar manner as shown below and you can get the varied light and dark color you want.
% This is just assuming a -10:10 range and randomly generating the values.
randmat = randi(20, 100);
randmat = randmat - 10;
% This should just be a black and white image. Black is negative and white is positive.
figure, imshow(randmat)
% Create your lookup table. This will illustrate having a non-uniform
% acceptable range, for funsies.
vMin = -3;
vMax = 2;
% I'm adding 10 here to account for the negative values since matlab
% doesn't like the negative indicies...
map = zeros(1,20); % initialized
map(vMin+10:vMax+10) = 1; % This will give the light color you want.
%linspace just simply returns a linearly spaced vector between the values
%you give it. The third term is just telling it how many values to return.
map(1:vMin+10) = linspace(0,1,length(map(1:vMin+10)));
map(vMax+10:end) = linspace(1,0,length(map(vMax+10:end)));
% The idea here is to incriment through each position in your results and
% assign the appropriate colorvalue from the map for visualization. You
% can certainly save it to a new matrix if you want to preserve the
% results!
for X = 1:size(randmat,1)
for Y = 1:size(randmat,2)
randmat(X,Y) = map(randmat(X,Y)+10);
figure, imshow(randmat)