Where could I find com.ibm.websphere.sca.ServiceManager and com.ibm.websphere.bo.BOFactory jar files? - eclipse

I am working on RAD(WebSphere Portal Server 6.1v) and i am getting java build path error for ServiceManager and BOFactory jar files.
Kindly help.

I believe this is part of WebSphere Process Server. These jar files are located in the <INSTALL_ROOT>/plugins directory
BOFactory is located in com.ibm.soacore.runtime_6.1.0.jar
ServiceManager is located in com.ibm.soacore.sca_6.1.0.jar
You need to have the server or the client jars installed on the machine you are developing on.


Jboss EAP download deployed war file

I have deployed a war file through management console of JBOSS EAP to my company server. I lost my source code accidentally deleted. How can i download the file that's now running on the server to my local machine. Please help me
When you have access to JBoss directory and you pack source code into jars so:
You deploy a war file through the management console your archive is saved on path:
JBOSS_HOME/standalone/tmp/vfs/deployment (in case when you are in standalone mode)
There you can see unpacked war file with jars. But java source code is usually converted to bitecode and you can not get code from it. Maybe you compose your jar with source code and you can see source code.
But unfortunately I don't know way how to do it through Management console.
In the management console of JBoss, go to "Deployments", click the applicable deployment, click "View". Then you have the possibility to browse through all files in the war. Downloading the full war means clicking the war, and on the right, click "Download".
(all based on the 3.0.19.Final console version)

file created using getRealPath gets created on .metada/.plugins folder not in WebContent project folder

I am trying to create a file using below code in a Servlet:
File outfile= new File(servletContext.getRealPath("/Output/output.xml"));
OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(outfile);
from a J2EE Application (CallMain) and the file gets created in deployed temp path
Actually I want the file to be created in current project folder: WebContent.
Actually when you ran the servlet within eclipse using the embedded tomcat server
Gives you this
But when you ran the servlet from standalone Apache Tomcat:
This gives you
While in eclipse you can give the absolute path i dont think this is the best approach though
By default, your application stages and runs from a directory buried in the workspace's .metadata directory. That is the "real path" at runtime. Check your Server's configuration for options regarding deploying the app directory from the workspace folders.

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/pool/impl/GenericObjectPool

I am tring to configure a dynamic web project using eclipse helos. I use tomcat 6. When I add the libraries to the WebContent/lib it works fine. But I want to a folder called lib in the project's root level(root/lib). When I put my library files to that folder it builds fine. Run fine to the login page. When I try to log in it gives
"java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/pool/impl/GenericObjectPool"
Please help me with this.
You're creating a web app and deploying it as a WAR file in a Java EE container. That means that your deployment must follow the WAR standards. Put your JARs in WEB-INF/lib. The container will find them there.
Tomcat 6 and 7 have changed things up so JDBC driver JARs need to go in the server /lib directory. The app server expects to find them with its class loader. Try putting the MySQL JDBC connector JAR in /lib and see if that helps.

Tomcat reporting IncompatibleClassChangeError - classpath problem?

I'm trying to deploy an application to Tomcat 7 on a Windows server. I have a local copy set up and have tested with Eclipse without any trouble, but on the production server I get IncompatibleClassChangeError messages.
This had been a problem on the local server when there were problems with the classpath, but I configured the correct classpath in the server properties inside Eclipse and everything ran fine.
I'm new to Tomcat and from what I understand it should be reading jar files from my my WEB_INFO/classes directory, but when my jars are there the app doesn't want to load at all. When I move them to the $CATALINA_HOME/lib (I realize that's not where they should go) the app loads fine but reports the IncompatibleClassChangeError.
Why aren't my jars being read from WEB-INF/classes? Is there some configuration I should look at to fix this?
Webapp-specific JAR files should go in Webapp/WEB-INF/lib, not in Webapp/WEB-INF/classes. The Tomcat/lib should only be used for appserver specific libraries and optionally also JAR files which should be shared among the deployed webapplications.
There might be more into the IncompatibleClassChangeError, this can have an entirely different cause. But first try getting the JAR's in the right place. If in vain, then please update your question to include the detail message. This at least smells that you're putting JAR files of a different appserver make/version in the classpath.

what is the use of jbossall-client.jar?

i am wondering what is use of jbossall-client.jar ?
Up to JBoss version 4.2.3 these file contains client code for application.
But since JBoss 5.0 these file contains only dependences against other libraries from server client directory. If you want use it you must put also other jar file on in the same directory as jbossall-client.jar. These is excerpt from readme.txt file from jbossall file:
This jar file contains a classpath reference to various client jar files used by jboss client applications.
Each of the jar files in the following list must available in the same directory as the jbossall-client.jar, Otherwise they will not be found by the classloader.
In readme.txt you can also find the list jar files against which jbossall-client has dependencies.
It's a bundling of all JBoss client code into a single JAR, for those who don't want to bother with selecting the individual smaller JARs.