Threading issue acts differently on ios 7 - iphone

I am using this Project from github, it is an image picker. I have had to make a very small change since ios7 to make the preview images from your albums show again but with that change now when you leave the picker and come back into it the photos selected (2/5) resets to 0/5 even though I have photos selected. How can I fix this?
The dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_LOW, 0) seems to be taking forever to update the ui even with dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue() to reload the ui inside of it. When I comment out the dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_LOW, 0) the pictures load instantly but other things get broken that depend on the queue.
here is the code snippet with the dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_LOW, 0) I changed with the code i changed commented out
- (void)loadAssets
[self.assets removeAllObjects];
__ag_weak AGIPCAssetsController *weakSelf = self;
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_LOW, 0), ^{
__strong AGIPCAssetsController *strongSelf = weakSelf;
#autoreleasepool {
[strongSelf.assetsGroup enumerateAssetsUsingBlock:^(ALAsset *result, NSUInteger index, BOOL *stop) {
if (result == nil)
AGIPCGridItem *gridItem = [[AGIPCGridItem alloc] initWithImagePickerController:strongSelf.imagePickerController asset:result andDelegate:strongSelf];
if ( strongSelf.imagePickerController.selection != nil &&
[strongSelf.imagePickerController.selection containsObject:result])
gridItem.selected = YES;
[strongSelf.assets addObject:gridItem];
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[strongSelf reloadData];
[strongSelf reloadData];

AGIPCGridItem is subclass of UIView. Don't work with UIKit objects on background thread.
Make sure you need the background thread and if you do, put only heavy tasks to background. Creating an UIView should not be that case.
Also, it's not recommended to use PRIORITY_LOW use simple PRIORITY_DEFAULT.
Edit: If you are curious why it did work on iOS 6: That's implementation detail of UIKit. It still was wrong, but somehow did what you expected.

I spent quite a bit of time with this code and I couldn't find a proper solution. Apparently the issue has come up on github, and a user offered a fix:
But apparently he just removed all the blocks running in background, so I suppose that for a large amount of images the performance would be bad.
My hunch is that inside a dispatch_async block runs code that calls some UIKit function,
and thus the behaviour is basically undefined.
For example it seems to me that the setAsset function in AGIPGridItem.m is called inside the dispatch_async you posted. It is calling UImage, and although it's inside a lock, it should be still be executed on the background thread, while all the UIKit code should be executed on the main one.
UITableViewCell load images and reused cells
But even if I wrap the call inside a dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()...) it doesn't work yet.
It seems that the call [view removeFromSuperview]; in setItems in AGIPGridell.m is responsible somehow, but removing it has the side effect of creating a memory leak (unsurprisingly).

The global dispatch queue is a shared resource. DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_LOW tasks run after every other task in the queue at a higher priority has run. If the queue is getting a lot of blocks submitted with a higher priority, your DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_LOW task may not run for a very long time!
This is documented in the Concurreny Programming Guide as well as the libdispatch man pages
So, basically, other higher priority tasks are keeping things busy and your low priority task is not getting an opportunity to go.

I highlighted iMartin's answer "AGIPCGridItem is subclass of UIView. Don't work with UIKit objects on background thread." He's got it.
I had a very similar issue when moving iOS6 to 7. I was dispatching an ALAssets request in a background thread. Once the fetch completed, I would construct the UIImageView, a UILabel, and a wrapper and then send this object to the main/foreground thread to be rendered. This worked fine on iOS6, but on 7 it was not draw for about 20 seconds. It would sometime draw after a UI event like a touch.
Fix was to fetch the ALAsset in the background, send that to the main thread where I created the image view, etc. Works like a charm now.


dispatch_async call in applicationDidFinishLaunchWithOptions not behaving the way I would expect

I'm totally new to threading in iOS. I have a tab bar based application with tabs as follows:
Home Screen with buttons that only function to change selectedSegmentIndex
Info listing screen that has a hefty web service call in the init method [self doLoadData]
Two other screens that don't matter for this purpose
I want to go ahead and call that init method before I actually call tabBarController.selectedSegmentIndex = 1. So, I did this in my applicationDidFinishLaunching:
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
[Constants configureApp];
self.window.rootViewController = self.navigationController;
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(0, 0), ^{
[[[[tabBarController viewControllers] objectAtIndex:1] topViewController] init ];
[self.window addSubview:tabBarController.view];
[self.window makeKeyAndVisible];
The behavior of this is that it does kind of work in that it:
Displays Splash Default.png
Shows a white screen
Finally shows the MainWindow with the tabBarController.
Please help because I know I'm doing it all wrong!
Like bbum said, UIKit is not thread safe. Instead of throwing the init in the background, ask yourself what part is making the init slower and work from there.
Are you loading an image from the web or parsing some file? Those are good examples of things that back be put in the background using Grand Central Dispatch (At least the download part of the image, the displaying should still be done in the main thread).
Instead of wrapping the entire init in a dispatch, try something like this in the init method of the view controller:
dispatch_async(queue, ^{
[self doLoadData]
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
//Set new data to be displayed
Be sure, when doing this, that the view looks okay without the data (and loads the data once downloaded gracefully) because it will be displayed before things are done downloading.
You can't arbitrarily dispatch various tasks to queues and have any hope that it'll work.
Unless a class and/or method is explicitly documented as being thread safe, then it is not thread safe.
As well, you must very carefully design your own classes to be thread safe. While queues make this easier to do, it is still rife with sharp edges.
In this case, you are futzing with UIKit objects off of the main queue. This is generally verboten outside of a few specific contexts.
You'll want to read the Concurrency Programming Guide for details.

Managing CPU intensive threads on iOS

I’m an experienced C/C++ programmer coming up to speed on Objective C on the iPhone. I have done a lot of searching, but haven’t found a satisfactory answer on what must be a common question; I apologize if this is answered elsewhere, pointers would be appreciated.
My app is very CPU intensive. The UI has a simple display that shows progress and a start/stop button. What is the best way to allocate the most possible CPU cycles to getting the work done, while still ensuring that the display is updated regularly and the start/stop button is responsive? I have read that you should not do work in the main thread, but beyond that I haven’t found many suggestions. In light of this I have implemented my work in an NSOperation queue. I have also put the screen refresh in its own queue. I have also liberally sprinkled the code with NSThread sleepForTimeIntervals. I have experimented with different sleep times from .001 to 1 ([NSThread sleepForTimeIntervals .1] for instance). In spite of this the screen display is sluggish at best (10s of seconds) and pressing the stop button highlights the button but nothing happens again for 10s of seconds.
1.) Are NSOperation Queues a reasonable choice? If not, what else?
2.) How do I minimize the sleeping? (Obviously I want the work to get as many cycles as possible/reasonable, and I’m not sure that my sleeps are doing anything at all to all the UI to update.)
3.) Is there a better technique to keep the UI up to date? For instance, can I use NSTimer or some other method to send a message to the UI telling it to update and/or check the status of the buttons?
Thank you for your support.
1.) Are NSOperation Queues a reasonable choice? If not, what else?
NSOperationQueue sounds like it would be reasonable.
of course, you have choice: pthreads, libdispatch (aka GCD), c++ thread libraries built on top of pthreads, etc, etc , etc. if you don't spawn much/many, then it just comes down to the model you favor.
2.) How do I minimize the sleeping? (Obviously I want the work to get as many cycles as possible/reasonable, and I’m not sure that my sleeps are doing anything at all to all the UI to update.)
don't sleep =) you can use a timer for your ui elements or an explicit callback or notification to notify dependencies. if the dependencies peform ui updates, then you will likely add the message to the main thread's message queue.
3.) Is there a better technique to keep the UI up to date? For instance, can I use NSTimer or some other method to send a message to the UI telling it to update and/or check the status of the buttons?
that really depends on what you are doing. if you merely want to update a progress bar, then you can write the value from the secondary thread and read the value from the main thread. then use a timer on the main run loop to periodically message your object to update its display (based on the current value). for something like an unstaged progress indicator this may be good.
another alternative is more useful for events or stages: it would involve posting updates (e.g. notifications or callbacks to a delegate) from the secondary thread as progress is made (more info under #2).
I wasn't sure this was appropriate in the iOS model, but it sounds like it is.
yes, that's fine - there are many appraches you can take. which is 'best' depends on the context.
My current understanding is to launch the UI in one thread (not the main!),
you really don't explicitly launch the UI; the main thread is (generally) driven by pushing events and messages onto the main thread. the main thread uses a run loop and processes the queued messages/events at each iteration of the run loop. you can also schedule these messages in the future (more on that in a bit). having said that, all your messages to UIKit and AppKit (if you target osx) objects should be on the main thread (as a generalization which you will eventually learn there are exceptions to this). if you have a specific implementation which is completely separated from messaging UIKit objects' methods and that program is thread safe, then you can actually perform those messages from any thread because it does not affect the state of the UIKit implementation. simplest example:
#interface MONView : UIView
#implementation MONView
// ...
- (NSString *)iconImageName { return #"tortoise.png"; } // pure and threadsafe
launch my worker thread, use a timer to generate a signal to the UI to take a look at a progress value and update the progress bar appropriately. For the purposes of this particular application your second to last paragraph is ample and I don't need to go to the lengths of the last paragraph (at least for now). Thank you.
to do this, you can use an approach similar to this:
#interface MONView : UIView
NSTimer * timer;
MONAsyncWorker * worker; // << this would be your NSOperation subclass, if you use NSOperation.
#implementation MONView
// callback for the operation 'worker' when it completes or is cancelled.
- (void)workerWillExit
assert([NSThread isMainThread]); // call on main
// end recurring updates
[self.timer invalidate];
self.timer = nil;
// grab what we need from the worker
self.worker = nil;
// update ui
// timer callback
- (void)timerUpdateCallback
assert([NSThread isMainThread]); // call on main
double progress = self.worker.progress;
[self updateProgressBar:progress];
// controller entry to initiate an operation
- (void)beginDownload:(NSURL *)url
assert([NSThread isMainThread]); // call on main
assert(nil == worker); // call only once in view's lifetime
// create worker
worker = [[MONAsyncWorker alloc] initWithURL:url];
[self.operationQueue addOperation:worker];
// configure timer
const NSTimeInterval displayUpdateFrequencyInSeconds = 0.200;
timer = [[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:displayUpdateFrequencyInSeconds target:self selector:#selector(timerUpdateCallback) userInfo:nil repeats:YES] retain];
note that this is a very primitive demonstration. it's also more common to put the timer, update handling, and operation in the view's controller, not the view.
Are you doing your UI updates on the main thread? This is very important because UIKit is not thread-safe and using it from a secondary thread can lead to sluggish behavior (or crashes for that matter). You usually should not need to use sleep in your background threads/queues for the UI to remain responsive (unless your UI itself is very CPU-intensive but that doesn't seem to be the case here).
You can check any of your methods that update the UI if they are running on the main thread with something like
NSAssert([NSThread isMainThread], #"UI update not running on main thread");
An easy and lightweight way to synchronize UI updates with the main thread is to use Grand Central Dispatch:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^ {
//do your UI updates here...
Here you are my answers to your questions.
1) Since you are an experienced C programmer, you will feel comfortable with Grand Central Dispatch (GCD), a C based API for concurrency.
2) With GCD, you do not need to sleep at all. Simply dispatch asynchronously the work you need to do in a queue using the maximum priority (DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH).
3) When you need to update the UI, simply dispatch on the main queue ( within the same block doing the work, using dispatch_get_main_queue() ) the UI update as needed.
Take a look at the relevant GCD documentation here.
I'd have a model object that does the CPU tasks, which has a delegate callback for when the output changes, and a view controller. In viewDidLoad you set the view controller as the delegate of your model. The model, therefore, can use threads and sends messages back on the main queue, when the calculated data has been updated. Unless your case is specifically complex, is just use Grand Central Dispatch and dispatch_async the intensive task onto another thread.
Certainly, you should not be calling sleepForTimeInterval anywhere to achieve what you want.

is this code using UIActivityIndicatorView flawed?

Is this code using UIActivityIndicatorView flawed? It appears that I don't actually get to see the indicator/spinner at all here, so is this because the view isn't drawn until the who viewDidLoad completes?
Is the only way around this to do the viewDidLoad custom work (e.g. data updates) on a separate thread? (I was hoping in this case for an easier single-thread operation). Is there a way to force the view to refresh after the "startAnimating" line perhaps prior to the data loading commencment?
Code from UITableViewController implementation:
- (void)viewDidLoad {
// Wait indicator - Start
self.waitView = [[[UIActivityIndicatorView alloc] initWithActivityIndicatorStyle:UIActivityIndicatorViewStyleWhiteLarge] autorelease];
self.waitView.hidesWhenStopped = true;
[self.view addSubview: self.waitView];
// Load data into tableview
[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval: 5.0]; // Test code to simulate
[self.waitView stopAnimating];
You should also call startAnimating. Sleeping is not a good idea. I would prefer the performSelector-methods which starts a not recurring NSTimer under the hood.
Try this:
-(void) doStuff:(id)aSender
[self.waitView stopAnimating];
[self performSelector:#selector(doStuff:) withObject:self afterDelay:5.0];
in addtion: also set the frame- or bounds-property of the ActivityIndicatorView somewhere like sosborn said in his comment
Actually the answer from Thomas should work as it is, I will add a little explanation as to why not use sleep as you have done it.
All the UI processing on iPhone (and most of OSs as well) is being done in only one thread - the main thread, the thread that executes the so called run loop. If you stop that thread the UI will stop, nothing will be drawn.
Putting sleep into viewDidLoad, which runs in the main thread, will do just that - stop UI from doing anything. So because immediately after wakeup you've called [self.waitView stopAnimating] and the activityview should hide when not animating, you can't see it at all - you just didn't give it any time to show.
Thomas used a NSTimer to call stopAnimating after 5 seconds - now this lets the main thread to execute code before stopping animation and hiding waitView and this will work for your test.
Better yet you just let it animate without any timer and use a delegate patter to be informed by the tableView loading code after the data has been loaded, then stop animating. You don't know how long loading of data will last, so it's better to wait until it's finished than stop animating after any specific time.
Oh well, and the size and position, makes sense, but for testing it doesn't matter and is not the cause of not seeing it - if not specified it will be added at 0,0 and have a default size so you will see it anyway.

Lag in output of AVCaptureSession

I am currently trying to implement a very simple UIView to replace the UIImagePickerController and am running into lag with the image being captured.
Here is the class I am currently using:
When I call snapPicture the delegate gets back the image with correct dimensions instantaneously from captureOutput:didOutputSampleBuffer but does not display the image for at least 3 seconds and sometimes takes up to 5 or 10 seconds. I have tried adding in the delegate setNeedsDisplay and setNeedsLayout. Does anyone have any idea what I might be doing wrong here or what might be causing this delay?
The docs of AVCaptureAudioDataOutput say "All delegate methods are called on the specified dispatch queue", so the answer below from Alex could well indicate the problem.
If you do something like this instead of the current delegate callback:
[delegate performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(usePicture:) withObject:image waitUntilDone:NO];
The -usePicture: method then invokes the delegate with the new picture.
Works for me. Though only tested on iPhone 4 for now.
Do you switch to main thread/queue when updating the UI in camView:didCaptureImage:? Updating UI from threads other than main causes issues.

asihttprequest crashes my app

I have a navigation based app. Press a button on main view, then I push a new view to the navigation controller. All pretty basic stuff.
When the new view is loaded, I do an ASIHTTPRequest to fetch some json data, which is a list of image urls.
Then I do a for loop, create a bunch of ASIHTTPRequests, add them to a queue and then run the queue.
But if I click on the back button before the queue is finished, the app crashes, this app displays houses and lets say you pick the wrong house, click back very quickly, before any photo is displayed, bumm crash.
This thread explains my problem real well, except I do cancel all requests on view did unload, set delegate to nil and release the queue.
Still I crash. I crash pretty much every time if I use 3G, but on wifi it is real hard to make it crash, but quite doable.
In almost 80% instances the debugger jumps to this line in ASIHTTPRequest.m
(void)requestReceivedResponseHeaders:(NSMutableDictionary *)newResponseHeaders {
if ([self error] || [self mainRequest]) { return; }
--> if (delegate && [delegate respondsToSelector:didReceiveResponseHeadersSelector]) {
Many many cases it jumps to :
(void)requestReceivedResponseHeaders:(NSMutableDictionary *)newResponseHeaders {
if ([self error] || [self mainRequest]) { return; }
---> if (delegate && [delegate respondsToSelector:didReceiveResponseHeadersSelector]) {
Ad in a handful of instances it goes to my main loop
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
--> int retVal = UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, nil); with SIGBART error [pool release]; return retVal;
I am using MBP and MacPro, latest OS X, Xcode 4.0.2 and I test on all apple devices except original iPhones.
I really don't want to re-write my whole app, but is there anything else out there that compares with ASIHTTPRequest ?
Try cancelling and unsetting the delegate in -viewWillUnload rather than -viewDidUnload. I suspect the window of time in which it's actually unloading (between calling those two UIViewController methods) is the time period when you're crashable. The delegate has gone away, but you haven't told your ASIHTTPRequest object that yet.
The error is that the delegate is still set.
I have found 2 ways to fix this.
The way I consider ugly is that you make a universal delegate that does all network traffic and is instantiated when the app is first run. I actually used the app delegate and listen to nsnotification center messages. It works like a charm, the app never crashes, but I think it is not optimal.
The best way is to not set the delegate and not use "setDidFinishSelector", but instead use "setCompletionBlock:^". This will only work on devices running iOS 4.0 and up, which is more than 90-95% and growing. This is just an awesome way and will not crash the application.
You won't find anything better that ASIHTTPRequest, the problem will be how you are using it and vanishing delegates on navigation are a common problem to have to deal with.
It sounds like your problem relates to the viewcontroller that is handling the queue being destroyed due to user navigation. I find the best way of solving these issues is to have a central model class that handles all my communications and keep that class throughout the application lifecycle.
That way you don't get unexplained crashes when delegates have vanished unexpectedly.
Option 2
Another approach can be to disable user navigation until the network operation completes. Put a modal view over the entire screen that shows a uiactivityview so the user knows their actions are being blocked. Then you can fade the modal view off when the data has arrived. If you design the screen nicely with a gradient so the background just dims a bit, this can look OK. But it's not really the best approach - you should fix the delegate AWOL instead.
We probably need to see more of the code relating to the queue creation, destruction etc to find the exact issue.
Your application delegate can own an array of request queues. The array lives independent of the state of the navigation controller stack and associated views. Instead of tying requests to a view controller in the nav stack, and having to do UI tricks to block popping back to a parent view, you could add requests to an app delegate queue instance, or stop all requests and empty the queue, etc.