Adding glassfish Server in Eclipse Kepler error - glassfish-4

I am trying to add Glassfish-4 server to Eclipse in order to be able to run applications on this server, but at the final step in "new Server" wizard, finished or next buttons are disabled and a message says: to enable Install Server, enter a path to a new directory..
The Glassfish server is found on the given path.
I can't add images because I don't have reputation, but here are the links:
Your help is apreciated.

Probably a problem with your JDK...
I think you have to download a new JDK (jdk7) here:
After you install it,
Go to the 1st screen you have uploaded, and click "Installed JRE preferences"
click "Add...", "Next", "Directory", and select the new JDK folder previously installed
click "Finish"
And return to the "New Server" screen, select the new JDK and it will works (it's working for me today).
Sorry for my english (I'm french ^^)


Unable to create JFrame even i installed Windowbuilder in my Eclipse IDE

I have already installed Windowbuilder in my eclipse IDE Mars it worked fine before, but after Eclipse latest changes i am unable to install windowsbuilder with the provided URL of specific IDE Windowbuilder. later i figured out that we must install the Windowbuilder by downloading the file. i have downloaded and installed it but still unable to create a JFrame in my Java Project. But what i am confused is i am able to paste a SWT/AWT code in a simple Java Class file and able to execute it.
have installed the repository .zip
No JFrame found after installation.
updated error
GO this route as it has worked for me: Go to help menu in eclipse go to "About Eclipse" in the bottom left corner click on "Installation Details", click the "installed software" tab, search for window builder and click to delete all features for it. Restart Eclipse, then instead of installing window builder using the "install new software" menu in help, open eclipse market place, search for window builder and install it that way, when you get the options you want to install click on Swing that lets you create JFrames. If that does not work, download a new copy of eclipse and go back to the market place and install window builder again, its possible you have conflicting plugins in your installation. I was able to install it in 2018-09 just yesterday, if that still does not work please comment.

unable to create server tomcat v8.0 in eclipse

i am using eclipse mars 2 and i am new to eclipse,
when i click to create a new server apache tomat v8.0 it does not show me next and finish button
enter image description here
but on selection of v7.0
this image comesenter image description here
I tried all these
delete the .eclipse folder in C:\Users\Manish Kumar Tomar**.eclipse**
not worked
then delete the complete eclipse extracted folder which downloaded from eclipse site, i used to run all the time from there eclipse
and replaced with new downloaded and extracted folder
then i run the error is still same
i was working with v8.0 but due to some errors i deleted it, then again i try to create, it is not able to create new
thanks for helping in advance :)
Before creating a Tomcat 8.0 server, you'll need to add a Runtime Environment for it:
Download Tomcat v8.0 from here. I recommend not using 8.5.x as Eclipse has trouble recognizing it properly. If you do decide to use 8.5.x, see this answer first.
Extract the downloaded file and make a note of its location.
Open Window > Preferences in Eclipse.
Scroll down to Server, expand it and select Runtime Environments.
Choose "Add..." on the right.
Select "Apache Tomcat v8.0" and click Next.
Click "Browse..." and select the location of your Tomcat v8.0 installation.
Click Finish.
Once you follow those steps, you should be able to create a Tomcat v8.0 server the way you were trying before.

getting error while connecting with repo [duplicate]

from my computer (Mac OS X Leopard) through shell I can check out without problem a remote SVN repo. I already established ssh keys and all that stuff. Now I installed eclipse helios on mac and the subversive pluging. I find no way yo make it work with the svn+ssh repo, could you point me to some good tutorial? MY google caan not find anything useful today
PS: This is the error I get:
SVN: '0x00400006: Validate Repository Location' operation finished with error: Selected SVN connector library is not available or cannot be loaded.
If you selected native JavaHL connector, please check if binaries are available or install and select pure Java Subversion connector from the plug-in connectors update site.
If connectors already installed then you can change the selected one at: Window->Preferences->Team->SVN->SVN Connector.
Selected SVN connector library is not available or cannot be loaded.
If you selected native JavaHL connector, please check if binaries are available or install and select pure Java Subversion connector from the plug-in connectors update site.
If connectors already installed then you can change the selected one at: Window->Preferences->Team->SVN->SVN Connector.
PS2: It seems there is a problem with the already JAVA connector, how oculd I install a new one like the SVN kit one?
Go to Help > Install New Software...
Paste in the URL
for juno:
for kepler:
Select the connector you wish to install (I usually go with SVNKit). You need to select both the wanted connector and the generic "Subversive SVN Connectors" item.
Click Finish
You should be able to use your repository now, but if not :
Go to Window > Preferences
Browse to the Team > SVN item
In the SVN Connector tab, make sure that SVNKit is selected as the active one.
For eclipse juno you have to replace word "updated" to "juno" in the plugin link.
So working link for eclipse juno is:
for eclipse kepler you can use this
I have solved the issue in Helios using subclipse.
Go to Help> Eclipse Marketplace
search for subclipse and install
Go to:
Help -> Eclipse Marketplace -> Subclipse
worked for me in Eclipse Luna
Last version (July 2019):
See 'How to' picture below:
See 'How to' version without pictures below:
In your internet browser,
Go to
In eclipse,
open the menu 'Help'
choose 'Install new software'
click on 'Add' in the 'Install' popup
click on 'Archive' on 'Add Repository' popup
choose the zip downloaded previously
click on 'Open'
tick all the checkboxes in the 'Install' popup
click 'Next'
wait eclipse calculations to process
click 'Next'
click the radio button 'I accept the terms of license agreement'
click 'Finish'
click 'Install anyway' in the 'Security warning' popup
wait eclipse to process
click 'Restart now' in 'Software Updates' popup
wait eclipse to restart

Adding Tomcat into Eclipse

I am trying to add a tomcat server into runtime environments. I successfully installed tomcat. I already have Java EE eclipse, BUT after I click search under Window->Preferences->Server->Runtime environments and select apache tomcat and then click OK a window with the following text popups: No new server runtime environments were found. What am I doing wrong? I thought after switching to Java EE and installing tomcat I will be able to add the RE... Many thanks in advance!
After trying to add the RE: no tomcat servers list!!!
after trying to search (C:/Program Files/Apache...)
and finally the popup after choosing "apache software foundation" and hitting ok
You need to specify the server runtime in that window. From the browse button, select the base path of the directory where you have installed tomcat and hit next. Hopefully that should do it. There should also be an option to download and install, if you have internet connectivity.
If you dont see any server types in the 'add new Server' dialog, then you are probably missing the server adapters. In which case click on the 'Download additional server adapters' link. This will allow you to pick and download 'tomcat server adapter'. Once that is done.
Some screenshots etc would also help in understanding and helping you resolve your issue.
Hope this helps.
Run time environment click on add button select Apache tomcat-> Click on next button -> Browse the Tomcat 7.0 path -> Finish.
Because you are not having JST server are not able to see installed apache in eclipse ....just install this through 'install new software' in help menu ....
You are most likely are missing the Eclipse Tomcat Server Feature. You can either try reinstalling all of the WTP plugins or maybe install Spring STS which I'm sure has the plugin installed.

Glassfish 3.1.2 and Eclipse Indigo Plugin

My freshly installed Eclipse Indigo SR2 with the new Glassfish 3.1.2 Plugin creates on every start a new "Internal GlassFish 3.1.2" Server.
How can I prevent this behavior? Does somebody already use this configuration?
This bug has been recently fixed - here is the guide how to install the new fixed runtime plugin:
I've faced the same issue and my workaround is uninstall the "Glassfish 3.1.2 Application Server Runtime" from the Eclipse. Please make a full backup for our Eclipse first.
It can be done by the following step: -
Go to "Help" menu ---> "About Eclipse".
Click "Installation Details" button.
The system will display the "Eclipse Installation Details" windows.
Go to "Installed Software" tab.
Find the "Glassfish 3.1.2 Application Server Runtime" in the list and click it. Please note it is sorted alphabetically.
Click "Uninstall..." button
The "Uninstall" windows will display, please review and click the "Finish" button for uninstalling.
Edit: We need to start the Eclipse with "clean" option after it is uninstalled.
I download the Glassfish 3.1.2 Open Source Edition form here and install to my machine. Then register the new installed Glassfish 3.1.2 to the Eclipse.
Regarding to my opinion, I thought that it would be nice if I use the Glassfish out side the Eclipse plugin / workspace folder.