How to pass query params in Map Local/Remote in Charles Debugger - fiddler

I am used to using Fiddler, but have recently purchased a Mac and am forced to use Charles. I have successfully mapped some web requests to files on another web server, but I cannot get the query params to pass through. In fiddler I use something like*) in the from and everything works as expected, however I cannot for the life of me find how to do this in Charles. Any help or direction would be great! TIA!

Can't believe this but apparently all I had to do was place an asterisk in the from query param box and it seems to be passing it through. Was easier than regex needed.


How to use Google Action Builder with my own server

I want to develop an action to google assistant. So i red the documentation here and i followed this tutorial
It s worked and i was allow to develop and test my app in the simulator. The problem is that when it's come to webhook i don't totaly understand how it's work. On the webhook icon i got this
The seconde one allow me to use Google cloud function and firebase but i had to add my billing account to make it available. I also get a console where i can code my fonctions and my responses.
And if i am correct, the first one allow me to connect to my own Api. But i can only enter one field that is the URL adresse and nothing else so how do i code it? Also i see everywhere people using node.js and i would like to use php is it possible?
To sum up my problem, i would like to know how i could connect my action builder to an other service(Api) than google ones? If it's possible to run my server in php and how do i interact with my google action?(I think it's by sending json back and forth but i'am not sure how to do it?) Finally i would like to know if it's possible to test it in local server with mamp and phpmyadmin for exemple to test the answer of the server?
I would be very grateful if someone could help me, show me how to set up all this.
But i can only enter one field that is the URL adresse and nothing else so how do i code it?
When you develop your webhook, you will need to have a single publicly accessible endpoint to connect with. This endpoint will receive an HTTP POST request and you will need to respond with an appropriate response.
Also i see everywhere people using node.js and i would like to use php is it possible?
Any language that can run on a web server can work. Node.js is one that is used a lot, but PHP can work just as well. You can create an actions.php file and then enter an endpoint address that will be called. You may need to refer to the Request and Response reference for the expected format.
if it's possible to test it in local server with mamp and phpmyadmin for exemple to test the answer of the server?
It's somewhat possible. You'll need to have some method of sending mock requests to your local server, which might be as easy as using cURL or other tools like Postman.
Unfortunately my personal experience with PHP tools is limited, so I can't necessarily walk-through the specifics. But it does seem like you know these tools a bit more and should be familiar enough to be able to get started.

How to configure Big Blue Button for Xirsys TURN server?

I run an self-hosted instance of BigBlueButton and signed up for Xirsys TURN server services because we need to serve clients behind (pretty restrictive) firewalls. Before I had been running my own instance of coturn, but as this led to problems recently, I thought I will got someone who does this for a living a try.
Now the configuration in BBB is explained here:
Yet so far I completely failed to match the parameters I receive from Xirsys with what I have to put into the /usr/share/bbb-web/WEB-INF/classes/spring/turn-stun-servers.xml file in the place of the <> and <secret_value>.
Did anyone ever make this work? I did try and find a tutorial but also failed.
bbb_web, is returning this the turn uris. passwords to the html5 client, that the client is using in sip.js
so you can either get bbb-web to send valid username/passwords is same method is used, or modify the html5 client to make a Xirsys api call, to get access to the turn candidates.
Would need to look at api docs. twilio has a similar service.
not the most elegant solution but the easiest one for me:
modify the final bbb js bundle to load the stunturn info from a fixed url in
/usr/share/meteor/bundle/programs/web.browser/f30716b2b57e2862c4db2325 b7aac63f4622842b.js
the minified part should then look somewhat like:
and put either the static credentials or generated ones in a file stunturn.json besides the js bundle.

Blackberry ksoap2 request issues

First time posting a question. I'm trying to call some SOAP webservices from inside a blackberry app using the ksoap2 library. I've successfully managed to get a response from the one service, which uses an HTTP url, but now that I'm trying to get response from a (different) HTTPS url, I've run up against a brick wall.
The response dump I'm getting has the following fault message:
"An error occurred while routing the message for element value : (country option I specified in my request). Keep-Alive and Close may not be set using this property. Parameter name: value."
The weird thing is that using Oxygen XML's SOAP tools with the XML request dump works just fine. Any ideas where to start looking? This has taken up a full day already.
Responding to your comment below - it turns out the double quoting is part of the SOAP spec. Some servers are more relaxed in their implementation, and will work without the quotes.
ksoap2 doesn't force the quotes onto your actions - you may want to patch your ksoap2 library to ensure the quotes are always there.
I don't think this is a SOAP related problem, nor with BlackBerry.
I think the problem lies on the server side, since that error string is not a common error (just google it to see no hits on the whole internet other than this question).
Looks like this is a job for the network guy on the server side to tell you what he's seeing on his end.
Only other thing I can think of is to make the call using HTTP instead of HTTPS. You can then use some network sniffer to see what the difference between the messages is. Alternatively, install an SSL proxy with something like "Charles" and sniff the packets like that.

Recreate a site from a tcpdump?

It's a long story, but I am trying to save an internal website from the pointy hair bosses who see no value from it anymore and will be flicking the switch at some point in the future. I feel the information contained is important and future generations will want to use it. No, it's not some adult site, but since it's some big corp, I can't say any more.
The problem is, the site is a mess of ASP and Flash that only works under IE7 and is buggy under IE8 and 32bit only even. All the urls are session style and are gibberish. The flash objects itself pull extra information with GET request to ASP objects. It's really poorly designed for scraping. :)
So my idea is to do a tcpdump as I navigate the entire site. Then somehow dump the result of every GET into a sql database. Then with a little messing with the host file, redirect every request to some cgi script that will look for a matching get request in the database and return the data. So the entire site will be located in an SQL database in URL/Data keypairs. Flat file may also work.
In theory, I think this is the only way to go about this. The only problem I see is if they do some client side ActiveX/Flash stuff that generates session URLs that will be different each time.
Anyway, I know Perl, and the idea seems simple with the right modules, so I think I can do most of the work in that, but I am open to any other ideas before I get started. Maybe this exist already?
Thanks for any input.
To capture I wouldn't use tcpdump, but either the crawler itself or a webproxy that can be tweaked to save everything, e.g. Fiddler, Squid, or mod_proxy.

What do you wish Fiddler could do that it can't... or that you can't figure out how to do?

In this question's comment, EricLaw (the author of Fiddler) wrote:
Fiddler has lots of interesting
features, but not all of them are
super well-documented. A related
question would be: "What do you wish
Fiddler could do that it can't... or
that you can't figure out how to do?"
– EricLaw -MSFT- Nov 2 at 2:54
Following the lead - what do you want from Fiddler that it doesn't have now (or you don't know whether it has)?
I'd like it to be able to format and pretty-print XML and JSON request/response bodies, e.g.
so a raw:
Could be displayed as:
Would be really useful when looking at our API calls.
I know it can do the XML tree view, but I'm more comfortable looking at raw markup so I can see exactly what's going on. I'd just like to look at the raw markup in a nicely formatted and coloured way!
The Inspectors tab has a WebForms button, which is very nice for checking x-www-form-urlencoded POST data, but as soon as the form is multipart/form-data (e.g. forms with file uploads), this button can't display it. Or can it?
I'm not sure this is really a programming question... But, one feature I'd like is to be able to configure a standard set of screens on the right side. I always use raw mode, for example, and have to reset it every time I start the app.
Another is that I would love to have it work in a mode where it snoops on the TCP conversation, rather than acting as a proxy, along the lines of tools such as IBM Page Detailer. The problem is that browsers interact with proxies differently than they do when they're talking directly to hosts.
I hope I can select which process to watch.
not only browser or not-browser option.
I'd really like to increase the latency between the request header of an HTTP POST and the request body. I can see how you can increase the latency of the entire request as a whole, but not the individual packets.