Retrieving packets by tshark until it gets a specific packet? - tshark

While using tshark, I want to capture a packet that contains a specific string.
After executing tshark, I want it to stop receiving packets immediately when it receives a packet that contains the specific string and return it.
What parameters should I use to do this operation?

I think you're looking for something like trigcap, which is part of the Wireshark project, but not currently being shipped to my knowledge because it apparently doesn't work on Windows and may have problems on other platforms now too since it hasn't seen any active development in quite a long time AFAIK.
You can try to compile it yourself to see if it meets your needs. Read more about it at:
Bug 2039 - Triggered Capture
what is the work of trigcap?
If you're on Windows, you might want to take a look at the dumpcap.bat file posted on the Wireshark wiki Tools page.
All of these solutions rely on BPF (pcap-filters), so whatever string you're looking for as your stop condition needs to somehow be manipulated into that format, which may not be easy to do.


Read from a serial port in Swift 4 using ORSSerialPort

I've been wanting to make an app that sends instructions over serial to my LED controller. For this to work, I need to read what the controller sends back after sending it a command. I found the following function in ORSSerialPort:
func serialPort(_ serialPort: ORSSerialPort, didReceive data: Data) {
// Do things
However, is there something like
I don't think is a good idea. I know some other serial libraries are written that way, but the only way for that to work is for read() to block (possibly with a timeout) until a byte comes in on the port. Blocking I/O makes it a lot harder to write a good, responsive app, and I want to guide developers using ORSSerialPort away from that approach.
Instead, you should indeed implement serialPort(_:, didReceive:) in your ORSSerialPort delegate. When data is received by the serial port, that method will be called with the received data and you can do whatever you'd like with it.
That said, if your device communicates using a command/response type protocol (ie. every time you send a command, the device sends some response), you ought to look at ORSSerialPort's request/response API. It allows you to explicitly define the format of expected responses to commands, and ORSSerialPort itself will handle asynchronously waiting for, parsing, and validating responses. See the documentation for more info about this part of ORSSerialPort. The library also includes a sample project, RequestResponseDemo, that demonstrates using this API. Both Swift and Objective-C versions are included.
The ORSSerialPort library is popular and generally good. However, I'd found that it didn't work well with TTY serial devices. This was primarily because of its use of IOKit to discover serial ports -- it would only discover physical devices.
This is likely OK in your case but where you want to test your code but don't want to connect to a physical device, it falls over. Good code always needs a testing framwork. So, check out for a very simple serial interface API it is just what you need to write and respond to incoming data and also works with physical or virtual devices (as Unix was originally envisoned!).
To your question though, you don't want to call read() directly. You get into understanding whether or not, "is it a blocking read?" Then you get into dealing with threads. Both of the suggested APIs insulate you from that and allow you to think in terms of an event driven model -- this makes for much simpler code.

Best way to pass binary data (YUV Buffer) from plugin to browser

What is the best way to transfer binary data from plugin to browser.
We want to play YUV buffer received from network on browser tab.
currently am converting to base64 and giving via callback. but it is not efficient and am finding below issues
1> CPU and Memory is going up
2> Callback events are not passed when we change the browser tab, later all events are given at one shot on moving back to our tab.
I would also like to know is there any way we can directly draw YUV frame on browser using plugin thread itself.
Thanks in advance.
NPAPI has been removed from most major browsers... the last holdout, Safari, will be removing it as of macOS Mojave. That being the case, don't expect any updates of any kind to the spec -- however you're using it is likely a dying method.
That being the case, on windows there is a method (super hack, really) that you can use to draw directly to the window in the browser from a native message extension, but it's not portable and it depends on internal implementation details. I haven't actually looked into it since I wrote that other answer (linked in this paragraph) so I don't know if it still works or not.
Anyway, if you're on a browser which fully supports NPAPI then you could draw the YUV data directly to the plugin window given to you on the browser; there is an example of blitting image data in FireBreath which you could possibly trace through as an example.
You could also try some variation of listening on a TCP port in the plugin and connecting to it from the browser; you could easily run into some security issues there, but it is the only other method I can think of.
NPAPI simply wasn't ever designed to allow fast transfer of data between the plugin and the browser; I submitted a proposal to add that capability years ago but it was basically too close to the death of NPAPI (which is basically past at this point) for it to go anywhere. The issues you're seeing are 100% consistent with what I would expect, though... and it's still the best way I know.

Why don't serial ports work properly in Unity?

I need help, I'm desperate
During two weeks I have been working in my project, this uses serial port communication (a PIC serial board). I got to set the connection up, but I can not get data from the COM port. I've read some forums and the cause of the problem seems to be the incomplete implementation of System.IO.Ports class.
When I try to get data of the COM port, the event SerialDataReceivedEventHandler (represents the method that will handle the DataReceived event of a SerialPort object.) is not called or activated. I tried to resolve it but I don't find a definitive solution. I thought to prove a external DLL, but a friend told me that the problem will go on, in fact I did it and got the same problem: SerialDataReceivedEventHandler does not work. Also, someone recommended me using a secondary thread, although I don´t understand how to do it at all.
I wrote a program in visual C# and everything works fine. I'm intrigued.
I need to find a solution, some idea or good documentation. If there's someone knows something about it, help me please.
I need to understand the cause of this to continue.
Unity is based on Mono, and Mono doesn't implement completely the Serial class, in particular there are no notifications implemented (such as SerialDataReceivedEvent).
That's why it works in Visual Studio, and not in Unity.
Here are the differences between the Mono and complete .NET implementation of the Serial class :
Extract from
At the time of this writing, there are a a few limitations that one must take note:
1) There is no event notification for received serial data. If you want to receive data, one must set a timeout and watch for received data by polling ReadByte() when you think there might be data.
2) One must Read data in byte[] format only – there is no char[] support. You must do your own reading of bytes and translate that into your encoding.
3) DiscardNull, ParityReplace, ReceivedBytesThreshold are not implemented."
I think it happens because the Unity is based on Mono instead of .Net, and a pretty old version of it. You couldn't use Linq on iOS devices for a long time because of AOT bugs, and the localisation implementation is buggy (or at least it was in the previous versions of Unity I tried to work with). I wasn't even able to find the source of System.IO.Ports in the source of Unity's Mono fork, so it's surprising it compiles at all.

How to tell the difference between an offline and online mobile phone via sip?

For a toy project I want to find out if a mobile phone is connected to gsm or not. So I thought "Okay, let's use my local sip provider and see".
But in both cases, the thing goes like this:
I send an INVITE
0 s: I get a 100 Trying
5 s: I get a 183 Session description
I get an audio stream, in the one case with the ringing, in the other case with a "The person you are calling is…"
If I wait long enough (~ 40 s), I get a more appropiate status code like 180 Ringing.
Audio analysis is not an option, really.
Any hints on where to go now?
(I used twinkle for testing and a local german sip-provider.)
This issue is endemic in the way telephone networks work, and is not specific to SIP or IP. It's why, when you place a call to another country and the number is busy, you might sometimes hear your local country's busy tone, or you might hear a different busy tone that comes from the other country. In the latter case you cannot detect except by audio analysis, what the problem is. In SS7 and ISDN we speak of Q.931 cause codes instead of SIP error codes, but the principle is the same.
There's an argument to be made for configuring telephone systems to emit status codes instead of audio error messages. For callers using normal phones, the originating switch (the one closest to the caller) can then map that code to the appropriate spoken error message or audio tone. That way, when the call is being placed by software rather than by a person, the software can have access to the actual error code right away.
On the other hand you can also argue for having the remote switch (the one nearest the destination or the one that encounters the problem) speak its own error message. That switch knows best what the actual problem is. For example, a mobile operator can emit a spoken error message saying that the mobile phone you are trying to call is currently out of range. There is no Q.931 code (or SIP error code for that matter) with that meaning. It could return 27=Destination out of order?? Or 35=Destination unattainable?? Both of those codes are so esoteric, who knows what error message the local switch would translate them to (in practice: probably just a reorder tone, which is really user-unfriendly to a human caller). And when you try to map Q.931 cause codes to SIP error codes back and forth, even more information is lost because the codes really don't match up well at all. It's likely to be a much better user experience for the caller if the remote switch just plays back an informative, appropriate, recording which describes the problem.
Since there is this dilemma (arguments on both sides), we can conclude that this will not likely be resolved by completely standardizing on one way or ther other way anytime soon.
Anyway, sometimes this is configurable: your SIP provider may be able to configure your trunk for coded errors instead of recorded messages. If they offer this (some do), it's worth a try to set this option. But results will vary: this option only affects its local behaviour. In general if you want immediately call clearing with cause code and are instead getting a recorded error message from the other end, you will not be able to do anything about it, because the switch that makes the decision on which way it's going to respond is the remote one.
When using the audio message method, a proper Q.931 cause code or SIP error code usually comes eventually (after the recording is finished), but as you point out, it's probably too late by then.

Is it possible to recognize barge-in?

Is it possible to recognize when a caller has barged-in with DTMF? Is there something in VoiceXML like an event that I could catch?
The problem that I am trying to solve is we need barge-in to 'cascade' for several prompts so I was thinking of setting a variable if I could recognize barge-in and then skip over the next few prompts.
If your browser supports mark (see VoiceXML 2.1 Spec, section 4 Using mark to detect barge in during prompt playback), you should be able to detect barge-in. However, only a subset of browsers support mark and because DTMF is often detected on a separate path than speech, make sure your browser supports mark on both paths. In some cases, even the telephony protocol being used can impact whether the feature exists (again, an artifact of the technologies used to put the systems together).
One alternative that may work, depending on your browser, is to create a series of fields or forms. Each with a very short or non-existent timeout. Go forward on the default timeout path, but break if you receive a nomatch or match. This will work fine for some browsers, other may have noticeable gaps between the fields/forms.