How to create openshift application for OPENSHIFT ONLINE 3 STARTER (NEW!) server in Eclipse IDE? - eclipse

I am trying to create an openshift3 application in Eclipse IDE after installing JBoss Developer tool plugin in IDE, But getting below error at the time Sign into OpenShift.
Error: The server type, credentials, or auth scheme might be incorrect:
I have also tried other server hostname like and much more, but still not working.
While, when I tried to log in using OC tool (OpenShift CLI) with the same credential (as seen in picture), I haven't got any error.
I also tried to run RHC (OpenShift Client Tool) but at the time of RHC setup it is saying "You are not authorized to perform this operation."
Please help me to solve it out.

First of all, it looks like you're using an outdated version of the JBoss Tools Openshift plugin, because the "New Openshift Application" wizard looks a little bit different at the moment. So try to update it:
Help -> About Eclipse -> Installation Details -> Update... - and choose at least all the JBoss Tools plugins that it'll report to you (the best will be to choose everything reported) and update them.
Secondly, what is the URL which you use to access the Openshift web console in your browser? It seems to me that it is Are you able to login there with your credentials? If yes, the same must work in JBoss Tools Openshift plugin. Check this and this articles for more info about using it.


Cannot Sign In to OpenShift using Eclipse IDE

I am currently learning OpenShift and would like to experiment with a few examples. I have created an OpenShift account (using my github account as a login) and was able to create a new project and deploy an application online. Note that I'm using OpenShift Online (Developer Preview) which I think is OpenShift 3.
Now, I'd like to import that OpenShift project into Eclipse IDE. However, I cannot sign in to connect to the online server.
I tried both the versions 2 and 3 of the OpenShift server unsuccessfully. Attached is a screenshot of the error I'm getting
As shown on the screenshot, I can get a token when clicking the retrieve link (which does take me to the OpenShift site, with a token generated. This shows that eclipse does connect to https//
I've also tried authentication with both username and password, leading to the same outcome.
Any help is appreciated.
This error is because you are using the free version. You need to use you console address in 'Server:' that you get after clicking the 'Open Web Console' button that you get after logging in to openshift.
This url should be something like this: "". You may use just "". And then click 'Next', it should work.

quickstart Apache DayTrader

I am trying to get the Apache DayTrader benchmarking app on OpenShift quickstart working see link!17609
I have a free 3 gear openshift online account and the quickstart starts up but then after a while posts the message
"Application creation is taking longer than expected. Please wait a few minutes, then refresh this page."
Waiting and refreshing the page shows the whole application rolled back and removed from the gear.
I suspected it might need a larger gear but I can build an openshift gear manually with JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 and PostgreSQL 9.2 as per requirements in a small gear
I tried manually building the application via jboss developer studio and downloaded the git locally, imported it as a general project,converted to Mavern project, started openshift application wizard and choose the jbosseap-6 app type with postgresql-9.2 cartridge and went through using the existing daytrader project.
That all seemed to work and the app was created in my openshift online gear
JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6
Status: Started
1 small, Storage 1 GB PostgreSQL 9.2
the account webpage then displays
"Welcome to your JBoss EAP application on OpenShift"
but I cant seem to access the daytrader index.jsp or app from there.
If anyone has successfully built Daytrader on openshift either manually or via quickstart could they please post the steps.
I am just starting with jboss and the solution may be an absurdly simple oversight on my part.
Much appreciated John
I am assuming this is not your cartridge. If that is the case, you should try logging an issue on the github project that feeds into that quickstart here:
The creator of the cartridge should be able to help you out.
I posted ( some time ago ) the issue in github for gvijayar but there has been no reponse. I have managed to build via command line as per "Deploying from Source" making allowance for the error.
The application name needs to change in the create command to be consistent across all the commands you list.
rhc app create -a daytradereap -t jbosseap-6 -g large
but the quickstart still fails consistently.

Netbeans Web Service Client not found

I've always used eclipse before, but I'm using Netbeans for the first time because of it's integration with Web Service clients.
However, after following multiple tutorials, the way to add a web service client is to:
Make a new project
Right click on your project, New->Other->Other->Web Service Client
However, I do not have the web service client option available, not sure what I am doing wrong.
Please mention the net beans version you have. You should use newer version of the IDE to use latest features.
For other developers who will face this problem like me, I will leave my answer here.
I'm currently using Apache NetBeans IDE 11.0 and it's in Web Services -> Web Service Client. If you still cannot find it, just use filter feature. I found it with filter.

Cannot deploy my updates to cloudfoundry

I have a simple app running on tomcat (using Postgresql). I deployed it to the Cloud-Foundry using the STS plugin and it runs OK. Recently I've encountered serious compilation problems (related to JS and JQuery) which led me to re install my STS. Now, when I run the app locally it runs perfect but when I use "Update & Restart" nothing happens - my new updates are not deployed! (I'm connected and Start/Stop works). I don't have a clue for how to tackle this. Please help.
Since you have reinstalled your STS, I would suggest you delete your app from Cloud Foundry and deploy your project from STS again. It might be because your project is not being linked with the app you have on
Try that and let us know how it goes.

404 error when trying to run PHP application on Glassfish 3.1.1 through Netbeans

While there are some similar posts about this issue, none seem to fit my problem exactly, so I would like to ask if anyone knows what I am doing wrong.
I am trying to run a PHP web application that I created in Netbeans. I am using Glassfish 3.1.1 as the web server. Whenever I run the application through Netbeans (by selecting the project, right clicking to get the context menu, then selecting "Run"), my browser opens to what I believe to be the correct url, but all I get is a 404 error page stating the following:
type: Status report
description:The requested resource () is not available.
Am I missing some crucial configuration step?
I have checked my hosts file and it contains the entry: localhost
Is there something else I need to do?
I have PHP 5.3.8 installed and all php commands run from the command line.
Would it be something in the php.ini file that needs to be configured?
I am stumped. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Please accept the comment below from Jonathan Spooner as the correct answer.
Just install Quercus within GlassFish 3.x and you can run PHP and Java.
As I stated in the comments, GlassFish and Apache Tomcat are Java application servers. In order to serve PHP pages you'll need to install a web server such as Apache HTTP web server. You'll also need to configure Apache to serve PHP files.
Something that you might look into is WAMP (Windows/Apache/MySql/PHP). This offers a simple way to get up and running quickly with little to no configuration.