I have couple of questions in relation with UVM phases build() and run(). They might be applicable to other verification methodologies as well
a> Why is the build() phase executed in top-down order. Does this mean we need to new all the components in the build() phase and then proceed with execution of build() of other sub-components instantiated in the class?
b> During the run() phase is something like super.run() called? What is the order of execution of run() phase
Yes, the build_phase() of the UVM executed in top-down order because the children don't exist until they are constructed within the build_phase() of the parent component (And the UVM recommends using the factory create() method instead of calling the constructor new() directly). The build_phase() is also executed top-down so that the parent can provide override setting that the children will use when they execute their build_phase()
The run_phase() of each component is executed concurrently with no defined order you can depend on.
You only need to call super.method() if you are extending a class an need the functionality of the base method. There is nothing inside the run_phase() of a uvm_component, so there is no need to call super.run_phase() when extending from it. You may want to call it when extending your classes from your base classes.
Looking through the class that defines BlocObserver, all the methods do not have any functionality defined. The BlocObserver does not inherit anything from any other class. It is only connected to the Bloc class by being created during instantiation of a Bloc.
How do the methods in BlocObserver have functionality when they are empty inside BlocObserver?
Read through the BlocObserver definition, and read through the Bloc definition.
What to do
The way you are expected to use BlocObserver is described pretty well in Core Concepts.
Basically, as BlocObserver is an abstract class, you would extend it in your own class, providing implementations for the handler methods as appropriate for your use-case.
So, roughly:
class CustomObserver extends BlocObserver {
void onChange(BlocBase bloc, Change change) {
super.onChange(bloc, change);
// Perform logic based on the change
Then, you would assign an instance of this class as the static observer on Bloc, for example:
Bloc.observer = CustomObserver();
After this point, you would expect any changes that propagate through Bloc to call your CustomObserver.onChange() method.
How this works
The pattern of providing some framework object a definition of the code you'd like to run when certain events happen is a pretty common one, so it's useful to come to grips with it. Usually (and also in this case) it's way simpler than it appears.
As discussed above, you provide a BlocObserver to Bloc by setting a static member. This means both that:
you can only have one observer in the system at a time, and
any code can access it directly by calling Bloc.observer
Then, when making state changes, you ensure you do so via an instance of BlocBase (such as Cubit), which takes care of calling the appropriate method on our observer.
So, once again using Core Concepts as a base, when calling CounterCubit().increment(), the call stack looks like this:
CounterCubit.emit/Cubit.emit/BlocBase.emit (through inheritance)
At this point, you're back in your own code, and you can see that SimpleBlocObserver.onChange(...) calls super.onChange(...). No magic, just function calls.
According to uvm users guide 1.1, page 62:
"If the UVM field automation macros are used, super.build_phase() is called as the first line of the
ubus_example_tb’s build_phase() function. This updates the configuration fields of the
class ubus_example_tb extends uvm_env;
// build_phase()
virtual function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);
super.build_phase(phase); // Configure before creating the
// subcomponents
endclass : ubus_example_tb
Why the "super.buildphase(phase)" updates ubus_example_tb and not his parent(super)?
If you do not use the `uvm_component_utils_begin() macro, you should not call super.build_phase() in the class that directly extends from uvm_component. That creates unnecessary overhead. If you do use the macro, that macros inserts a virtual function that gets called from uvm_component::build_phase. That is what gets called from super.build_phase.
I strongly recommend against using the field macros as they are very inefficient. See this post that shows how 1 line of code expands to 50.
Also be careful with the terms parent and super. I recommend against using parent and child when referring to OOP inheritance. Parents create(construct) children and they are distinct objects from their parents. When you inherit property, that property becomes yours and all your property belongs to one object. Use base and extended.
The UVM uses terms parent and child to refer to relationships between objects when build a hierarchical tree/graph structure. The class uvm_component has a handle to its parent and handles to all its children so that you can traverse the hierarchical structure. This terminology is used in most programming languages and is independent of OOP.
The documentation just says
protected abstract void subscribeActual(Observer<? super T> observer)
Operator implementations (both source and intermediate) should implement this method that performs the necessary business logic.
There is no need to call any of the plugin hooks on the current Observable instance or the Subscriber.
Observable.subscribe comes from the base interface definition in ObservableSource and is the main subscription method for Observables: internal and external components use it to run a flow in a standard way.
However, certain actions may be necessary for all kinds of Observables to be executed before the operator's business logic gains access to the incoming Observer, for example, applying plugin hooks and protecting against crashing subscribe implementations. So instead of requiring every operator to duplicate this preparation logic, they are in a single place and a new abstract method is present to deal with the customization of an Observable.
I've got a base class I'm using with MSpec which provides convenience methods around AutoMock:
public abstract class SubjectBuilderContext
static AutoMock _container;
protected static ISubjectBuilderConfigurationContext<T> BuildSubject<T>()
_container = AutoMock.GetLoose();
return new SubjectBuilderConfigurationContext<T>(_container);
protected static Mock<TDouble> GetMock<TDouble>()
where TDouble : class
return _container.Mock<TDouble>();
Occasionally, I'm seeing an exception happen when attempting to retrieve a Mock like so:
It should_store_the_receipt = () => GetMock<IFileService>().Verify(f => f.SaveFileAsync(Moq.It.IsAny<byte[]>(), Moq.It.IsAny<string>()), Times.Once());
Here's the exception:
System.ObjectDisposedExceptionInstances cannot be resolved and nested
lifetimes cannot be created from this LifetimeScope as it has already
been disposed.
I'm guessing it has something to do with the way MSpec runs the tests (via reflection) and that there's a period of time when nothing actively has references to any of the objects in the underlying lifetime scope being used by AutoMock which causes the lifetimescope to get disposed. What's going on here, and is there some simple way for me to keep it from happening?
The AutoMock lifetime scope from Autofac.Extras.Moq is disposed when the mock itself is disposed. If you're getting this, it means the AutoMock instance has been disposed or has otherwise lost scope and the GC has cleaned it up.
Given that, there are a few possibilities.
The first possibility is that you've got some potential threading challenges around async method calls. Looking at the method that's being mocked, I see you're verifying the call to a SaveFileAsync method. However, I don't see any async related code in there, and I'm not entirely sure when/how the tests running are calling it given the currently posted code, but if there is a situation where an async call causes the test to run on one thread while the AutoMock loses scope or otherwise gets killed on the other thread, I could see this happening.
The second possibility is the mix of static and instance items in the context. You are storing the AutoMock as a static, but it appears the context class in which it resides is a base class that is intended to supply instance-related values. If two tests run in parallel, for example, the first test will set the AutoMock to what it thinks it needs, then the second test will overwrite the AutoMock and the first will go out of scope, disposing the scope.
The third possibility is multiple calls to BuildSubject<T> in one test. The call to BuildSubject<T> initializes the AutoMock. If you call that multiple times in one test, despite changing the T type, you'll be stomping the AutoMock each time and the associated lifetime scope will be disposed.
The fourth possibility is a test ordering problem. If you only see it sometimes but not other times, it could be that certain tests inadvertently assume that some setup, like the call to BuildSubject<T>, has already been done; while other tests may not make that assumption and will call BuildSubject<T> themselves. Depending on the order the tests run, you may sometimes get lucky and not see the exception, but other times you may run into the problem where BuildSubject<T> gets called at just the wrong time and causes you pain.
I've been reading up a bit about coffeescript's inheritance model and I have the feeling I'm on the fringes of an ideological debate which I really don't understand. So, I would be perfectly happy to find out that I'm just doing things in the wrong way.
Basically what I am doing is writing a set of widgets which, among other things, need to handle events on their DOM elements. I thought a good way to go about this would be to have a class method which would be called once, to delegate all the events which the widget might need. The base widget class might have some simple click handlers, while the subclass might add to that some mouseover handlers or extra click handlers.
However, it appears that I'm not supposed to try and do the equivalent of calling super() inside a static method. There is a workaround which exists, (this.__super__.constructor.METHODNAME() but I've seen a lot of suggestions that this isn't the best way to do what I'm trying to do. Has anyone got any insights on how I should structure this code? Keep using the workaround, or put all the delegation into a totally different place? I can't really just stick it in the prototype, since I won't necessarily have an instance to call the method on (or can I essentially still call a method on the prototype from a static context, like putting SwatchableWidget.prototype.delegateEvents() into an onload function or something?
Here's a bit of code to illustrate what I'm talking about:
class Widget
#testProp: "ThemeWidget"
#delegateEvents: ->
console.log "delegate some generic events"
class SwatchableWidget extends Widget
#testProp2 = "SwatchWidget"
#delegateEvents: ->
console.log "delegate some specific swatchable widget events"
Thanks for any help.
I suggest replacing
trying to use super to call static methods is not required (and doesn't make much sense)
I don't understand why delegateEvents would be a class-level method, or why Widget.delegateEvents have to be called again from SwatchableWidget.delegateEvents. If it's just class initialization code, you should put it in the class body directly:
class Widget
console.log "delegate some generic events"
#testProp: "ThemeWidget"
class SwatchableWidget extends Widget
console.log "delegate some specific swatchable widget events"
#testProp2 = "SwatchWidget"
I take it you're waiting for a specific DOM state before running this initialization code? Maybe I could suggest another approach if you told me a little bit more about the preconditions for delegateEvents.
It sounds like you want a different type of inheritance model where each inherited function of a certain type ("parent calling") will walk the inheritance tree and call all its parents with the same name.
You could call any direct parent functions in each child manually as you've written. Then it will float up the inheritance chain anywhere you specify such a relationship.
I would bind the parents delegate call in the constructor to a current class function
delegateparents =>
#call any parent class methods