winRt Xaml how to make a 3d folder structure - microsoft-metro

Hi I have an app that needs to display the next pages inside the container in a 3d view like windows. I have attached an Image for the same .
If a design like this is possible any reference material or code piece might help . Thanks
a replica of this will also work . no need for real images as the image reside with the client. :) ill just go ahead an implement if any xaml help i get.

I guess plane projection can be used for this . Dont know the actual requirements of yours.
<Image Source="your image.png">
<PlaneProjection RotationY="-5" CenterOfRotationX="0.5" />
In a Grid you can go ahead and place as many images as u want one over the oher and change the rotation Y. Guess it should work
Here's MSDN link


Delphi - How to make a PNG image the main form?

I have an application which the main form of it its called Fmain. How can i make the Fmain to be the PNG image which i have as Image1 assigned in my source?
that's for if the Image1 is a *.bmp one, but i need the transperancy of my PNG file.
I don't think you will be able to make a custom shaped TForm with a transparent png.
Have a a look at this answer Irregularly shaped forms and more specifically to this .
Are you wanting to make a form that has an odd shape? As in, you want to have the transparent parts of the PNG not be clickable as a form? If so then you are going about it the wrong way. If you were to put an image on the form and set the transparent properties on the image, then all you will do is see the form behind the image.
If you want to have a form that is the shape of the visible area of the PNG then you need to create an oddly shaped form. This is done by using regions and SetWindowRgn.
Luckily there is a handy tool out there for this: Gabes OddForm Assistant. I have used this to great effect a number of times.
In order to use it you will need to save your PNG as a bitmap and then load it into the utility. Once it is done it will give you the code required to make the form. You can just have a look in the pas file it creates and see how it is done, tinkering if you feel the need. You can either use the form directly or graft the code to where you need it.
Hope this helps.

Simple form with pixel manipulation in Qt

I'm completely newbie to Qt
i want to create a 800X600 window that just show some circle and be able to manipulate pixels of the form. there is no interaction between user and form(no click, no dblclick,...) it just shows some circles with one color and lines with different pixel colors(each line may have different pixel colors)
also i want to be able to change the coordination system, i mean change it from top-left to the center of the window. could anyone help me do that with some sample code?
thanks in advance for your reply.
Please try downloading the Qt Creator (IDE), then reading through the tutorials. There's a whole host of very useful information provided for free, including a lot of the code samples you are looking for.
The following examples might also be of particular interest:
Animation Framework Examples
Graphics View Examples
Painting Examples

Work with iphone camera

I am looking for anyone that can help create some source and a tutorial with me to answer how to create a transparent straight line on iphone camera.
Please , If anyone knows of a tutorial already then pls reply me.
If I understand you correctly, you want to have a live preview of the camera overlays by I more or less transparent line, right ?
Two solution come to my mind:
Build one view that gets the camera input via AvFoundation framework and build another - transparent - view that holds whatever elements you want to display on top of that.
Another solution would be to build one OpenGL view, use the camera input as texture for a background rectangle filling the whole screen and then render your other content on top of that.
If you are looking tutorial for camera overlay you can visit this. It has source code attached too. So you will find easy with that. But pls don't just copy paste try to understand the code when you have time.

Multi changeable areas of a image on a iPhone

I have an image with picture of a person and I want to let the user to pick some area of the person and change the color. But how can I best create a multi-mask image?
E.g. should the user be able the change the color for a leg or a hand.
I am using Titanium Appcelerator, and right now I had a solution with buttons placed over the image, which is not a pretty and accepted solution.
The Kitchensink example, has only one area which can be changed.
The only solution I found for working with sections of an image is to divide the image into different views then use a vertical or horizontal view to glue them together. Sounds like you took a similar approach using buttons.
Another option might be to use one of the jQuery image libraries within the webview. This most likely will have a performance penalty though.

Is there a way to use GflAx to incorporate gradient colours?

Ok, narrow question of the day. I'm using GflAx (from xnview) to create some graphic tiles. I would like to put some gradients in as well though.
Is there a way I can do this within this product?
There is also an SDK which is part of this product but I can't find that info there.
You can not do this but you can create the gradient in another program and then do a "LoadBitmap" make the mods you need ontop of that 'background' and then save to a new file.