Application crash using Qualcomm library for IOS Application - iphone

I am using Qualcomm library for my application. My application works fine on iPhone 4S but when I try to install on iPhone 4 then it crashes. The relevant code is:
QCAR::Frame frame = state.getFrame();
int frame.getNumImages();
with the app crashing on the getNumImages line.
I've tested the app on instrument with leaks option and it show me leaks on:
NSInteger initSuccess = QCAR::init();
with the "Heavies Backtrace" message.
How can I prevent this from crashing?


XCode 7: How to find a bug on iPhone when simulator works fine?

I created an ios app, which runs fine on every simulator. With XCode 7 I transfered it to my iPhone 4S. There the Splashscreen is shown and then app is terminated. I don't have any idea why?
How can I find out, what's the problem and where it is?

iOS Watch OS 2 with Xcode 7 Beta 4.0 AppWatch Launching App with Activity Indicator Screen Only

I am developing the iOS watchApp with WatchDevice.
I have facing issues with Running the app in the Real device.
Its keep on showing only ActivityIndicator and nothing goes ahead of this screen.even i tested with Hello world Test App.
By just putting One Static Label,but its still showing same activityIndicator.Anyone knows how to solve this issue??any thing Wrong with My Code or setup?

iOS App works fine when deployed from xcode, but more crash prone on MKMapView when installed from iTunes

I have a tab based app that uses four tabs. The home tab is an MKMapView. When I load the app onto my iPhone and run from "Xcode" or "Instruments" there are no problems with crashing. However when I load the app onto my iPhone from iTunes or it crashes whenever the MKMapView pans or zooms. Everything else in the app seems to work fine.
can you check the iOS version of simulator and device both? this might be happening due to some method or something else which might be not exist in the running version of iOS and your code might be calling that particular method.
You should debug your code while running on device and track the specific action as your were saying crashed happens when only the pan or zooming of mapview performed.

Instrument doesn't work in xcode 4.2 simulator

I am able to run the instrument on my device and can check for memory leaks but when I run the same code on simulator with instrument it hangs and my app can not go beyond splash screen. As soon as I force quit the instrument my app continues working. I have also tested the code using xcode 3 and instrument is working fine for both i.e for simulator as well as on device.
Anyone can suggest what I am doing wrong while running instrument on xcode 4.2 simulator.
After trying everything I have install again my xcode and its now properly working.

iphone os 4 app is not working on ipod touch os 3+

after i complied my app on IOS4 my app stopped working on ipod touches. it is a first generation ipod touch, with os 3 on it. So i assume application for OS4 are not working on old ipodtouches ? but there was no warring from the app store and it is even listed for download for ipod touch too. any ideas ?
base SDK is iphone device 4 and development target is iphone os 3. i works on iphone's with os 3 but when i try it on my ipod touch with os 3.1.3 it crashed. and i am getting this error mi_cmd_stack_list_frames: Not enough frames in stack. I added a break on main.m and the app crashes even before getting to first line in main.m .. the debug is ok it crashes when i try to run it on the device. it works fine in simulator.
One more thing, this is a universal app, and i am using uisplitview controller.. so i think when it runs on os 3 it breaks.. is there anyway to fix this ?
Apps built for iOS 4.0 will not run on devices with 3.0. Note that in the App Store, there is a section under "Requirements:" that says "Requires iOS 4.0 or later." in cases like this.
Ok!!! I assumed my main.m will do the job and point the right appdelegate but apparently i still needed to check if the classes exist. so here is the answer
Class splitVCClass = NSClassFromString(#"UISplitViewController");
if (splitVCClass)
//UISplitViewController* mySplitViewController = [[splitVCClass alloc] init];
UISplitViewController* _splitViewController = [[splitVCClass alloc]init];
[_splitViewController setViewControllers:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:_rootNavigationController,_navigationController,nil]];
happy ending.