iBooks style settings popup window - iphone

Does anybody know how it has been realized? I have found many topics about popups for iPhone (alert style, etc.), but this case is more complicated for my opinion. In iBooks we see shadows, arrow and borders. This window closes after tapping outside borders.
PS Can't post image here, but I have found an example:

Well, back some time ago I had to face a similar problem. Strictly speaking, what we see there is a popover, but the documentation explicitly states that UIPopoverController may only be used in an iPad application so you will probably have to do what I did: implement your own or, perhaps better, find an open source implementation (there should be plenty of them out there).


What is a good way to implement a menu system for an iphone game?

I'm working on a project and I've been asked to add a fairly detailed and nested menu system overtop pre-existing gameplay. I'm new to iphone programming in general, but have experience with other C languages on different platforms. I'm looking for an example of a good clean menu system architecture.
So far, I've gotten a little used to how the xib files interact with the code, but I still have a ways to go it seems. I have two UIViewControllers; lets call them UIViewControllerA and UIViewControllerB. I started with UIViewControllerA (the game's main view controller) and want to add UIViewControllerB as a menu to lay on top the game window. The only way I've found to get UIViewControllerB to render is to use it as a data member of UIViewControllerA and add it as a subview to UIViewControllerA.
This seems like a very unclean way to organize this system and introduces some bugs. IE - when I have UIViewControllerB showing, the touch events fall through to UIViewControllerA which I do not want.
Sorry this is long, but I'll get to the point. Does anyone have a good suggestion on how to create a clean and robust menu system? I feel as though I am way off the mark. I don't think I have enough experience to come up with a good system on this platform.
Thanks in advance!
I feel as perhaps I didn't specify that I'm seeking help for technical programming design rather than visual design. I'm seeking for a way to implement a state-machine type architecture for an iphone platform.
Check out this link - https://github.com/relikd/OGActionChooser
It's a nice-looking replacement for a UIActionSheet or UIAlertView - this could easily be customized to present a modal menu system.
A really easy way to have a clean menu page, simply take a picture of hardwood floor (or off the web) and add buttons. I would show an example but I need 10 points...
Take the pic, onto PS (photoshop) and add a box or square, add shadow and some cool special effects, upload it to xcode, but the buttons in the box.

UIToolBar + UINavigationController at the top of screen

I have read a few posts about people putting in either their own icons or Apple's icons into a toolbar, or as a customview into the rightBarButtonItem. I was wondering if that's considered bad practice, ok practice, good practice, etc. I was looking around, and I saw this: http://www.techtree.com/India/Features/Top_5_Productivity_Apps_for_iPad/551-115236-899-2.html. In the Numbers app or Keynote App, it looks like they use a UINavigationController or some way to navigation + custom icons on the RHS. I'd like to do the same, but I didn't know if this was considered bad practice, or something to be avoided in case Apple changes things down the line. I basically want a couple bar button items and a UISearchBar. Having a search bar at the bottom looks funny to me. I noticed the Facebook app on the iPhone has a neat viewcontroller where you click the top left icon and it opens a way to navigate through their app. I don't know if anyone has a tutorial of what's going on there.
There are plenty of apps that do what your talking about, so Apple shouldn't give you any problems.
" in case Apple changes things down the line."
On the other hand, they can be finicky about any kind of app, so there are no guarantees. They may require all iPhone apps support landscape mode in the future. You never know.
Look over the Apple User Interface Guidelines if you want to know more about their "recommended" control use.

Lion style non-modal alert example for iOS

Xcode4 introduced the gray-rounded-square style non-modal alerts that momentarily appear as required. For an example, see 'Build Succeeded'. iirc, this style of non-modal alert is also used elsewhere in Lion.
Now, also iirc, I believe I saw some official iPhone sample code showing how they recommend this effect is achieved in iPhone Apps, but I can't find it again. I'd like to use in my App this to achieve a consistent style.
If someone recalls what I'm talking about, I'd appreciate a link. Thanks.
I think you're talking about the bezel notification style? On iOS, I know SSToolkit has support for such a display (under HUD View).
Another way: This uses MBProgressHUD and provides sample code.
I think you can do it using a momentary UIActivityIndicator. Something like this
EDIT: or this
EDIT: The idea is the same, a custom activity indicator. The above answer gives you some more specific links to your problem. But well it is an activity indicator you're looking for.

iPhone SDK - Expanding Buttons like in the camera app

I am curious as to whether or not there is an open source solution to replicate the flash button in the iOS camera applicaiton.
I have seem many other apps use this, but there doesn't seem to be a native way, so I assume there is a common source out there.
It is possible to get the flash button by using UIImagePickerController class, but most of the camera apps out there don't seem to be using this (or perhaps they subclass it, which is against apple's terms).
I am looking for a way to replicate the expanding behavior of the button. Any thoughts?
It doesn't sound too hard.
The way I'd do it is to separate the right curve of the button (as images), and make a UIView that has the left part of the button and the right curve as subviews.
When it's tapped, slide the right curve and animate the extra buttons in.
You could use a stretchable UIImage (see UIImage documentation) and then just animate the frame changing.
In the Apple 2010 WWDC Sample code (downloadable via iTunes, otherwise I'd post it here), there are several sample applications which use this control. They call the class ExpandyButton. I realize I'm answering my question, but hopefully someone out there can find this useful.
While looking for a similar solution to this problem I came across this code which was extremely helpful. Similar to ExpandyButton it fit my needs better.

iPhone option menus

What options do I have when creating menu with options (contextual menus). What is allowed and what does Apple provide?
I have a toolbar with buttons and a click of a button opens a menu with options:
UIPopoverControllers are only available on iPads, but it's ok to create similar looking things for iPhone
What you see in the picture, is entirely custom. a UIView subclass likely. There are pretty much no limits to what you do with your UI, within reason, so no ugly highly contrasting primary/secondary colours, and it's best to keep it at least similar to the native UI. If you say use a windows 7 phone ui style in an iPhone app it's more likely to get rejected by Apple, than keeping to the style of iOS.
So make it look as "professional" as possible, using gradients and shadows, edge arrows, like in the above picture.
Apple provides pretty much nothing that your looking for,
Similar built-in widgets would be UIPopoverController (iPad-only) or UIActionSheet. I like your menu better though.
I would also recommend looking at the guidelines for such custom UI elements. I can not say what is 'allowed', but Apple is not shy about how your app should look/feel/function.
Towards the top of this link talks about toolbars, status bars, etc.