Unity Facebook SDK publish actions - facebook

I have a problem when posting player score via the unity facebook sdk.
The code for the scores API is calling fine, but the only problem is that the App cannot grant the publish_actions permission when the user login.
I tried with and without the native facebook app, also login with the init() dialogue or the function below:
FB.Login("email,publish_actions", LoginCallback);
I checked the permission in the App Settings in the tester account and its only showing Basic Information which cannot post. I will greatly appreciate if you can give me advices. Thank you very much.

Just use the publish_actions and not the email..


What permission to use when sharing on Facebook using Unity

I share screenshots on Facebook from my android app (developed on Unity)
and it used to work perfect, but I guess Facebook changed their policy and I have no Idea what permissions I need to use in order to continue sharing a texture on Facebook.
That's how I log in:
var permissions = new List<string>() {"publish_actions"};
By using CurrentAccessToken.Permissions I receive on debugger: Permissions: public_profile (which means the user didn't get the publish_actions permission).
And when I try to share the pic on Facebook by-
FB.API("me/photos", HttpMethod.POST, APICallback, wwwForm);
I receive 403 forbidden.
I read that publish_actions got removed, so how can I share a screenshot now?
Yeah there is no need for publishing permission anymore. How about trying
FB.ShareLink. this is what I use now. Facebook has a new way of sharing you can't do it frictionless anymore. With this, a popup keeps appearing related to posting.

Facebook user_posts permission from Messenger Platform API

I'm kinda getting lost on Facebook documentation. I'm creating a Messenger Bot. This bot is also integrated with Facebook Graph API and needs to read the users wall so he needs the user_posts permission.
My question is: how do I get this permission?
As far as I've understood, there's no real way to get it from the Messenger Platform API. So, I've started looking into the Login API. Here I found out that I can get a user access token using an embedded Javascript in a web page to show the Facebook login dialog and letting the user to access their profile.
However this sounds so cumbersome... Is there an easier way to do this?
Thank you for the help.

Facebook app access removed

I created a facebook app (say, FunLoginApp) under my organisation facebook account (say org#org.com) and this facebook account was the only administrator for this facebook app.
Everything worked fine and my users were successfully using the login with facebook functionality.
Recently, facebook recognized that the facebook account (org#org.com) is not an actual person and so disabled my account and asked me to migrate it to a facebook page which I did successfully.
But this somehow disabled the facebook app (FunLoginApp) under that account.
This is a CRITICAL issue as all 'Login with Facebook' clicks for my iOS and Android app are failing. and I am losing users, :(
I am unable to do anything as there is no way to reach my facebook app (FunLoginApp) or change any of the settings.
Please help me! any advice if someone ever were in a similar situation.
I've contacted facebook. I posted on Facebook developers group and also posted a question as app-review question.
Facebook responded back to me, verified my account gmail address and made my personal facebook account as admin account through which i can access the app dashboard.
All resolved!

submitting facebook app for permission of publish_actions

For using score api as it is mentioned it is require to take publish_actions permission as mentioned here https://developers.facebook.com/docs/games/scores/
when I tried to add permission to my app it is giving error It looks like you haven't made any API requests to access content with the publish_actions permission in the last 30 days.
I am making call
FB.API("/me/scores", Facebook.HttpMethod.POST, PostCallBack, scoreData); in game (which is not working)
note that I am doing re-submission. any solution how can I submit facebook app for review for permission of publish_actions
Check List for you.
Your Facebook Sdk integrate properly end?. Document
Available to the general public. Facebook dev page -> apps -> status&review -> switch your app status
If your used to Facebook SDK for Unity , open InteractiveConsole scene checks work It.
Good luck :D
We had the same issue and is fixed now. THe one and only thing you have to do is to login to facebook (inside your application, once the login action is called) with your admin username and password (not with your personal username) atleast once.
If both are the same then i dont think this issue will arise.
Let me know if this worked. THanks

new app-id - OAuthException (#200) on post comment

Since I created a new (Facebook) App last week, I get an OAuthException whenever I want to comment on a post.
"(OAuthException) (#200) You do not have sufficient to permissions to perform this action".
With the old App, my application works fine.
Now I found out that Facebook has changed the login policy recently. I also found the following remark on https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/permissions/v2.0:
"If your app asks for more than than public_profile, email and user_friends it will require review by Facebook before your app can be used by people other than the app's developers".
So if I post with the same account with which I created the App, it should work, right? Only it doesn't...
Remark: if I use the new App with another Facebook-account, I have even less permissions (e.g. cannot access the account's pages). So I have more permissions if I use the same account, but still I cannot post!
I use Graph API via .NET Facebook-Client; my App is a native app (desktop app).
Could someone please tell me how to post with a new App? This is the main use-case of our application! Thank you very much!
Here is a screenshot of what I see instead of the login-screen when I use extended permission "publish_action" instead of "publish_stream"
You must be able to post with your own account since you are the admin of the application. - since only the admins/developers/testers will be able to test the app with the publishing functionality before it gets approved by facebook.
If you still are not able to, you must have not granted the permissions to the app. Things to check-
You are using publish_actions and not publish_stream
Check in your application settings whether or not you can see the publishing permission is granted for that app.
If not granted, go through the login process again and grant the publishing permission (may be by removing the app from settings and then authorizing again OR logout the app and then login again with publish_actions)
Problem solved - it was a stupid typo: I wrote publish_action instead of publish_actions (should be plural)! Thanks again to CBroe who pointed it out in this thread!