put special character by code in yaml file - special-characters

Working with Symfony 2 and Sonata Admin Bundle. Refactored translation from xliff to yml. There is a home sign ⌂ in translation file which was saved as ⌂ in xliff file.
I can save it as unicode symbol but I cannot find a way to save it as code as it was done in xliff. Tried:
breadcrumb.link_dashboard: ⌂
breadcrumb.link_dashboard: "⌂"
breadcrumb.link_dashboard: '⌂'
breadcrumb.link_dashboard: \⌂
breadcrumb.link_dashboard: \u⌂
breadcrumb.link_dashboard: \u#8962
breadcrumb.link_dashboard: \x#8962
breadcrumb.link_dashboard: \u8962
breadcrumb.link_dashboard: \x8962
Google does not help either.

I've tried to place the ⌂ sign directly into the yaml file. And that works fine.
Otherwise it seems that the char like: ⌂ gets escaped and will be displayed as html entities.
You can also add the one of the following line into your template
{{ admin.trans('testvalue')|raw }}
{{ 'testvalue'|trans({}, 'your_translation_domain')|raw }}
Important is to call the | raw method on the value. Otherwise twig will escape it.


EJS include functions defined in a separate ejs file

I am trying to include an ejs file that contains functions for setting up my views. These functions were defined to be used a helpers. I have tried using:
<% include helpers.ejs %>
But when I try to use the function from this file:
<% module_start('$body', [{name:'display',value:'block'}], 'body'); %>
I get the error:
Reference Error: module_start is not defined
When I copy over the code from 'helpers.ejs' to my original view file, 'test.ejs', it works as expected. I have gone through several answers and,
am still confused what am I doing wrongly in this case.
Thanks for your help in advance.
After some grueling hours of trying every conceived solutions out there, I have landed upon a solution that is working. The solution was borrowed from:
EJS Functions
Looking at the solution presented in this code, I updated my 'helpers.ejs' to 'helpers.js'. Following this, I added the exported functions from 'helpers.js' to the ejs render context object:
const ejs_helpers = require('path/to/helpers.js');
ejs.renderFile('filename', { helpers:ejs_helpers, ...}, (err,data)=>{});
In the ejs view file:
<%- helpers.function_name(params); %>
This considerably changes how I initially approached the problem. With plain ejs helper file, the functions include HTML in between the control flow statements. In the case presented here, the functions returns plain string. Notice the '-' with the 'Scriptlet' tag.
Hope this helps someone.

Partial helper doesn't render partials in .hbs file

I feel like I'm missing something obvious. In working with v0.6.0, the Readme indicates you can use:
{%= partial("partial-name") %}
However, these are just getting printed as plain text. Do I need to use a different engine if I want to have those tags parsed?
Assemble allows using different engines and the example that you have is using lodash with custom delimiters.
To use the default partials helper in handlebars do {{partial "partial-name"}}

How to render a Jekyll markdown page on sites index

I'm probably missing something simple but I have no way to test Jekyll locally.
I'm using GitHub pages to render Jekyll, for starters I only want to render markdown content on the main index.html from one markdown page.
The structure is:
layout: default
- default.html
//html stuff..
In root folder I have a page called content.md that I wish to render for {{page.content}} the layout renders but the liquid tags section is blank.
How do I render content.md?
Example: https://github.com/wycks/wordpress-gears-jekyll
There are a few things going on here.
In your _layouts/default.html file (and any of the other _layouts directory files for that matter), instead of:
{{ page.content }}
you need to use:
{{ content }}
Jekyll only lets you includes files from a site root level _includes directory. So, you need to move your content.md from the root to that directory (making it if it doesn't already exist).
Finally, you need to actually make the call to the include file from your index.html file. This can be done by changing the content of your index.html file to:
layout: default
{% include content.md %}
That will setup the behavior you are looking for.
I'd point out two other things:
You may find that changing the extension of your index file from .html to .md works better. An important note though: you need to use .html if you want pagination. Per the Jekyll Pagination documentation, that feature only works when the file is named index.html.
If all you are doing in your index file is calling an include that only resides on that page, you might be just as well off simply putting the content directly in the index file.
include only allows you to include files directly under _includes/. There is is also include_relative which allows you to use paths and include from other places. The include has to be relative to the given file however:
{% include_relative somedir/footer.html %}
There is one issue with either include method I can't resolve: If the file you include has front matter Jekyll won't strip it out. So you can't use front matter to store include specific meta data - like say "title". Of course you can use variables - {% assign title = "My Title" %} but it's not equivalent, because if you want the thing your including to be part of a collection or rendered independently you have to have a front matter.
I believe it is just
{{ content }}
good sir.

Coffee script with erb extension gives missing template error

I am using rails 3.2.11 and coffee rails 3.2.2.
Here I am trying to render a coffee script in a file /app/views/my_files/create.js.coffee.erb
Here is what my controller code looks like
class MyFilesController < ApplicationController
respond_to :js
def create
On hitting create action I get missing template error. But when I rename file create.js.coffee.erb to create.js.coffee it works fine.
I am not understanding what is the problem with .erb extension over .coffee, and in this case why it gives missing template error, when template is already there?
Rename your file to create.js.coffee
How to render new.js.coffee.erb in app/views?
Just had the same problem...
Is there a particular reason you are trying to render coffeescript as a view rather than using it as an asset?
.erb is a ruby script file that produces an html file when compiled.
.js.coffee results in a .js file when compiled. You should be using .erb with a create.html.erb template that in turn uses your create.js.coffee.
<%= javascript_include_tag "create" %>
This should be in your create.html.erb which will be called by the create method in your MyFilesController

encode url not encoding

I am working in a template in Moveable Type and would like to do the following:
It all works but I'm worried that the current link or at some point even if I use a title mt tag that it might not be right for the browser address bar. I thought you could use encode_url="1" but it doesn't appear to encode my titles or links. For example: I have a title with spaces in it and the resulting code still has the spaces in it. Also for the example above shouldn't the http:// be encoded in a special way? Because it doesn't do it.
Am I doing something wrong here?
I just checked this code and it is outputting properly for me. I am using MT 4.34. I used the following template code in an index templated:
<mt:Var name="url" value="http://google.com/hello I have spaces">
<mt:Entries lastn="1">
Permalink: <mt:EntryPermalink encode_url="1"><br />
Fake URL: <mt:Var name="url" encode_url="1">
And I got the following output:
Permalink: http%3A%2F%2Fwww.capndesign.com%2Farchives%2F2010%2F09%2Fthe_big_picture_scenes_from_china.php
Fake URL: http%3A%2F%2Fgoogle.com%2Fhello%20I%20have%20spaces
So I would confirm that you're using a current version of MT (4.34 or 5.x) that supports this modifier, because the spaces and special characters should definitely be getting replaced with HTML entities. I'd also try the code I provided above to see if you get the same output (except your permalink will obviously be different).