How does a UIStoryBoard change on iphone 5 - iphone

I have an already shipped app on App Store that made use of Storyboard.
I see from the keynote, comparing to previous model that iPhone 5 has a taller screen.
I wonder how this will impact on my esisting storyboard, because from my 'app point of view' there's only one difference which is the background.png. All the rest is just plain UITableView that can just fit more rows.
I cannot find any document for this on Apple site (I have always been so noob in finding things on Apple developer site).
Has anyone made adjustment to his already developed and published app to match with new layout ?
If yes, do I have to develop a brand new storyboard, or is there an adjustment to be done with code ?
I am reporting my experience, now that Xcode 4.5 is long shipped for development.
Xcode itself, as some suggested, asked me if I would like to enable tallest screen support by creating a default png. After saying yes, I had to enter each segue in storyboard for some adjustment, change png background (which was unstrechable by design) with a tallest one, change stretching settings and redeploy.
It has been an annoying work because I have quite some segues, and Xcode doesn't allow to reuse templates within Interface Builder.

Old apps without 1136x640 resolution support will run letterboxed, with black areas on top and bottom.
You can enable new layout support for existing project simply by supplying new Default-568h#2x.png loading screen. Take heed though, you'll have to test your old interface on both old and new resolution (via iOS Simulator) to make sure everything looks good and works as designed.

Its been said when iphone 5 is launched that your app view will be filled with black color on top and bottom if it is not taking account for the increase size ( not designed for iphone5 screen)
so your app will just work fine but will have black border on both and top to filled the extra space..


Make a iphone 3 app fit the iphone 5 4-inch screen

I have a Xcode project for a iphone app that has been designed to be universal and has a deployment target of 4.3. The project uses a .xib file for constructing the user interface and I am only familiar with storyboards. My goal is to make the app that only works on the 3.5 screen fit the iphone 5 4-inch screen. Do you guys have any tutorials online or tips on how I can do this? Thanks in advance!
The process is pretty simple:
Make sure you have a Default-568h#2x.png default image. See App Launch (Default) Images in the iOS App Programming Guide for information about these default images, sizes, etc. But by adding this default image, that informs iOS that your app supports the 4" screen.
When designing your NIBs, you can toggle the simulated metrics between 4" and 3.5" to see how the view is rendered for both:
You can then adjust your autosizing masks for your various controls so they resize correctly. This is an example where the margins are all fixed and it should grow as you go to 4" screen:
"All" you have to do is properly set the struts-and-springs "autoresizing masks" in Interface Builder. The same as you'd do for Storyboards.
A friendly tip while at it: don't do storyboards except for the simplest of apps, and don't use auto layout before you're familiar with struts-and-springs and are absolutely sure you can't use struts-and-springs to do your work.
Turn off auto layout in new .xibs here:
Of course, if you have device-specific artwork (such as a background that's exactly 960x640), you'll have to do more work than that, but you're prepared for that piece of the puzzle, right?
Next, add a Default-568h#2x.png file to your project. Make it 1136x640, or if you're not covering the status bar area, make it 1096x640.

Non-4-inch apps top-aligned when new splash included

Apple is now requiring a retina and 4-inch display Splash page (i.e. the "Default-568h#2x.png") for all apps to be submitted, which is fine. However, when I include that and then do another build, once I get into the app, instead of it being centered with dark on the top and bottom (as it was before), is now top-aligned on the screen with 2x the blank space on the bottom.. which looks really unprofessional.
Is there any way via our configuration to tell the OS to go back to centering the app, despite that it has the now-required 4" Splash page included? Ideally I'd like to be able to do this without updating every single IB view in the app to center it manually, as I feel the OS should still be able to do this somehow via configuration.
FYI, answers that say "update your entire app for 4"!" are unacceptable. There are clients who don't yet have a creative budget for this but still want to keep their existing app looking decent in the store. If it's not possible, then it's not possible, but that is why I'm asking the question.
Thanks in advance for any assistance on this, and my apologies if this has already been asked.
As of May 1 if your submitting this app to the app store you will be required to support both retina display's, and the new 4" screen size.
You misunderstand. As of now, you must fully support the full 4" screen of the iPhone 5 and 5th gen iPod touch, in addition to retina and non-retina devices.
By adding the "Default-568h#2x.png" launch image (it is not a splash screen) you are telling the OS that your app supports the 4" screen.
You must update your app to fill the screen. There are countless existing posts about how to do that. There is no way around this. It is 100% required - no exception from Apple.
BTW - Apple announced this requirement on March 21st. Every registered iOS developer was notified of the requirement.
It isn't possible to do what you're asking with a single setting. Your best options are a bit of code that runs when you load a view to change the origin.y position, or, go through the XIB files and update the autoresizing rules so that the views expand to fill the space. You might not have budget to update the graphics resources in the app but you should be able to spend the small amount of time required on autoresizing.
The caveat to 'small amount of time' may apply to you - if you explicitly set the size of all of your views in code you've made life painful for yourself.

Adjust iPhone 5 Screen Size Without Using Autolayout

Enabling Autolayout in .xib or .storyboard and adding a splash screen of 640px by 1136px enables iPhone 5 resolution support for the taller screen.
However, doing so, my app started to display some funny things where I assume autolayout is not a great idea.
I am wondering if there is a way to enable iPhone 5 device support, i.e. fix app's resolution without using Autolayout? Maybe I can set in the code?
If yes, then I will have no need to create 2 storyboards or nibs to support iOS5- and iOS6.
If you weren't using Autolayout before, you won't need to use it for iPhone 5 support.
When you're putting your interface together, you just need to check your bindings, and toggle between the taller phone size, and the regular phone size, as described here:
Xcode Storyboard displaying the new iPhone 5 screen size?
If your screens look fine in both screen sizes then you're done.
If you are doing a lot of coding to show your UI, then you'll have more work to do.
I found a great answer a couple weeks ago (link below). You will copy and paste your older iPhone Storyboard, rename it to reflect the iPhone 5, and press the button that expands the screen size, found on the bottom of the layout grid. Some minor coding adjustments might be needed, but this sample code is used in the AppDelegate to detect which device is running, and hence, which Storyboard to use. You'll just have to duplicate your interfaces, but these GUI changes can be made without code and without AutoLayout (also good to note that AutoLayout removes iOS 5--and lower--compatibility)
xcode 4.5 how to pick storyboards at launch

why does an iOS universal app need to have two different xib files?

I'm a newbie of iOS development and I'm confused regarding universal app.
We can use the same code, same xib file for iPhone 4(retina) and previous iPhones, but why we should write two different xibs for iPhone and iPad? What's the difference?
For iPhone and retina iPhone, we use "point" instead of pixel for the coordinate. Why we can't use the similar method for iPhone and iPad?
For some simple apps, it is possible to design your iPhone UI and reuse the same xib file for the iPad. Just select your Target in XCode and copy the Main Interface text from iPhone / iPod Deployment Info to iPad Deployment Info. If you're using a Main Storyboard, copy that too. However, the iPad does not simply scale everything up from the 320*480 / 640*960 iPhone screen to the 768*1024 / 1536*2048 iPad screen. #elgarva correctly says that this would look terrible. Instead, the iPad version makes use of your autosizing masks to resize or reposition each view.
If all of your views can be considered to be left-middle-right or top-middle-bottom, this may work. If you have anything more complicated, you'll need to design a separate iPad interface.
Duplicating your iPhone UI is not just discouraged for aesthetic reasons - iPhones often end up containing a deep and confusing navigation tree for tasks that the iPad can fit on a single screen.
The main reason, is that if you just scale the elements on the UI to fit the larger screen, it wouldn't look nice... and you don't need to do anything for it to work, it automatically does it for you if your app is iPhone only and installed on an iPad (if the user chooses to).
Having a different XIB lets you rearrange your app, and think it so that you can take advantage of the larger screen. You can probably show more information on one iPad view than on 3 different screens on the iPhone... so, your iPhone app could show basic info and expand it when the user taps on it, while your iPad version could show all the information on load, plus extra graphics that look nice but aren't needed, and wouldn't make sense on the iPhone screen.
PS: If you're starting a new app, I strongly suggest you using the storyboard if your app won't have a lot of views... it's really easy to get started and it lets you see your app flow at a glance.
The ratina display just doubles the resolution of original iPhone. If you don't provide separate graphics for retina display, then system just doubles the resolution of resources.
The points are related to physical size of screen, which is similar in old and new iPhones.
For iPads, the screen size changes. This means that its dimension in points will be different from that of iPhone.
duplicating the xib file and renaming that as filename~ipad.xib is working great for me in ios6.1

What's the easiest way to change an iPhone app into an iPad app?

I have an iPhone app that I want to change into an iPad app. I do not want to make it universal. The result should be an iPad only app. The main problem I see is converting all of my .xib files. I realize that I will have to change some things around manually, but I would like as much as possible (including all of the painstakingly made connections in IB) to carry over. Also, if there are unlikely places where I need to change settings, please give me a hint to that as well. Thanks!
Xcode has a convert option. It gives you the choice between a new app or a universal one.
This will convert all your NIBs, but quite how useful that is will depend on how thorough you've been with the sizing options in Interface Builder. For me is mostly worked. A couple of minor tweaks for a couple of views and a complete rewrite for some others.
Of course you'll also have to work with view controllers that "manually" build the view.
The gotchas I found were around orientations (iPad apps should work in all four orientations) and with the screen size. There are also some oddities with the keyboard and modal views if you have any of those (there are a few kinds of modal view, and the keyboard does not always dismiss). As ever when you're making automated changes, testing is key.
The full process took me a lot longer than I was expecting.
Few thoughts for changing iPhone app to iPad app.
Xcode has the provision to change the current iPhone app to iPad app by using "Upgrade current target for iPad" menu command.
resize all current view to the ipad size 768*1024(portrait) and then resize all the subviews respectively. the connections doesn't get lost by doing this.