How to use/open psql? - postgresql

I have installed On windows 7 postgreSQL 9.2 version.
Now, I need use psql, so where is this terminal?
Can you tell me please how to use for example this comand: psql databasename ?
Where must be type this?
Yes, may be this is dumb question, but...

You can follow this instruction
Open the command prompt
cd C:\postgresql-9.3.0-1-windows-x64-binaries\pgsql\bin (installed directory)
Run: initdb -U postgres -A password -E utf8 -W -D POSTGRESQL_ROOT\data
give super user password (Remember that)
you wiil get the success message
Success. You can now start the database server using:
"postgres" -D "POSTGRESQL_ROOT\data"
"pg_ctl" -D "POSTGRESQL_ROOT\data" -l logfile start
then, you are good to start the server
To stop the server : simply ctrl + c
You can use pgAdmin tool( somewhat similar like SQL Mgt Studio
Reference :

The easy way to start is
Open Run Window by Winkey + R
Type services.msc
Search Postgres service based on version installed.
Click stop, start or restart the service option.


PostgreSql Equivalent of sqlplus -S username/password \#lock?

What will be Postgres equivalent of following:
sqlplus -S username/password \#lock.
Also what does #lock means here?
I don't know PostgreSQL, but - as of Oracle, here you are:
That command means that
you'll connect to Oracle's command line tool called SQL*Plus (executable name is sqlplus)
in silent mode (that's what -s does)
providing username and password
and execute .SQL script whose name is lock (I have no idea what it does; you'll have to open it in any text editor and have a look)
Now, how someone establishes connection to PostgreSQL and runs a .SQL script, that's something I wouldn't know, but - reading online documentation - it might be
psql -U username -d database_name -a -f lock
According to the explanations in the comments and the other answer, the equivalent in PostgreSQL should be
psql 'user=username password=password dbname=mydatabase' -f lock

Running PostgreSQL commands from anywhere on the terminal

First off, let me say that I'm new to both using Mac and PostgreSQL. I just installed Postgres using their installer and it was installed in /Library/Postgres/... when I tried running createdb from the terminal it returned an error createdb: command not found. I ended up using /library/postgresql/9.6/bin/createdb before I coud get it to work.
Here's my question, how do I set it so that I don't have to type in the full path again to use the createdb command.
I'd love a detailed explanation.
First you need to execute the psql command to get into the postgresql interacive shell.
In your terminal:
Postgresql interactive shell should start. In this shell
> createdb yourdatabasename;
Btw: If psql is not found you will probably need to add it to your path and restart your terminal, something like this with the path matching your machine:
export PATH=/Library/PostgreSQL/9.5/bin:$PATH

opt/local/lib/postgresql94/bin/psql: cannot execute binary file

I installed postgresql94 and the server via macports and when I try to ‘su postgres psql’ getting following error...
opt/local/lib/postgresql94/bin/psql: cannot execute binary file
Why is this? What is wrong..? I type my password correctly and then that error appears...
I found the solution from a user on #macports on
You need to run psql from a shell after running:
su -l postgres
To get a new shell running as the user postgres :)
And then it works!

Register and run PostgreSQL 9.0 as Windows Service

For a while i have my db running on a command window because im not figuring out how to run it as a windows service.
Since i have the zip file version downloaded. how can i register the pg_ctl command as a windows service?
By the way, im using the following line to start the server:
"D:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/9.0.4/bin/pg_ctl.exe" -D "D:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/9.0.4/db_data" -l logfile start
Thanks in advance.
Use the register parameter for the pg_ctl program.
The data directory should not be stored in Program Files, the location of %ProgramData% is e.g. a good choice.
pg_ctl.exe register -N PostgreSQL -U some_windows_username -P windows_password -D "%ProgramData%/db_data" ...
In newer versions of Postgres, a separate Windows account is no longer necessary, so the following is also sufficient
pg_ctl.exe register -N PostgreSQL -D "%ProgramData%/db_data" ...
Details are in the manual:
You need to make sure the directory D:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/9.0.4/db_data has the correct privileges for the windows user you specify with the -U flag.
Btw: it is a bad idea to store program data in Program Files. You should move the data directory somewhere outside of Program Files because Program Files is usually highly restricted for regular users - with a very good reason.
Just run 'Command Prompt' as windows administrator and run the below command:
pg_ctl.exe register -N PostgreSQL -D "D:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/9.0.4/db_data"
You don't need to specify a User and Password, as previous answers have suggested.

Postgresql: How to find pg_hba.conf file using Mac OS X

Hi I am having trouble with postgres. I don't remember my postgres password and don't know how to change the password. I'm guessing I should change the md5 password settings I set a month ago, but I don't know how to find the file and open it using my terminal. Can someone help?
Another way I learned recently is to go to the terminal and type:
ps aux | grep postgres
which shows all the postgres processes running on your machine. From the list you should see one with the format ... -D .... E.G:
root 4155 0.0 0.0 2432908 68 ?? S 6May13 0:00.01 sudo su postgres -c /opt/local/lib/postgresql84/bin/postgres -D /opt/local/var/db/postgresql84/defaultdb -p 5432
the -D means directory. In the terminal, do a sudo su and then cd to that directory, and you'll find the pg_hba.conf file.
And one more way:
Go to your terminal and type: locate pg_hba.conf. There should be a few results.
If you can connect, use SHOW hba_file;.
If you cannot connect, you need to locate the data directory. That'll be shown as the -D argument to the postgres or pg_ctl command that starts PostgreSQL, so you can generally find it with ps -ef | grep postgres.
For macOS 12, you can open the file using nano in your terminal. Example below is if Postgres 12 is installed.
`nano /Library/PostgreSQL/12/data/pg_hba.conf`