openejb.xml configuration file in tomee server - openjpa

I'm using TomEE 1.5.2 server and I would like to know where I can find openejb.xml file?
I have to configure this file, like there:

It's only openejb.xml in OpenEJB standalone. In TomEE, it is tomee.xml, found in the conf directory.


org.springframework.aop.framework.AopConfigException Error in WebLogic 12c

I am in the process of upgrading WebLogic Server 11g ( to 12c (
I installed the war file without a problem onto the 12c server. Then, I tried to start the module. I was getting weblogic.application.ModuleException: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.aop.framework.AopConfigException error due to missing a particular class file. It seems like the class file belongs to "spring-aop-2.5.2.jar."
When I deployed the same war file onto the WebLogic Server 11g environment, I did not observe any problem. I ensured that "spring-aop-2.5.2.jar" exists in the war file. I am using the version 2.5.2 for the SpringFramework. I suspect it may also be a problem.
Based on my research, some people suggested to append <package-name>net.sf.cglib.*</package-name> into the to <prefer-application-packages> in your weblogic-application.xml. I do not have the weblogic-application.xml in my project or in the war file. I only see the file on the server. Although I appended the tag into weblogic-application.xml, I am still geting the same error.
Should I configure anything else based on my description? Any idea?
Having the same issue, I got it to work by putting both spring and cglib jars in the ear APP-INF/lib folder and using the following META-INF/weblogic-application.xml
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<weblogic-application xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
From my understanding, it's important that:
Both cglib and spring jars are in the same classpath folder
Both are present in "prefer-application-packages"
Using "prefer-application-packages" in weblogic.xml inside my .war file did not seem to work for some reason.
You should modify your weblogic.xml file to use the proper libraries with prefer-application-packages. However, do not forget to include this.
Oracle states here
Note that in order to use prefer-application-packages or prefer-application-resources, prefer-web-inf-classes must be set to false.

Where could I find and jar files?

I am working on RAD(WebSphere Portal Server 6.1v) and i am getting java build path error for ServiceManager and BOFactory jar files.
Kindly help.
I believe this is part of WebSphere Process Server. These jar files are located in the <INSTALL_ROOT>/plugins directory
BOFactory is located in
ServiceManager is located in
You need to have the server or the client jars installed on the machine you are developing on.

OpenShift Wildfly war file deployement using SFTP

I am trying to deploy a war file in a WildFly gear through a SFTP client.
I have followed the directions described here: but can't find anything about WildFly.
More specifically I was hoping to find app-root/dependencies/wildfly/deployments but as fas as I can tell there is no such directory.
Is there something I am missing or should I only use the git way for wildfly war deployement?
Thank you in advance
If you just want to easily deploy a war file, I would suggest using rhc port-forward (as shown here in the README and use the web interface to deploy it. I wrote that article and it does need to have WildFly added, I'll try to get it updated this week. From what I can see right off, you should put your war file into ~/wildfly/standalone/deployments to deploy it via SFTP. If you run this command find . -name "*deployed" when you ssh into your gear, you will see the ROOT.war.deployed in that directory.

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/pool/impl/GenericObjectPool

I am tring to configure a dynamic web project using eclipse helos. I use tomcat 6. When I add the libraries to the WebContent/lib it works fine. But I want to a folder called lib in the project's root level(root/lib). When I put my library files to that folder it builds fine. Run fine to the login page. When I try to log in it gives
"java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/pool/impl/GenericObjectPool"
Please help me with this.
You're creating a web app and deploying it as a WAR file in a Java EE container. That means that your deployment must follow the WAR standards. Put your JARs in WEB-INF/lib. The container will find them there.
Tomcat 6 and 7 have changed things up so JDBC driver JARs need to go in the server /lib directory. The app server expects to find them with its class loader. Try putting the MySQL JDBC connector JAR in /lib and see if that helps. in JBoss and GlassFish deployment

Currently an EJB / Web Application project uses a JBoss-specific JNDI configuration file, placed either in the conf directory or in the Jar file (both works fine).
How can I make this project portable between JBoss (4.2.3 or 5) and GlassFish 3? Is there a recommended way to set different JNDI configuration parameters depending on the container?
According to their EJB FAQ, Glassfish developers have put a file within appserv-rt.jar. The JNDI machinery in Java SE automatically detects this file when used in conjunction with no-arg InitialContext() and bootstraps the correct naming provider.
My understanding is that this should work in Glassfish also. Did you try do deploy your application without the file specific to JBoss (and to place it into the conf directory when deploying on JBoss)?