How many projects/folders/files can eclipse (the editor) safely handle? - eclipse

I am always the first one to jump on any latest Eclipse release thinking that it would solve some of the issue that i have with slowness but i am always disappointed. The DLTK thing that keeps running, memory heap issues, internal error occurred ....
The latest version that I have tried is KEPLER
I know that I can close the projects that i am not using, disable validation, remove projects from the build path, hack into their myriad of codes and change settings but really?
I have to admit my workspace has only 5 projects but more than TWO HUNDRED heavy duty folders. within those folders you have for example, Drupal, Wordpress and so on..
I have used visual studio for years with 5 times as much projects without this kind of slowness but that is besides the point. Let's go back to eclipse.
looking at my settings, some people might say: why don't you create a projects for each of those folders? I tried that but the DLTK indexer keeps on indexing every projects in my workspace unless i close them. WOW!!! Create multiple workspace is out of the questions, if i have to do that i will just ignore Eclipse all together.
My hardware is decent and I have SSD Drive and plenty of RAMs.
What is the largest amount of projects or files can Eclipse safely handle? What about the DLTK what are its limitations?
How large is too large?
What doesn't visual studio seem to suffer from the same slowness? Is the problem java related or with the data structure? Can Eclipse handle that amount of projects?
I know that there are a lot of moving parts and answering these questions is not black and white but why is this thing indexing even the stuffs that i am not using?
I would like to get some opinions on how to use this editor effectively?

While the number of projects/files is not exactly "limited" (beside the resources of the host machine), the number of open editors is.
Eclipse 2019-09 proposes by default 99.
Close editors automatically when reaching 99 open editors
The preference to close editors automatically is now enabled by default.
It will be triggered when you have opened 99 files.
If you continue to open editors, old editors will be closed to protect you from performance problems.
You can modify this setting in the Preferences dialog via the General > Editors > Close editors automatically preference.

IDEs are slow by nature because they do a lot.
I would never use eclipse for webdev stuff like wordpress.
You should be leaving your library files outside of your main project as external folders so that eclipse discounts them. That way you can just have the files you need in your workspace.
Also, try closing the projects you aren't working on by right clicking and choosing "close project"
Personally I use vim and FTP to handle this stuff. Eclipse is nice and integrated but very chunky.


Eclipse: How to backup and restore session (windows, views)?

Occasionally, my fingers are faster then my brain and accidentally close views or windows of my development environment (which is Eclipse Kepler). I usually have two windows of Eclipse running side by side with individual views configured in both of them. Unfortunately, as soon as I (unintentionally) close a view/window, I have to set it up again. E.g. the build files in my Ant view get lost, I have to reopen files and so on...
Generally speaking, are there any plug-ins or options you can recommend that can help me backup and restore sessions? I'm aware of the "Save perspective" feature, but it barely meets my needs.
To be more precise:
Is there any feature to make Eclipse request my confirmation, before a (top-level Eclipse) window is closed? - I rarely do uncontrolled clicks twice :-)
Is there any plugin to save and restore my current views (incl. build files in Ant view)?
Is there any plugin to save a set of open files I'm currently working on? Would be neat, if I could open several files on a single click and get working right away. I'm thinking of a session management, where I can switch between several sets of open files.
Just in case none of the above is available and I messed up again, are there any files I can copy from one workspace to another to restore my Eclipse setup (windows/views)?
Any hints are welcome.

Eclipse - Universal Preferences Across All Workspaces?

I like to use several different workspaces, so as to keep everything organized. However, its annoying to have to copy the .settings folder to all my workspaces just because I added a keyboard shortcut. I'm looking for a way to update the preferences of all my workspaces whenever I change the preferences in one workspace. The settings I care about are keyboard shortcuts, code style, fonts, etc.
I have found this plugin which might be useful, but doesn't seem to be exactly what I'm looking for.
Ideally, I could have my settings saved in the cloud somewhere. On startup, Eclipse will check if workspace settings and the settings in the cloud differ, and if so, import them from the cloud. If I change any settings, then these preferences should be exported to the cloud. This way I also have my preferences on my school's lab machines.
Does anybody know a way to make this work? I'm all ears.
Short answer: no. The easiest thing is probably just manually configure your preferences on those two or three PCs where you use Eclipse, and move on.
Longer answer: yes, you can copy (and standardize) Eclipse settings (e.g. for a standard configuration across your development shop). Here's a good article explaining how:
Finally, there's still no easy way (AFAIK) to safely and reliably UNINSTALL plug-ins as of the latest/greatest version (Indigo, Eclipse 3.7). So if you find yourself experimenting with a lot of plug-ins .. some of which you might ultimately wish to get rid of ... then maybe your best bet is installing Eclipse on a VM (say, VBox or VMWare, running Linux or Windows). Use your VM as a little "sandbox" where you can try stuff out, and easily clone (if you like it) or blow it away (if you don't).

Eclipse: High CPU Usage during Autocomplete

I've been using Eclipse without issue (I mean, besides the usual) for several weeks now. It's been speedy enough for my purposes. But as of today around noon, anytime I start typing an HTML tag or other autocomplete-able element, my whole System bogs down so much it's completely unusable. Watching in Task Manager, I show that Eclipse jumps from 0 up to 10-15% every time I type a "<" or ">" symbol!
I have a Core i7 PC with 6 GB of RAM, so this definitely isn't a system specs limitation. I've also uninstalled a couple of programs I installed today hoping maybe one of them was conflicting, but no dice. Even after a restart, I am unable to use Eclipse without pausing for several seconds every time it tries to auto-complete!
Anyone know what's going on here? I did some searching but all I found were VERY old bug reports that say the developers "are aware of the issue and are working on a solution".
First, I'd try bumping up the memory that eclipse has allocated to it:
-XX:MaxPermSize 128m
That should be in your eclipse.ini file. This blog has some great reading as far as memory and Eclipse are concerned. Also you can read this lengthy SO thread if you need some more info and / or wish to induce sleep.
Next, try speeding up autocomplete. Go to Window / Preferences / Java / Editor / Content Assist / Auto-Activation and decrease Auto activation delay from 500 to zero.
Finally, you might look into hippie complete; the default key binding in Eclipse is 'alt-/' . This is also called "Word Completion" if you check out the shortcut list 'ctr-shft-l' ( that's L as in list ). On my mac the default key setting is 'ctr-.' . This is a faster version of autocomplete that I believe harkens back to the days of emacs. It seems to work great with local variables but not so great with functions on objects. Different beast I guess.
As a bonus, you can check here for a list of ways to speed up the Eclipse experience in general.
First, just as a test, try switching to a new workspace (File → Switch Workspace → Specify a folder which does not exist, it will be created).
If the problem is solved, this could be an issue with some bad settings or cache in your current workspace. If you can easily move to this new workspace (don't know how much effort you've put in customizing your workspace), I'd do that.
If you want to fix your current workspace, go into the .metadata/.plugins folder of your workspace, and look for folder that start with org.eclipse.wst. I'd try to take them out, and see if it helps (close Eclipse first). You may lose mostly history and cache in the process. You can check the folders specifically and intelligently guess what should stay.
If the problem is not solve by changing workspace, I would try downloading a fresh copy of Eclipse. You could try to reset the configuration folder, but that's a bit risky. If it's too much trouble, I'd start fresh.

Is it possible to prevent Eclipse from closing up the project space when you close the app?

I have a Java project in Eclipse that mirrors a directory structure on my hard drive and every time I open Eclipse I have to manually open all of the folders to see the source files inside them. Is there a way to avoid this so that everything stays open between app sessions?
With the CNF alone (the Common Navigation Framework), I don't think so.
But with Mylyn (which is part of certain Eclipse packages), you can because the Mylyn task will keep the relevant files/classes/methods visible from one session ot the next.

How to search all open files in Eclipse?

Simple question: how do I search all the files currently open in Eclipse? Note: I don't wanna search all the files I have in that workspace, just the ones open in tabs. Is there an easy way to do this?
Closest way is selecting several resources in Navigator or Package Explorer view, then press Ctrl+H and choose 'Selected Resources' radio button. It will limit search only to selected files.
CTRL+E on Windows or Linux, and Command+E on OSX.
There's no way to do that at the moment.
The easiest solution would be to select your files manually (holding CTRL + click on file) and to specify "selected resources" as your search scope.
This may come too late for the original poster, but just in case somebody else needs to find out an answer, I had the same problem and found my solution by installing a plug-in named Instasearch. You can get it by going to Help/Eclipse Marketplace and searching for Instasearch.
You can find more about this plug-in in the following address.
Spring produces a stand-alone Eclipse plugin (no dependencies on Spring) called Quick Search
For efficiency, it searches your open files first. So while it isn't purely restricting to opened files as you requested, you can still get a similar effect in practice by just clicking the first results that come up.
The currently opened files simply aren't considered special in eclipse - you have far more advanced methods of organizing your files: projects and working sets.
Working sets allow you to define sets of files, which can be used as constraints for many operations. You have to define them explicitly, but then they don't change just because you've closed a file.
There is no find-in-open-files command in Eclipse, no.
I think that the main reason find-in-open-files is not implemented in Eclipse is probably because the set of open files is for many users rather insignificant. (In fact, I don't know (or care) which files I have open. (I even have Eclipse set to automatically close editors/files when they become too many). If I want to navigate to a file, I open it. Limiting a search to the files I currently have open would be completely pointless for me.)