IBM Worklight - How to debug an application? - eclipse

How can I view my Worklight developed website or pages in Google chrome? I want to inspect element for the page.

Revised answer based on comments:
Make sure that you are using an external browser (in your case, Chrome) to preview the application. You can do that in Eclipse via Preferences >> Browsers.
Please also read the following training module: Debugging your application.

For debugging a worklight app in google chrome
right click on project--> open worklight console--> right click on browser's properties-->copy the url and paste it into chrome's address bar. By using this you, easily see the worklight developed page on chrome.

Open Worklight Console
Under Mobile Web >> 'Click on Get App URL'
Run the app url in any browser


The 'Add to homescreen' link is not visible in Chrome Devtools - Application - Manifest

I am trying to simulate the 'Add to Homescreen' event as described in this guide from google. But, that blue link 'Add to homescreen' that they have in their screenshot under DevTools - Application - Manifest simply isn't there on my Chrome Dev Tools. I've tried it on several PWAs (including the Google I/O 2016 progressive web app PWA suggested as a page to try the feature on in the first link). No luck. That link simply isn't there.
Ultimately, I want to catch the event, prevent the default and then show the user a custom 'Install this app' message, as suggested in this guide. But to test it, I need this Chrome DevTools feature.
My Chrome DevTools version is 76.
Link the web manifest and add a link for the website in the html file
For example
<p>This is the homescreenlink ?<br />
In Running the chrome development tools,
it is important to check what is the error maessage in the application list.
What are the error messages you get when you work on this?
One can debug with this tutorial.

How to use chrome remote debugging with ionic framework?

So I'm reading in this link and it says we can use chrome for remote debugging an app which seeems great but they don't explain how to do it. When I click in the link they provide which has some android documentation, I just see java code. As a non java-developer I wonder how can I use remote debugger in chrome for ionic framework?
To access remote debugging of a webview on your phone, plug your phone into your pc and go to chrome. then type: chrome://inspect into the url bar. open your app on your phone and it should show your device on the inspect dashboard.

Get error messages Chrome packaged app

How can I see error messages when running a Chrome packaged app? I've been running the app in the browser and using DevTools but this technique has it's limitations.
If you need to inspect app windows, you can reach them at chrome://inspect/#apps
Or, as Daniel mentions, use the Developer Tool app.
General Chrome Debugging
By opening
you may debug all Apps and Extensions.
You may also like the official Google Chrome Apps & Extensions Developer Tool
Debugging Chrome Extensions
As described in the chrome developer Tutorial you can activate the developer mode within the settings. Afterwards an inspect popup option is avaialbe when you right-click an app-icon.

Eclipse: Choosing Run on Server doesn't launch Firefox, it launches Eclipse's internal browser

I am new to Eclipse and I have created a small web app and it works but when I do Run on Server (Tomcat) from Eclipse it launches the website in its own internal web browser.
I wondered if it was possible to have it launch Firefox for example?
Do I need to download Aptana?
I would just enter the URL in your preferred browser, and bookmark it. As simple as that. You'll have to do it with different browsers anyway if you want to test the app on multiple browsers.
You can also choose which browser is used by going to Window - Preferences - General - Web Browser.
yes if u want your application to get started on firefox ..Go to window tab at the top of your eclipse IDE from there preferences and the go to general from there select browsers
check radio button of use external web browser and select the browser u want firefox or IE..

GWT getting missing-plugins message

When i tried to run an GWT sample application i got a missing-plugins on firefox (or Chrome) it seems that i'm missingg something just dont know what to do in order to make it works...
any ideas??
You need to install the Google Web Toolkit Developer Plugin:
In the development mode window you
will find the URL for the local
server. Paste this URL into Firefox,
Internet Explorer, Chrome, or Safari.
Since this is your first time hitting
the development mode server, it will
prompt you to install the Google Web
Toolkit Developer Plugin. Follow the
instructions in the browser to install
the plugin. Once the Google Web
Toolkit Developer Plugin is installed
in your browser, navigate to the URL
again and the starter application will
load in development mode.