Is it possible to force ipengines to completely reset all local variables and imports? - ipython

My workflow is: start ipcontroller/ipengines, then run 'python' several times with different parameters. This script includes a map_async call. The ipengines don't recognize changes to the code between calls to the script, and static class variables are not reset to their defaults. It seems like a magic %reset call would do the trick, but attempting to execute this command on the ipengines does not seem to do anything.

My solution to this was to use the ipengine to start a new subprocess which completes the desired operations. This subprocess has its own memory. Not ideal, but provides the desired functionality.


How to use waitForAngular() in protractor test scripts?

I wanna implement browser.waitForAngular() in all by e2e test scripts instead of explicit waits. Any help is appreciated....
Usually you don't need to call .waitForAngular() function manually in your tests, since it will be executed automatically before every your action on the page -
However, this does not means you can remove your explicit waits from code. Your tests will be much more stable if you will be using both - automatic wait for angular AND explicit waits for needed elements conditions.

How to change verbosity of uvm components after certain condition

I am trying to change the UVM verbosity of the simulation after satisfying certain conditions. Verbosity options of different components are passing through the command line as +uvm_set_verbosity. Once the conditions are satisfied, then the simulations should run with the the command line +uvm_set_verbosity option. Till then simulation runs with low verbosity for all components.
Looking through the UVM library code, it appears that there is a function called m_set_cl_msg_args(). This function calls three other functions that appear to consume the command line arguments like: +uvm_set_verbosity, +uvm_set_action, +uvm_set_severity.
So what I did was get the uvm_root instance from the uvm_coreservice singleton, and then use the get_children() function from uvm_component class to recursively get a queue of all of the uvm_components in the simulation. Then call the m_set_cl_msg_args() function on all of the components.
My code looks like:
uvm_root r;
uvm_coreservice_t cs_t;
uvm_component array_uvm[$];
cs_t = uvm_coreservice_t::get();
r = cs_t.get_root();
Even though this code compiles properly, But this is not changing verbosity. Any idea ?
Moreover I am able to print all the components in array_uvm. So I am guessing
this as a wrong call.
Anyone have any other suggestion to change verbosity during run time.
You should never use functions in the UVM that are not documented in the language reference manual. They can (and do) change in any revision. I'm guessing +uvm_set_verbosity only works at time 0 by default.
There is already a function to do what you want
I suggest using +UVM_VERBOSITY=UVM_LOW to start your test, and then define your own switch for activating the conditional setting.
If you want a specific component, use component_h.set_report_verbosity_level() (add the _hier to set all its children)
You can use the UVM's command line processor get_arg_values() method to specify the name of the component(s) you want to set, and then use umm_top.find() to get a handle to the component.

Recursive Workflow in Powershell

I'm trying to automate a lengthy process that can be broken down into several steps. (say Steps 1-5)
I have written a script that separates these into functions and call them sequentially.
However, we now have the additional requirement of making the script restartable. That is, if it fails in any one of the steps, rerunning the script would cause it to skip all completed steps and retry from the failed one.
Is this at all possible without referencing an external log file?
I've tried using workflows but it seems like recursion isn't supported.
Any ideas?
Some options aside from using a log file.
Use the registry
you can set a registry value to a number depending on what step you stopped on, this removes the need for a log file but is somewhat similar in terms of 'external' storage
Check the task status on each run
depending on the tasks you could have the script 'test', for example, step 3 to see if it has already been completed, then check step 4, 5 etc. until it encounters one it needs to run and continue from there, this may be impossible or require a lot of overhead code though for not much payoff.
Allow the user to continue from within the script.
this is probably the best way of doing it (aside from just using a log file), run the script in blocks, and when an error is encountered you can prompt the user to fix the issue before pressing 'enter' to re-run the previous script block, this makes it easy to provide information about what failed as well.
the main thing here is that once a script 'quits', in order to know what happened in it's last run it needs an external source of information, or to handle it in another way.

PowerShell wait for function call to complete

I am calling a series of PowerShell functions from a master script (each function is a test).
I specify the tests in an XML file and I want them to run in order.
The functions to call are organized in PowerShell module files (.psm1). The master script calls Import-Module as needed and then calls the function via something like this...
$newResults = & "$runFunction" #ARGS
or this...
$newResults = Invoke-Expression $runFunctionWithArgs
I have gotten both to work just fine and the XML file parsing invokes these commands in the correct order.
Problem: The tests are apparently launched asynchronously so that the first test I launch does not necessarily get invoked and complete before the second test is invoked.
Note, the tests are functions in a PowerShell module and not commands so I do not think that Start-Process will work (but please tell me if you know how to make that work).
More Details:
It would take too much to add all the code, but essentially what each function call does is create a hashtable with one or more "TestResult" objects. "TestResult" has things like Success codes and a TimeStamp. Each test does things that take different amounts of time, but all synchronous. I would expect the timestamps to be the same order that I called each test, especially since the first thing each test does is get the timestamp so it should not depend on what the test does. When I run in the ISE, everything goes in order. When I run in the command window, the timestamps do not match my expected order.
My working theory is still that PowerShell is somehow parallelizing the calls. I can get consistent results by making the invocation of each call dependent on the results of the previous call. It is a dummy check because I know that what I test will always be true, but PowerShell doesn't know that
if ($newResults.Count -ne [Long]::MaxValue) { $newResults = & "$runFunction" #ARGS }
PowerShell thinks that it needs to know if the previous call count is not MaxValue.

MonoDevelop: macros or running commands sequentially

I'm trying to create an add-in for MonoDevelop, which will run commands, triggered from external tools (ex: updating source, building and running project on incoming message from Jabber). Since I could not find macros, I use "commands", by calling them through IdeApp.CommandService.DispatchCommand(). For single action this works great, but when I try to run several commands sequentially, they are executed simultaneously.
So, how to implement the command queue, where one command waits completion of previous?
DispatchCommand is synchronous, however some of the commands that it runs may start asynchronous operations, and the commands have no way to return a handle to those operations.
For those particular commands, I'd recommend that you don't dispatch them as commands but instead directly call the high-level APIs to perform those operations. For example, IdeApp.ProjectOperations.Build returns an IAsyncOperation handle that you can block on using its WaitForCompleted method. You can use IdeApp.Workspace to open projects and get handles to opened projects, set the active configuration, etc.