Sending at commands to mobile phone - nokia

I try to find library which may make a call from mobile phone and receive status of answer(answered, busy, missed etc.) Mobile phone will be Nokia 6300 or any other which will more optimal for this target. Phone will be connected through USB. The ideal solution - is cross-platform library (but distribution platform will Windows). I glad to get any suggestions how to solve my goal including sending AT commands.
Thank you!

I assume you are talking about voice calls, right? For just the basic functionality you can look at the response from ATD and use atinout, e.g.
C:\>echo ATD123456890; | atinout - COM14 -
for a successfully answered call, and with BUSY instead of OK for a busy call, and not answered I think will return NO CARRIER.
Now, I have not tested atinout with a modem on windows, so I do not know how well this works, but I know it compiles fine with both cygwin and mingw, but the cygwin compiled binary seems not to be able to open a com-port properly, so try first compiling with mingw. By all means report success/failure on this.
For additional call progress information, I think there is some newer command specified in the latest versions of 27.007 for this which is unlikely supported by your phones, but AT+CIND is probably supported and you might also get some useful information from AT+COLP and similar commands.

Try to play with at+clcc.
Currently this is only command I could find to detect whether call was initiated.
It returns complex string: "1,0,2,.....", so you should start timer task and track third digit: 2 - init the call, 0 - call dropped, 3 - wait signal received (ringing).
check this help


Retrieving packets by tshark until it gets a specific packet?

While using tshark, I want to capture a packet that contains a specific string.
After executing tshark, I want it to stop receiving packets immediately when it receives a packet that contains the specific string and return it.
What parameters should I use to do this operation?
I think you're looking for something like trigcap, which is part of the Wireshark project, but not currently being shipped to my knowledge because it apparently doesn't work on Windows and may have problems on other platforms now too since it hasn't seen any active development in quite a long time AFAIK.
You can try to compile it yourself to see if it meets your needs. Read more about it at:
Bug 2039 - Triggered Capture
what is the work of trigcap?
If you're on Windows, you might want to take a look at the dumpcap.bat file posted on the Wireshark wiki Tools page.
All of these solutions rely on BPF (pcap-filters), so whatever string you're looking for as your stop condition needs to somehow be manipulated into that format, which may not be easy to do.

How do I programmatically turn on/off Mute Groups on my Behringer X32?

I've got a Behringer X32 rack, which uses an extension of the OSC (Open Sound Control) protocol. This particular rack communicates via UDP packets on port 10023. A fellow named Patrick Maillot actually has some pretty extensive albeit unofficial documentation of the protocol, including multiple executables you can download to interact with the system (outside of the official Behringer apps).
What I would like to do is pretty simple, though I'm having a hard time getting up to speed with this. I want to be able to mute and subsequently un-mute Mute Group 1 on my device. The mute group is already set up; all I want to do is utilize the protocol to either activate or deactivate it.
I can successfully connect to the rack using the X32_Command.exe program. But wading through the documentation, here's what I came up with as my best guess for which commands I should be sending:
However, I don't think I have the syntax right (or maybe I've just got the wrong set of commands altogether), because those don't seem to do anything. In the X32_Command.exe console application I appear to receive the following responses when issuing those commands, respectively:
->X, 20 B: /config/mute/1/ON~~~
->X, 20 B: /config/mute/1/OFF~~
However, nothing actually happens on the rack. The mute group isn't affected at all when I issue these commands. How do I get this working? What am I doing wrong?
Just saw this (better late than never). The correct syntax for X32_Commmand.exe would be (as stated in the documentation):
/config/mute/1 ,i 0
/config/mute/1 ,i 1

Why don't serial ports work properly in Unity?

I need help, I'm desperate
During two weeks I have been working in my project, this uses serial port communication (a PIC serial board). I got to set the connection up, but I can not get data from the COM port. I've read some forums and the cause of the problem seems to be the incomplete implementation of System.IO.Ports class.
When I try to get data of the COM port, the event SerialDataReceivedEventHandler (represents the method that will handle the DataReceived event of a SerialPort object.) is not called or activated. I tried to resolve it but I don't find a definitive solution. I thought to prove a external DLL, but a friend told me that the problem will go on, in fact I did it and got the same problem: SerialDataReceivedEventHandler does not work. Also, someone recommended me using a secondary thread, although I don´t understand how to do it at all.
I wrote a program in visual C# and everything works fine. I'm intrigued.
I need to find a solution, some idea or good documentation. If there's someone knows something about it, help me please.
I need to understand the cause of this to continue.
Unity is based on Mono, and Mono doesn't implement completely the Serial class, in particular there are no notifications implemented (such as SerialDataReceivedEvent).
That's why it works in Visual Studio, and not in Unity.
Here are the differences between the Mono and complete .NET implementation of the Serial class :
Extract from
At the time of this writing, there are a a few limitations that one must take note:
1) There is no event notification for received serial data. If you want to receive data, one must set a timeout and watch for received data by polling ReadByte() when you think there might be data.
2) One must Read data in byte[] format only – there is no char[] support. You must do your own reading of bytes and translate that into your encoding.
3) DiscardNull, ParityReplace, ReceivedBytesThreshold are not implemented."
I think it happens because the Unity is based on Mono instead of .Net, and a pretty old version of it. You couldn't use Linq on iOS devices for a long time because of AOT bugs, and the localisation implementation is buggy (or at least it was in the previous versions of Unity I tried to work with). I wasn't even able to find the source of System.IO.Ports in the source of Unity's Mono fork, so it's surprising it compiles at all.

Catalyst Development Server - not showing routes and errors

To set the seem, I'm an experienced developer and have coded many languages over the years, including a good bit of Perl back in late 90's early 00's. Since then I haven't touched Perl, but now have a client who wants some changes making to an existing open source project built using Perl5 and Catalyst. I've quickly worked through the Catalyst tutorials, read a few books online and am now starting to feel my way.
I have the existing project up and running on a clean Debian Wheezy VM and am testing the code an my changes using the Catalyst Development Server.
While working through the tutorials and writing a few test apps, the development server would always output a lot of useful information when run, such as the configured routes etc.. But under this project, when I run the server I don't get a lot of output. I don't even get messages sent to $c->log->debug();
I run the server with the following command:
perl ./script/ -d -r
Which outputs the following:
HTTP::Server::PSGI: Accepting connections at http://0:3000/
I can access the server and the application is running fine.
In a test controller action I can try the following lines:
$c->log->debug("A test debug message");
print "A test print message\n";
The debug log message does not appear in my development server output, but the print line does. So I know the call to $c->log->debug() is not blowing up, because the next line is executing, but where is it going?
So essentially I feel I 'could' get more useful output from the Catalyst Development server, but am not.
I have googles but can't find anything of relevance. Sorry if I'm going in the wrong direction here, I do know what I doing in general, but have a lot to pick up here in a short amount of time!
I suspect my issues might be specific to the open source project I'm working on, but there's not a lot of help to be had from that direction. Could anyone give me any pointers as to what to investigate?
UPDATE : I now realise that the application is using log4perl, which is configured to send $c->log->debug() to syslog. I still don't know why the Catalyst Development server isn't providing much output.
For anyone coming upon this later, if you want to see the developer debug stream (stuff about the routes and classes and models your application is using, etc you need to be in debug mode, which you can do easily by setting CATALYST_DEBUG=1 in your env (I often start my app like "CATALYST_DEBUG=1 perl -Ilib script/"
There is sadly a difference between debug as a log level and debugging mode. The way catalyst works is that if you are in debugging mode (via CATALYST_DEBUG=1, or any of the other documented ways this gets turned on) all this debugging stream gets sent to the log, most of it logged at the debug level (again debug as a log level is distinct from debugging developer mode :( ) So you need both debugging mode and your logger should be set to listen at the debug level.
If you use the default catalyst log, it is debug level by default, so doing CATALYST_DEBUG=1 is all you need. If you use a different logger be sure to enable debug log level for your development setup, if you wish to see those developer stream logs.
Messages sent to $c->log->debug() are generally disabled in production environments. If it doesn't seem to matter whether you start your scripts with or without the -d switch, then I'd suggest something downstream in the sequence is setting the environment variable CATALYST_DEBUG to 0 or undef unilaterally.
That said, you should be able to see the output of $c->log->info() or $c->log->warn() calls. The answer to that question should help you determine if the problem is log4perl or Catalyst related.
Hopefully that will get you on your way.

Get previous run, crash logs on iPhone

I trying to write a a crash report feature that when you launch the app after a crash, it will offer to send the crash report to the server. I can't find how to get the crash log within the app. I saw there is a framework that doing so (PLCrashReporter), however this framework is large and I don't need most of it's features.
Does anyone knows how to simply access the log?
I guess I don't have the karma to add a comment to Nimrod Gat's answer, so I have to provide my follow-up here. I'll try to make it worthy of a standalone answer.
It's very, very difficult to write a safe, correct, and reliable crash reporter, especially one that runs directly in-process. The code referenced in Nimrod Gat's answer is not correct and honestly, that blog post should be retracted. Signal handlers must only run async-safe code, and that code isn't async-safe:
Crash handling is even more complicated than normal signal handling, because that you can't expect the process to continue to run successfully after your signal handler returns.
It's tempting to think you can just hack together a simpler solution, and it will work some of the time, but there's a good reason people like Google's engineers have thousands of LoC dedicated to reliable crash reporting:
On iOS, you should just use PLCrashReporter. On other platforms (such as Mac OS X) you should use Google Breakpad. There's no point in re-inventing this wheel unless you're going to do it not only correctly, but better than what already exists.
I had this similar issue and the PLCrashReported seemed too complicated for what I wanted to do.
Note that you can't access the crash report generated by Apple, the PLCrashReport generates it's own reports and store them in the user's cache folder.
Eventually, I used the following example:
it's very simple and easy to use, just register exception and signal handlers using:
signal(SIGABRT, SignalHandler);
signal(SIGILL, SignalHandler);
signal(SIGSEGV, SignalHandler);
signal(SIGFPE, SignalHandler);
signal(SIGBUS, SignalHandler);
signal(SIGPIPE, SignalHandler);
and get the stack trace using the backtrace method in UncaughtExceptionHandler class.
Maybe a better solution will be to use a fully specialized end-2-end solution/service? Such as It is currently in closed beta testing phase, but you can ask for participation and we'll get back to you pretty quickly. The only thing you need to do is to register for an API key and embed a small framework library into your app (or .jar file in android). Then you have remote access not only to crashlogs but also to a debug logs generated by the application - which makes it much more useful. It is for now targeted to be used during testing, but there will soon be a lite version that you will be able to embed into app-store-released application.
Inside the framework we are doing all the magic of plugging-into the apple's framework and getting the crashlog information, decoding stack traces, even handling out-of-memory cases. All the comments by #nupark hold very much true: We spend countless hours on making it works seamlessly - thread-safeness, making sure that we can do the job of saving everything within the time required by Apple's framework before your app get finally killed, getting stack trace from out-of-memory case (that one was really difficult). The same for android - we've done some clever tricks there to make sure it's really working fine.
Disclaimer: I am CTO of Polidea, company which is behind apphance and co-creator of the solution.
There are a bunch of (SAAS) E2E solutions that you may be very happy to know.
Very very simple to integrate into your application
Have Fun...
crashlytics (Free and my preferred)
In our days you may use the built-in crash reports (iOS & Android)
iOS (Itunes connect) - Viewing Crash Reports
Understanding Crash Reports
on iPhone OS
Reading Android Market Crash Reports