XIB compatible with both iOS 5 and iOS 7 - ios5

I discovered an Interface Bulder option named iOS6/7 deltas. Ok, I used this to set a free room for status bar (basically, I reduced UIViewController view contents height by 20pt and changed origin to 20pt). It worked fine, iOS 6 and iOS 7 look the same, but after that I installed it to iOS 5. Well, how can I fix that? Status bar shouldn't overlap contents, also there shouldn't be black space in the bottom.

My guess would be, the nib decoder implementation in iOS5 cannot cope with the values set in Xcode. My suggestion would be to perform your view "fixes" in code, after loading your view. You should also consider dropping support for iOS5, as it has a very small market share.


How can I make sure my iOS 7 layouts look the same on iOS 6?

I understand that the UI elements will look different, and that is not what I am worried about. I created a simple app in Xcode 5 that just displays a label right under the status bar. In iOS 7 this looks fine. However, when I run the app on an iOS 6 device, the label appears too far down from the status bar. I know that in iOS 7, y=0 is the top of the screen instead of the bottom of the status bar, so I understand why this is happening, but I can't figure out how to fix it. I have seen solutions using self.edgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdgeNone, and others that use the deltas in Interface Builder when Autolayout is turned off, however none of these have worked for me.
How can I fix this (while still using Autolayout)? There must be a better way than just subtracting 20 px from the view's position if the system version is iOS 6.1 or earlier.
You can try using the iOS6/7 deltas on your UIViews in your nib files.
It's located in the size inspector of your UIView.
I think the answer you're looking for is in this tech note. (In short: apply a Vertical Space Constraint anchored to the Top Layout Guide of your view controller.)
Technical Q&A QA1797: Preventing the Status Bar from Covering Your
Views https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/qa/qa1797/_index.html

How to design single storyboard file that supports all iphone screen sizes?

I am using storyboard and xcode 4.6 for designing Iphone app. I have very complex viewscontrollers and some of the subviews(like scrollview's and autocomplete tablviews) have generated dynamically. When app build for iphone 4 everything works fine. But, when using Iphone(retina-4 inch) simulator, I noticed that there is space at the top and bottom of the screen and also some of the subviews (like scrollviews and autocomplete tableviews ..) misplaced and covering other subviews in that viewcontroller. I tried to search and found some are suggesting to design/load two xib files based on screen size. I have enabled both autoresize masks and autolayout, but still the problem persists.
How to design a single storyboard file that is feasible for both Iphone-4 and Iphone-5.
Reference:How to develop or migrate apps for iPhone 5 screen resolution?
Update attached screenshot:
Storyboard file
Thanks in advance...
use the button in the picture below to toggle between retina 4 in and 3.5 inch. use the autosizing tool under the size inspector on the top right to get views to position themselves correctly.

iphone 3.5 and 4 issue

i was making an application is ios6 but i have to make it compatible for ios5 too. i made weak link to the libraries and they are working fine but one issue arises and i still not solve it. the problem is regarding iphone 5 and iphone 4 sizes. i had some questions:
in view under xib what i should pick view size iphone 3.5 or iphone 4?
if i place in buttons and other controls according to 4 size than they goes out when i run it on iphone 4 and vice versa?
should i need to make two xibs to overcome it?
or is there any other method which will resize my view and make it compatible for iphone 4 and 5?
iam making application on ios6 and i want my application to run on both iphone 4 and 5.
thanks .
Generally you don't have to worry about this because iOS can move your controls around for you using either:
Auto sizing: If supporting iOS versions prior to 6, use the auto sizing masks (sometimes affectionately called "springs and struts", and when accessing programmatically, it's called the autoresizingMask) so that everything moves arounds appropriately. So select the "size inspector" and adjust the "autosizing" masks:
Autolayout: If you're developing an iOS 6 and above app, you can also use the new the "autolayout". See Cocoa Auto Layout Guide which has tons of relevant links. Also see the Xcode 4 Users Guide.
Turn autolayout on and off: If you want to develop an iOS 4/5 compatible app, you may need to turn off "autolayout". If so, go to Interface Builder, click somewhere on the background, select the "file inspector" in the right panel, and examine/change the "Use Autolayout" flag.
I'd suggest designing for the 3.5" screen. And let it resize or move your controls for the 4" screen.

Adjust iPhone 5 Screen Size Without Using Autolayout

Enabling Autolayout in .xib or .storyboard and adding a splash screen of 640px by 1136px enables iPhone 5 resolution support for the taller screen.
However, doing so, my app started to display some funny things where I assume autolayout is not a great idea.
I am wondering if there is a way to enable iPhone 5 device support, i.e. fix app's resolution without using Autolayout? Maybe I can set in the code?
If yes, then I will have no need to create 2 storyboards or nibs to support iOS5- and iOS6.
If you weren't using Autolayout before, you won't need to use it for iPhone 5 support.
When you're putting your interface together, you just need to check your bindings, and toggle between the taller phone size, and the regular phone size, as described here:
Xcode Storyboard displaying the new iPhone 5 screen size?
If your screens look fine in both screen sizes then you're done.
If you are doing a lot of coding to show your UI, then you'll have more work to do.
I found a great answer a couple weeks ago (link below). You will copy and paste your older iPhone Storyboard, rename it to reflect the iPhone 5, and press the button that expands the screen size, found on the bottom of the layout grid. Some minor coding adjustments might be needed, but this sample code is used in the AppDelegate to detect which device is running, and hence, which Storyboard to use. You'll just have to duplicate your interfaces, but these GUI changes can be made without code and without AutoLayout (also good to note that AutoLayout removes iOS 5--and lower--compatibility)
xcode 4.5 how to pick storyboards at launch

How does a UIStoryBoard change on iphone 5

I have an already shipped app on App Store that made use of Storyboard.
I see from the keynote, comparing to previous model that iPhone 5 has a taller screen.
I wonder how this will impact on my esisting storyboard, because from my 'app point of view' there's only one difference which is the background.png. All the rest is just plain UITableView that can just fit more rows.
I cannot find any document for this on Apple site (I have always been so noob in finding things on Apple developer site).
Has anyone made adjustment to his already developed and published app to match with new layout ?
If yes, do I have to develop a brand new storyboard, or is there an adjustment to be done with code ?
I am reporting my experience, now that Xcode 4.5 is long shipped for development.
Xcode itself, as some suggested, asked me if I would like to enable tallest screen support by creating a default png. After saying yes, I had to enter each segue in storyboard for some adjustment, change png background (which was unstrechable by design) with a tallest one, change stretching settings and redeploy.
It has been an annoying work because I have quite some segues, and Xcode doesn't allow to reuse templates within Interface Builder.
Old apps without 1136x640 resolution support will run letterboxed, with black areas on top and bottom.
You can enable new layout support for existing project simply by supplying new Default-568h#2x.png loading screen. Take heed though, you'll have to test your old interface on both old and new resolution (via iOS Simulator) to make sure everything looks good and works as designed.
Its been said when iphone 5 is launched that your app view will be filled with black color on top and bottom if it is not taking account for the increase size ( not designed for iphone5 screen)
so your app will just work fine but will have black border on both and top to filled the extra space..