Driver for Google Cloud SQL - google-cloud-sql

I'm going to use Google Cloud SQL in my application. I'm using Java programming language. I know now it's possible to use 2 drivers to connect to the database - native MySQL JDBC driver and com.mysql.jdbc.GoogleDriver.
Could you please suggest which one is more preferable in terms of stability and performance.
Any suggestions are very appreciated.
Thanks in advance!

Currently, a Java App Engine app can connect to Google Cloud SQL using two ways:
The first one was made public on July 15 and it is the recommended way to connect. Under the hood it uses the MySQL Connector/J so it provides excellent API compatibility. The second one is older, it is a Google-specific JDBC API and it might not always behave as MySQL Connector/J.
So, use the com.mysql.jdbc.GoogleDriver.


Connect SAS to mongodb without using ODBC

One of ours statistician is stuck trying to read data from mongoDB using SAS.
In my experience connecting mongo to other languages always require a native driver, but in this case I've found that is only possible using ODBC.
I've tried to find a better way to connect this two software but the only idea that came to my mind is to expose mongo via webservice.
Any of you have a better solution to connect SAS to mongodb?
After some tries we found that using webservice is the most convenient way to solve mongodb access in ours case.
Some statistician required to load data on laptop from outside the corporate network so we decided to extend our web service to expose some more informations and access it in SAS like this
Thanks all for the clarification regarding ODBC, to me was a real surprise that is still the preferred way to load data in enterprise environments.

Is it possible to pair EZ Publish 5 to MongoDB?

We have an EZ Publish 5 already operational with an Oracle 11g database as a persistence backend.
We planned to get rid of Oracle and we know that we could use Postgresql for sure as a new RDBMS, but we also planned to use MongoDB whenever it's possible.
So the question is: Can we pair EZ Publish 5 to a MongoDB NoSQL database ?
Quick answer: You cannot now as there is no MongoDB driver implemented.
There was a NoSQL Driver planned in the 5.x series, but it is not yet implemented in the latest eZ Publish 2013.06.
With the official roadmap not being updated since the 4.6 release, it hard to guess when the NoSQL driver will be implemented, and if MongoDB will be supported.
Theorically, as the new persistence API make it "easier" to add new storage drivers, you could write a custom MongoDB storage driver.
But in practice implementing a storage driver is quite complex and resource consuming.
Contacting the eZ Systems office in your region and directly ask them when a MongoDB driver will be available might be fastest way to get a clear answer.
I hope it helps.
It is not currently possible as there is no storage engine implemented for MongoDB.
It is indeed planned to implement a NoSQL engine, but there is no version tag on this for now.
However, the new persistence API makes it possible to "easily" implement such a storage engine, but you will be limited by the fact that eZ Publish 5 still uses the legacy back office which runs in the legacy stack (so with 4.x infrastructure which is not compatible with NoSQL).
In short: Implementing a new storage engine will make it only accessible from Public API and REST API.
Since ez5 is a symfony application you can achieve this the symfony way
just remember they have renamed the app folder and the appkernel.php.
Haven't tried it yet though

How to write from Xpages to PostgreSql database?

I have to create an Xpage web application which directly inputs data in a PostgreSql database. I've never worked with a PostgreSql database so I have absolutely no idea on how to approach this.
The application will be used through a browser if that matters.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
or, if you do not want to use the extLib for this purpose only, take a look at The article describes, how to access MySQL, but you can use the same code even for PstGreSQL with the correct JDBC drive.
The article also contains a link to OpenNTF where you can download the full source code.
You need to use a JDBC connection to connect to PostgreSQL. Use the extension library. This library contains a demo application which connects to a sql database using JDBC. Please take a look at this question : How do I access SQL from XPages.

How to connect to MongoDB in an iPhone App?

now I have an iPhone App and basically I want to exchange data from my database (MongoDB) on a server.
Could you please tell me exactly what I should do?
Forgive my innocence, I am a beginner in this area...Thank you very much ahead of time!!
I think you have two options to talk to mongo :
1) Use the rest interface
2) Use Objective-C driver:
If you're not completely tied to MongoDB, have a look at CouchDB. It's essentially the same thing as MongoDB (JSON document store) but for the web. They have a nice built-in REST interface which makes database interaction in mobile/server environments very nice.
In addition to Sid's options, you can also build your own backend that talks to mongodb, that communicates via REST (in your language of choice). This way you can pool your connections on the backend and avoid connectivity issues from the devices.

Tutorial to Connect iPhone app with MySQL database? (Interface Objective-C with mysql)

I am looking for a tutorial on how to make an iPhone app that fetches data from and writes data to a MySQL database. I've seen some other threads saying that I should make an abstraction layer so as not to connect directly to the database from my app, but I'm not sure of how to actually go about doing this. Does anyone know of any tutorials that involve creating an abstraction layer for a MySQL database or connecting a MySQL database to an iPhone app?
To clarify, I am looking for a secure method that wouldn't allow people to sniff out my MySQL host, username and password. It seems like the libraries that connect directly to MySQL from the iPhone all have this problem, but please correct me if I'm wrong.
This is a really good tutorial that covers how to communicate with MySQL from an iPhone app using PHP:
I know only one library, which makes possible connection from iPhone to MySQL. This is port of official MySQL C libraries created by Karl Kraft.
Author published also small portion of samples, which describes how to use this library.
UPDATE (Karl Kraft's broken link)
Instead of link above, I used an archived copy.
not up to date, but this tutorial helped me a lot:
Here is a snippet that uses the original mysql client lib, and here is a link to a 3rd-party connector.
Here is a nice tutorial on how to connect to a database using web service layer.
From a practical perspective you could connect directly to a database from an iphone because that is a client server transaction. The problem is that you would need to expose your database server an issue that many would find very disturbing, because you would expose your server which hold your most valuable resource "your data". Of course you can implement and could be a good solution for rather small projects. But you would need to implement the layer which it would be used to connect on the iOS app, adding more complex to the matter.
Using a web service is more reliable even from the iOS developer, because there is a very extensive api for using web service, which offer great functionality (asynchronous transactions, threads management,JSON Mapping, XML Mapping) to name a few.
Use the library OHMySQL. It copes with MySQL through MySQL C API.