How to use JProfiler to connect to jboss server? - jboss

I am using jprofiler for the first time,
First I have downloaded JProfiler and then installed JProfiler.
Please help me how to configure jprofiler with jboss server.
We do not use jboss server default deployment,
We have specific deployment like C:\jboss-4.2.2.GA\server\test\,
Our application deploys in test folder,
How to use jprofiler to config test deployment folder?

You need to setup a "server integration" via Session -> Integration wizards -> New server integration or via the quick start menu.
Choose your server type and follow the widzard:
then choose the location of your startup script:
Hoping this helps you to start profiling,
Best wishes.


How to create openshift application for OPENSHIFT ONLINE 3 STARTER (NEW!) server in Eclipse IDE?

I am trying to create an openshift3 application in Eclipse IDE after installing JBoss Developer tool plugin in IDE, But getting below error at the time Sign into OpenShift.
Error: The server type, credentials, or auth scheme might be incorrect:
I have also tried other server hostname like and much more, but still not working.
While, when I tried to log in using OC tool (OpenShift CLI) with the same credential (as seen in picture), I haven't got any error.
I also tried to run RHC (OpenShift Client Tool) but at the time of RHC setup it is saying "You are not authorized to perform this operation."
Please help me to solve it out.
First of all, it looks like you're using an outdated version of the JBoss Tools Openshift plugin, because the "New Openshift Application" wizard looks a little bit different at the moment. So try to update it:
Help -> About Eclipse -> Installation Details -> Update... - and choose at least all the JBoss Tools plugins that it'll report to you (the best will be to choose everything reported) and update them.
Secondly, what is the URL which you use to access the Openshift web console in your browser? It seems to me that it is Are you able to login there with your credentials? If yes, the same must work in JBoss Tools Openshift plugin. Check this and this articles for more info about using it.

Mule deployment and config properties file

Our application deployed in mule server has credentials in properties file that are used to access Database and other cloud. We have to do some change in properties file. I would like to know whether this will require a redeployment of the running application or it would be sufficient to restart the application from mule managent console or a server restart may be required.
Any suggestion would greatly help.
Thank you in advance
I believe you can still control the applications from MMC, even when they are deployed using the $MULE_HOME/apps directory. You navigate to them through the "Servers" tab. Find the application under the server, and there is an option at the top right to "Stop" and "Start" the application. This should allow you to run with the new configuration values.
The simplest possible without restarting your Mule Server is to Redeploy the application from the Mule Management Console (Deployment tab).
Hope this helps.

Eclipse - Why does Azure deployment take so long

I'm trying to deploy my HelloWorld application in Windows Azure which was developed in Java using eclipse. The application working fine when I tested under tomcat and Azure sdk. I created hosted service in Window Azure Management Portal and deploy my application. It almost 3 hours and it still deploying.
I went to What Happens When You Deploy on Windows Azure? and checked but still unclear.Can anyone advice why it took so long to deploy and any suggestion how to make the deployment process more faster.
Please refer the image below.
I changed the startup.cmd, instead of copy my tomcat to azure i changed the startup.cmd to download the tomcat online. now its working fine.
Does you start-up script finish after tomcat start?
The instances will be marked as ready only after the start-up script finished, so if you start tomcat blocking the start-up script it won't reach this state unless tomcat crashes...
You should use "start" ( command to start tomcat in a separated process allowing the start-up script to finish.
(In my memories the provided example in the eclipse plugin had the issue)

How can I configure JBoss so that I have to manually start and stop the server after deploying?

I want to configure this so that it doesn't restart automatically, but I have to manually start and stop it. Is this possible?
I am not sure if I understand you correct: you just don't want to hot deploy application. You would like that application should be deployed only during starting the JBoss server?
If yes, you can disable the hot deploy service just by removing the hdscanner-jboss-beans.xml from deploy directory.
PS. It works for JBoss AS 5.1.

How to optimize the deployment in websphere 6.1

We are using Websphere's wsadmin to deploy our application which is packaged as a .ear file, which takes more than an hour to deploy and start the server. Is there any suggested optimized tool to perform the deployment. which will help us in reduce the deployment timing.
Thanks in Advance!
It depends on your application and framework used. If every time during deployment you do ejb compile, it would be not too much options, and all time cost.
Consider the following:
use Rational RAD or RSA with build-in
optimized WebSphere Server.
use optimized settings for
developement in WebSphere admin console
enable auto-reload and use exploded
archive and directly copying files to
use external class-reloading tools
like JRebel
Are you stating that it takes 1 hour to deploy a single EAR file?
Where is the EAR file located? How big is the EAR file?
Where is wsadmin running from? (the same machine as the WAS Server or from a remote machine)?
If it is running from a remote machine, does it take long to transfer the EAR file to the actual WAS box?
Also why should the WAS Server be started for deploying your application?
I am assuming you are using a DM set up and the wsadmin is connecting to the DM?
Appreciate if you could clarify before people could assist you.