I get "Error initializing capture component: 0, 480, 360" when I try to run metaio SDK sample project on ios 6 simulator iphone. I was able to compile but I got the same error before and after the compile.How to solve this issue?
Metaio sdk
Error initializing capture component: 0, 480, 360
Error starting capture component
you might get the error message above when you try to run your application on iOS simulator.Please run on your ios device(iphone or ipad).You cannot take image via Mac's webcam from iPhone Simulator. For camera, you need to test it on a device.
if( m_metaioSDK )
m_metaioSDK->startCamera(0, 480, 360);
I am trying to capture the iOS device's Screen In macOS. While capturing the mirrored iOS device screen we have had an issue:
Get connect iPhone with a USB cable to your MacBook.
let discoverySession = AVCaptureDevice.DiscoverySession(deviceTypes: [.externalUnknown], mediaType:.muxed, position: .unspecified)
let device = discoverySession.devices
Preview connected device
start to record the device session
Expected: A file to be found at the given file URL. This is the case on my Intel-based Mac.
Actual: On Apple Silicon, no file is written, and the Xcode console fills up with this error message:
CMIO_Unit_Convertor_VideoToolboxCompressor.cpp:1958:doCompressBuffer [0x14683c800] EXCEPTION ON ERROR -67447
I'm running a Cordova app and having an issue with iOS 13 on certain iPhones. I've been using these plugins for years without an issue, until iOS 13.
When I run these plugins (cordova-plugin-email-composer, cordova-sms-plugin) on an iPhone with a notch (e.g., iPhone X or iPhone 11), after invoking the plugin and sending an email or cancelling out of sending an SMS message, I return to my app and the screen is "magnified." That is, the content is pushed up, down, left, and right. When I run this on an iPhone 5s, it's all fine.
I don't know if this helps but I noticed that the screen dimensions have changed. When I ask jQuery before invoking the plugin my iPhone X dimensions:
$(window).height() = 768
$(window).width() = 375
after sending an email and returning to my app:
$(window).height() = 840
$(window).width() = 410
This only occurs on iOS13, iOS 12 is fine.
Tested on the latest versions of Cordova - 9.0.0 Cordova and cordova-ios 5.0.1.
Any help would be much appreciated!
I develop application using iOS5.0, now I want to run app in iOS6.0. It's working fine using iPhone classic devices, but not working fine in iPhone5.
Because [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds] is returning {{0, 0}, {320, 480}} in iPhone5, I wrote code using
if (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone)
CGSize result = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size;
if (result.height == 480)
// iPhone Classic
else if (result.height == 568)
// iPhone 5
But screen bounds return same frame. How it will change?
Add splash screen for iPhone 5. You can see a warning if you go to Your Target -> General -> Launch Images.
For the application to run in "tall mode", you need to have a Default.png splash screen the correct height for an iPhone 5. This will instruct the application to run in tall mode, meaning you'll get the correct bounds.
Information can be found at the Apple Dev Centre. Basically, you'll need to provide a splash/launch image with a size of 640 x 1136 pixels, and a name of Default-568h#2x.png.
To specify default launch images for iPhone 5 and iPod touch (5th generation) devices, include the modifier string -568h immediately after the portion of the filename. Because these devices have Retina displays, the #2x modifier must always be included with launch images for the devices.
For example, the default launch image name for a device is Default-568h#2x.png. (If your app has the UILaunchImageFile key in its Info.plist file, replace the Default portion of the string with your custom string.).
You can easily add this image via the target settings for the project in Xcode. Simply select your project file, then select the application from the target list. Within General, you'll find settings such as Application Version number, Deployment Target etc... Further down the list you can select your launch images, and there'll be a placeholder for iPhone 5 devices.
I am using Qualcomm library for my application. My application works fine on iPhone 4S but when I try to install on iPhone 4 then it crashes. The relevant code is:
QCAR::Frame frame = state.getFrame();
int frame.getNumImages();
with the app crashing on the getNumImages line.
I've tested the app on instrument with leaks option and it show me leaks on:
NSInteger initSuccess = QCAR::init();
with the "Heavies Backtrace" message.
How can I prevent this from crashing?
Recently submitted iPhone and iPod Touch application to app store successfully, but later came to know that is not working on iPad 3.2 but works on iPad with high iOS like 4 in scaled version.
Reason: setOrientation property of Movie player.
Actual Query: In order to make it work on iPad 3.2 in MAC Desktop I used
if(UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad)
player.view.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, 768, 1024);
[self.view addSubview:player.view];
[player play];
else {
#ifdef __IPHONE_4_0
player.controlStyle = MPMovieControlStyleNone;
[player setOrientation:UIDeviceOrientationPortrait animated:NO];
when i run the same code on my MAC BOOK with iOS 3.0 this code is throwing the error...not supported.
If i build the above code on MAC DESKTOP(with iOS 4) will that work
on iPhone device with iOS 3.0 ? ..in reference to Event Kit Frame
Work(which throws error in iOS 3.0..but required in iOS 4).
I need to go for separate iPad app instead of Universal?
Is there any difference in iPhone with iOS 3.2 and iPad with iOS 3.2 in terms of
properties used?
I don't think you should hardcode it like that at compile time. Instead you should test if a particular class or method/property on a class exists and then do the appropriate thing. Like using [NSObject respondstoSelector:] to test whether your object understands a particular method.
Okay, first of all it does not matter if you use the Mac desktop or the MacBook to compile. It looks like you may be confusing the "minimum iOS" value and the "base SDK".
Base SDK: Refers to the code library that the complier will use to check your code, but does not determine which OS's your app will actually run on. You can have a base SDK of 5.0 and your app may still work fine on a 3.0 system. The catch is that if you are using code that is compatable with your Base SDK and not older OS's, the compiler will not catch it.
Minimum OS: This value does determine which OS's your app will run on.
If you are using code for higher OS's but want to run on lower OS's you need to test in the code for which OS you are running on and then run the appropriate code for that platform.