Eclipse RCP plugin extentions editor shows generic as the only option - eclipse

Version: Juno Release
Build id: 20120614-1722
Got Eclipse RCP Plug-in Developer Resources installed.
Created an Eclipse RCP plugin project. Added org.eclipse.ui.views extention and tried to add a view. Only generic options is available. I guess the schema cannot be found. How can I point to it?
thanks in advance,

Are you looking in the right place. Right click on org.eclipse.ui.views in the extensions tab to get the context menu. The top item should be New with a sub-menu for the extension point types.


Hide standard toolchains from C/C++ project wizard

Our team is developing a custom toolchain. We want to build it in to Eclipse CDT. We don't want to see an excess element in a final product.
Is it possible to hide/disable/delete standard toolchains in C/C++ Project Wizard?
enter image description here
Previously, I hid a default Debug Configurations using org.eclipse.ui.activities extension point. This time it doesn't help we. I tried to remove CrossGCC plugin but a Unistall... button in Install Software is greyed out.
I use Eclipse Luna RCP (4.4.2) for plugin development.
I'm not very familiar with this part of CDT, but after doing a bit of code browsing, it seems like the extension points org.eclipse.cdt.core.templates and org.eclipse.cdt.core.templateAssociations may be relevant.
See how e.g. the current CDT code uses these extension points to associate a set of toolchains with a project template. If your plugins define their own project template(s), perhaps you could do something similar to control the list of associated toolchains?

I am not able to drag and drop in the objectAid plugin of the eclipse IDE

I have to generate UML diagrams from a project in java.
I am familiar with eclipse as well as intelliJ IDE.
I am not able to drag and drop in the objectAid plugin of the eclipse IDE.
In order to drag and drop in the objectAid plugin of the eclipseIDE and other IDE based on eclipse, you have to view your project as set of packages in explorer
As shown in the image
instead for viewing it as set of a simple folders

How to add an extension element in Eclipse Luna (4.4.1)

I would like to know how I can add an extension element for an extension.
In the previous versions, this was possible by right-clicking on an extension and selecting "New" and later one of the predefined elements from the context menu. But now when I right-click, I don't get anything.
I have the same problem with my plug-in.
I have resolved it by upgrading to Luna Service Release 2 (4.4.2).
You need to install the RCP targets to make it work. Follow below steps :
Goto Help
Install New Software
type "Update site:"
Choose "Eclipse RCP Target Components" and press Next to install them

plugin doesn't show after deployment in the eclipse

I have created an eclipse plugin and it works fine when I'm running it using run as eclipse application.But when I deployed my plugin in the eclipse using File->Export->Deployable plugins and fragments, I cannot see it under new wizard.
I can see my plugin under installed plugins.
Any help why I cannot see it under new wizard list?
My plugin shows under plugin registry view and when I'm diagnosing it says "no problems detected".
Can anyone help why it's not visible?
Quite often this is due to a missing dependency.
Check the "Plug-in Registry" View of your Eclipse installation for your Plug-In.
Right click on any plugin and check "Show Advanced Options".
Search your plugin, right click it and clcik on "Diagnose".
It should show you missing dependencies, if there are any.

Which file has the Eclipse help menu contents

I want to add my own sub menu option under the help menu of Eclipse SDK. Which file has the menu and submenu details.
Assuming that you want to extend Eclipse with a new plug-in, when you create a new "Plug-in Project" in Eclipse, this new project contains a file named plugin.xml.
This file can be used to define the extensions that the plug-in will add to Eclipse.
More information on this can be found in the following references:
Introduction to Eclipse Plugin Development
Extending Eclipse - Plug-in Development Tutorial
Contributing Actions to the Eclipse Workbench
Regarding the menus themselves and their possible extensions, you can read the Eclipse documentation here.
I hope this helps.