Eclipse: How to backup and restore session (windows, views)? - eclipse

Occasionally, my fingers are faster then my brain and accidentally close views or windows of my development environment (which is Eclipse Kepler). I usually have two windows of Eclipse running side by side with individual views configured in both of them. Unfortunately, as soon as I (unintentionally) close a view/window, I have to set it up again. E.g. the build files in my Ant view get lost, I have to reopen files and so on...
Generally speaking, are there any plug-ins or options you can recommend that can help me backup and restore sessions? I'm aware of the "Save perspective" feature, but it barely meets my needs.
To be more precise:
Is there any feature to make Eclipse request my confirmation, before a (top-level Eclipse) window is closed? - I rarely do uncontrolled clicks twice :-)
Is there any plugin to save and restore my current views (incl. build files in Ant view)?
Is there any plugin to save a set of open files I'm currently working on? Would be neat, if I could open several files on a single click and get working right away. I'm thinking of a session management, where I can switch between several sets of open files.
Just in case none of the above is available and I messed up again, are there any files I can copy from one workspace to another to restore my Eclipse setup (windows/views)?
Any hints are welcome.


In Eclipse, can you have different sets of open files for different perspectives?

I'm using STM32CubeIDE, an eclipse-based IDE for embedded development. When I start a debug session it switches to the Debug perspective. During the debug session, various extra source files typically get opened in the editor when I pause execution at random times and the currently executed line is deep within some vendor library file. Then I end the debug session and it switches to the normal C/C++ perspective, however all those uninteresting library files that were opened in the debug session are left open. This is annoying, I find myself routinely de-cluttering the editor window by manually closing 10 to 20 uninteresting files that were opened by the IDE during debugging.
So, is there a way for perspectives to preserve their own set of open files (possibly using an add-on extension)? or perhaps you could think of another Eclipse feature that will help with this annoyance? I'm sure I'm not the only one who finds this inconvenient.

Mylyn opening unwanted files in editors from task context

I'm using Mylyn 3.12 for the first time with Eclipse Kepler. I am using subversive to manage SVN connection for team.
I doing web development, so no Java projects here. I'm having the craziest situation where Mylyn is always adding three files to every task I create after I deactivate and then reactivate the task. It's almost as though there is a hidden editor with these files open. I have no idea where they might be coming from. Why on earth it chooses these three files is beyond me. If I delete one of the files, it still tries to add the file to the context, but the editor opens with file does not exist. When I "clear all" from the task context, stop the task, and reactivate, the files still appear! I even clear the invisible section as well.
Does anyone have any idea what might be linking these files to the context?
Also, I'm using the ColdFusion builder plugin, so I don't know if was related to that.
Ok, on a hunch while dissecting this issue, I decided to go through the "Window->Navigation->Switch to Editor" Each of my three files had it's own editor listed here! However, I found no way to actually get to these editors. So, whenever a task was created, it would simply copy open files from these hidden editors. So, I had two copies of each file open. I have no idea what is going on with my "shared area."
Again, the only way I could get to the hidden editors was the Window menu item, so it beats me if this is a bug or a feature. It almost seems like it was split editor view gone terribly wrong.

See Eclipse Run Configurations in a View

I have a lot of Eclipse run configurations that I frequently access during my daily work (things like doing a maven clean build for various projects, running a test gui, deploying apps etc etc). The Run Configurations Window (accessed via Run->Run Configurations) is reasonably good and supplies me with most of my needs, but:
I hate having to manually open it up every time I need to run something.
The window is modal and that I can't easily access other Eclipse features while editing a configuration.
It loses any filters that I have applied previously.
Is there a way to have this window fixed in a view that I can access at any time, and that it maintains my context? It really seems to me that this feature was designed with little regard for the "Eclipse way of doing things".
I know about setting configurations up as "favourites", but I have probably close to a hundred of these configurations, and the favourites menu is simply not designed for that amount.

Is there auto-syncing in netbeans for external changes

I know netbeans syncs the original files once I save, but if there is a file changed externally is there a way for netbeans to recognize this and either tell me to re-sync it or automatically resync it with the new changes?
Here's what makes this behavior possible:
NetBeans 6.9 contains a feature that automatically looks for external changes to keep informations about files up-to-date. We have some reports that it can slow down NetBeans mainly, when an open project has many folders. When NetBeans find out that files were externally changed, it re-scans the files to keep data up-to-date that are used with features like code completion, navigation etc. Unfortunately the notification and following re-scanning can take some time and during this time many mentioned features are waiting for the finishing of scanning. There is option Enable auto-scanning of sources that can switch off this behavior. The option you can find it in Options dialog, Miscellaneous category and Files tab.
The default behavior is that NetBeans also looks for external changes when the main window gets focus. This is can be during developing a web application very often when user switches between browser and IDE. The mentioned option also switch this off.
When you switch off option Enable auto-scanning of sources you can still keep the information up-to-date, just invoke Scan for External Changes action from Sources menu manually.
(Here's the original article by Petr Pisl)
I find it counterproductive to leave this setting on, as sometimes auto-loading external changes to a file opened in the UI without asking for permission first can ruin your day when you're forced to make small local changes that you don't want replicated in your repository. I'm sure other people can think of more reasons to advocate for "warn before loading external changes" behavior to be implemented in NB. That is one of the reasons why I like Eclipse better sometimes.

Is it possible to prevent Eclipse from closing up the project space when you close the app?

I have a Java project in Eclipse that mirrors a directory structure on my hard drive and every time I open Eclipse I have to manually open all of the folders to see the source files inside them. Is there a way to avoid this so that everything stays open between app sessions?
With the CNF alone (the Common Navigation Framework), I don't think so.
But with Mylyn (which is part of certain Eclipse packages), you can because the Mylyn task will keep the relevant files/classes/methods visible from one session ot the next.