Connect SAS to mongodb without using ODBC - mongodb

One of ours statistician is stuck trying to read data from mongoDB using SAS.
In my experience connecting mongo to other languages always require a native driver, but in this case I've found that is only possible using ODBC.
I've tried to find a better way to connect this two software but the only idea that came to my mind is to expose mongo via webservice.
Any of you have a better solution to connect SAS to mongodb?

After some tries we found that using webservice is the most convenient way to solve mongodb access in ours case.
Some statistician required to load data on laptop from outside the corporate network so we decided to extend our web service to expose some more informations and access it in SAS like this
Thanks all for the clarification regarding ODBC, to me was a real surprise that is still the preferred way to load data in enterprise environments.


Postgresql in Node-red

I use node-red to create an Api from a server. I want to read and send data via http. I use the browser-based programming method. I want to send data from a postgresql database. I installed the package node-red-contrib-postgres-multi. I donĀ“t know how to put data into the database and how to read data from the database, because I cannot find examples.
Does anybody knows, how I can do that?
You can use postgrestor postgrestor package where you can define query or data modification statement directly in node window. It also allows parametrized queries via template engine.
The problem I've encountered is working with more than one db instance in the same flow but if you need only one db instance connection it should work for you.

How do I populate a google big table instance with data using an external url?

I've a google big table instance that need to be populate with data that are in a Postgres Database. My product team give a URL's that allow me to replicate the database. So using simple words I need to duplicate the Postgres database into the google instance and the way that my product team give me is using this url, how can I do this? any tutorial that can help me?
If you are already running PostgreSQL and would like to have a mirror of it on Google Cloud Platform, the best and simplest approach may be to run your own PostgreSQL instance on a Google Compute Engine virtual machine which can be done via several approaches, e.g.,
tutorial for launching PostgreSQL, or
click-to-deploy solution for PostgreSQL by Bitnami
Then, you would want to continuously mirror data from your local instance to the PostgreSQL instance running in Google Cloud to be able to query it. Another SO answer suggests that there are two major approaches to this:
Master/Master replication (Bucardo)
Master/Slave replication (Slony)
Based on your use case where you want to keep your local PostgreSQL instance as the canonical one, and just replicate to Google Cloud for the purpose of querying it, you want a Master/Slave replication, and have the PostgreSQL instance be the read-only replica, so you probably want to use the Slony approach.
For a more in-depth look at PostgreSQL solutions for high availability, load balancing, and replication, see the comparison in the manual.

Load a PostgreSQL database using cloudconnect

On the side of my Gooddata project, I maintain a small PostgreSQL database that contains a few tables.
I would like to be able to integrate both my ETL processes using the same tool, and it seems to me cloudconnect would be the easiest way, since I already have my whole GoodData ETL in it.
Here are the ways I tried to do it without success:
I tried to have a look in the documentation, and it seems to me that all the functionalities of CloverETL that enabled this (DBOutput, PostGreSQLDataWriter) are not available in Cloudconnect.
I managed to connect to the Agile Datawarehouse Service (Database attached to GoodData), but it seems that only the ADS database is able to understand the request:
COPY MyDataBaseTable (field1,field2) FROM LOCAL '${DATA_TMP_DIR}/CIforADS.csv'
even when I adapt the syntax to PostgreSQL because the dynamic addressing I use here does not seem to work.
Is there any way to proceed that I'm missing? Can anyone think of a workaround?
In general this could be achieved by using of "DBExecute" component, but
I'm not sure if I understand it well - do you want to load data into your own Postgres instance using CloudConnect?

How to connect to MongoDB in an iPhone App?

now I have an iPhone App and basically I want to exchange data from my database (MongoDB) on a server.
Could you please tell me exactly what I should do?
Forgive my innocence, I am a beginner in this area...Thank you very much ahead of time!!
I think you have two options to talk to mongo :
1) Use the rest interface
2) Use Objective-C driver:
If you're not completely tied to MongoDB, have a look at CouchDB. It's essentially the same thing as MongoDB (JSON document store) but for the web. They have a nice built-in REST interface which makes database interaction in mobile/server environments very nice.
In addition to Sid's options, you can also build your own backend that talks to mongodb, that communicates via REST (in your language of choice). This way you can pool your connections on the backend and avoid connectivity issues from the devices.

Connecting to a MySQL database using Xcode and Objective-C

I have been interested in working with a MySQL database in my iPhone or Mac projects. How is a connection performed in Objective-C?
I only had a bit of experience with PHP, but heck, that is a bit too different =/
Check this tutorial for connectivity with SQLite.
You will not be able to connect to MySQL directly from the iPhone. You must use some intermediate layer such as a Web application with PHP.
So, you will have something like this:
iPhone POSTING a request to the WebServer using HTTP
Web Server connecting to the MySQL database
Web Server returning data to the iPhone (XML, plain text)
iPhone processing the data
You can use this technique to query and insert/update/delete data.
Once I found this library for MySQL, and I am aware how it works.
It's a much better option not to deal directly with MySQL, but use Apple's Core Data API.
It allows you to manage an relational database without having to write SQL. It's very fast, very useful. Good stuff.
Try absrd which recycles connections across concurrent threads (queues).
If you want to connect to a MySQL database, use MySQL's Connector/C API library which, as Objective-C is a strict superset of C, you can use without any issues. I helped someone with the installation of it here.