What do you wish Fiddler could do that it can't... or that you can't figure out how to do? - fiddler

In this question's comment, EricLaw (the author of Fiddler) wrote:
Fiddler has lots of interesting
features, but not all of them are
super well-documented. A related
question would be: "What do you wish
Fiddler could do that it can't... or
that you can't figure out how to do?"
– EricLaw -MSFT- Nov 2 at 2:54
Following the lead - what do you want from Fiddler that it doesn't have now (or you don't know whether it has)?

I'd like it to be able to format and pretty-print XML and JSON request/response bodies, e.g.
so a raw:
Could be displayed as:
Would be really useful when looking at our API calls.
I know it can do the XML tree view, but I'm more comfortable looking at raw markup so I can see exactly what's going on. I'd just like to look at the raw markup in a nicely formatted and coloured way!

The Inspectors tab has a WebForms button, which is very nice for checking x-www-form-urlencoded POST data, but as soon as the form is multipart/form-data (e.g. forms with file uploads), this button can't display it. Or can it?

I'm not sure this is really a programming question... But, one feature I'd like is to be able to configure a standard set of screens on the right side. I always use raw mode, for example, and have to reset it every time I start the app.
Another is that I would love to have it work in a mode where it snoops on the TCP conversation, rather than acting as a proxy, along the lines of tools such as IBM Page Detailer. The problem is that browsers interact with proxies differently than they do when they're talking directly to hosts.

I hope I can select which process to watch.
not only browser or not-browser option.

I'd really like to increase the latency between the request header of an HTTP POST and the request body. I can see how you can increase the latency of the entire request as a whole, but not the individual packets.


How can I create a multi-part response with DialogFlow?

So far, I have a conversational app that works with webhooks to my backend PHP server that sends JSON responses back to the Dialogflow API. So far, its working rather well.
The next step in the development would be to have the Google Assitant respond to the user with multi-part responses. I've seen the "Lucky Trivia" game do something similar (screenshot attached).
It is not clear to me how I can have the Assistant App generate multiple bubbles.
Some solutions I've tried:
Using rich responses with multiple parts
Generating SSML responses and using several <speak> or <p> tags
Using message objects
Using a followupEvent object
None of these have gotten me to the point Id like.
Rich responses will work for a maximum of two separate bubbles and no more.
SSML seems promising and is a great way to add prosody and sound bites, but everything I've tried will not deliver multi-part speech bubbles.
I can't find a syntax for message objects that works with "platform":"google". Indeed, specific support for platform=google isn't listed on that page, but I have seen it in some request/response JSON objects.
The followupEvent response seemed most promising, but as far as I can tell, the intent that triggers from the named event completely replaces the current response, it doesn't just add onto it.
So, my question is: What's the best strategy for getting similar multi-part messages on Google Assistant using DialogFlow?
Optimally, I'd like to fire new requests to my webhook sequentially, but building one large response containing all parts is a viable option if necessary.
How does Lucky Trivia do this?
I suspect that Lucky Trivial is able to get around the rules because it was made by Google and doesn't use the same library that we do. But let's look at each of your attempts and then some possible other approaches.
What doesn't work
As you note, RichResponses are limited to only two SimpleResponses which translate to two text bubbles. You could make larger responses, but there is still a suggested limit of 300 characters per bubble, and a hard limit of 640 characters.
The SSML responses, as the name suggests, are about what you hear - not so much what you see.
Message objects are turned into native platform objects anyway, so unless there was some way to support it in Google (and there isn't), then you can't do it.
Follow-up events are specifically documented to ignore the text that is returned from the original event. Their entire point is to delegate processing to the other intent.
What might work: Cards
This doesn't look exactly the same as what you want, but one way to get additional text included that is separate from the two bubbles is through a Basic card as one of the rich response items. You can even do some basic formatting in the card and include graphics.
More complicated: Media Response
Including a Media response object with the rich response items is a way you can send multiple responses to the user without having to wait for them to say something. In this way, you can get multiple text bubbles in a row without the user having to reply.
The trick is that you'll send the two simple responses in the rich response, and then include a Media response with a very short, and possibly silent, audio file.
After the audio file finished playing, you'll get an intent that indicates the media has finished playing. You can then send another reply with one or two more simple responses. If necessary, you can repeat this.
There are some downsides - the media player will show while it is playing, which will interrupt the bubbles, but once done it should clear. There will also be a pause in between some of the bubbles. But playing audio might also enhance your reply.

constructing xml within ios app

I am sending a request back to the server I am communicating with, the gist of this request will have a bunch of different parameters, like user ID, request number etc.
One of the more important parts of the request is a segment of XML that im hoping to create based of a few user selections in my interface.
Then at the end i will wrap this all up and send it off to the server...
However at the moment I have no idea how to form an segment xml, I have been reading this but im not sure how it relates to what I would like to do.
any help, example code, example tutorials or anything would be really helpful.
A plist is just xml with a strict dtd; and you can use NSPropertyListSerialization to create one to send back to the server from an NSArray/NSDictionary, very easily.

Recreate a site from a tcpdump?

It's a long story, but I am trying to save an internal website from the pointy hair bosses who see no value from it anymore and will be flicking the switch at some point in the future. I feel the information contained is important and future generations will want to use it. No, it's not some adult site, but since it's some big corp, I can't say any more.
The problem is, the site is a mess of ASP and Flash that only works under IE7 and is buggy under IE8 and 32bit only even. All the urls are session style and are gibberish. The flash objects itself pull extra information with GET request to ASP objects. It's really poorly designed for scraping. :)
So my idea is to do a tcpdump as I navigate the entire site. Then somehow dump the result of every GET into a sql database. Then with a little messing with the host file, redirect every request to some cgi script that will look for a matching get request in the database and return the data. So the entire site will be located in an SQL database in URL/Data keypairs. Flat file may also work.
In theory, I think this is the only way to go about this. The only problem I see is if they do some client side ActiveX/Flash stuff that generates session URLs that will be different each time.
Anyway, I know Perl, and the idea seems simple with the right modules, so I think I can do most of the work in that, but I am open to any other ideas before I get started. Maybe this exist already?
Thanks for any input.
To capture I wouldn't use tcpdump, but either the crawler itself or a webproxy that can be tweaked to save everything, e.g. Fiddler, Squid, or mod_proxy.

Single request to multiple asynchronous responses

So, here's the problem. iPhones are awesome, but bandwidth and latency are serious issues with apps that have serverside requirements. My initial plan to solve this was to make multiple requests for bits of data (pun unintended) and have that be how the issue of lots of incoming//outgoing data was handled. This is a bad idea for a lot of reasons, most obvious to me is that my poor database (MySQL) can't handle this very well. From what I understand it's better to request large chunks all at once, especially if I'm going to ask for all of it anyways.
The problem is now I'm waiting again for a large amount of data to get through. I was wondering if there's a way to basically send the server a bunch of IDs to get from the database, and then that SINGLE request then sends a lot of little responses, each one containing all the information about a single db entry. Order is irrelevant, and ideally I'd be able to send another request to the server telling it to stop sending me things because I have what I need.
I realize this is probably NOT a simple thing to do so if you (awesome) guys could point me in the right direction that would also be incredible.
Current system is iPhone (Cocoa//Objective-C) -> PHP -> MySQL
Thanks a ton in advance.
AFAIK, a single request cannot get multiple responses. From what you are asking, it seems that you need to do this in two parts.
Part 1: Send a single call with the IDs.
Your server responds with a single message that contains the URLs or the information needed to call the unique "smaller" answers.
Part 2: Working from that list of responses, fire off multiple requests that run on their own threads.
I am thinking of this similar to how a web page works. You call the HTML URL in a web browser. The HTML tells the browser all the places/URLS it needs to get additional pieces (images, css, js, etc) to build the full page.
Hope this helps.

SOP issue behind reverse proxy

I've spent the last 5 months developing a gwt app, and it's now become time for third party people to start using it. In preparation for this one of them has set up my app behind a reverse proxy, and this immediately resulted in problems with the browser's same origin policy. I guess there's a problem in the response headers, but I can't seem to rewrite them in any way to make the problem go away. I've tried this
response.setHeader("Server", request.getRemoteAddress());
in some sort of naive attempt to mimic the behaviour I want. Didn't work (to the surprise of no-one).
Anyone knowing anything about this will most likely snicker and shake their heads when reading this, and I do not blame them. I would snicker too, if it was me... I know nothing at all about this, and that naturally makes this problem awfully hard to solve. Any help at all will be greatly appreciated.
How can I get the header rewrite to work and get away from the SOP issues I'm dealing with?
Edit: The exact problem I'm getting is a pop-up saying:
"SmartClient can't directly contact
due to browser same-origin policy.
Remove the host and port number (even
if localhost) to avoid this problem,
or use XJSONDataSource protocol (which
allows cross-site calls), or use the
server-side HttpProxy included with
SmartClient Server."
But I shouldn't need the smartclient HttpProxy, since I have a proxy on top of the server, should I? I've gotten no indications that this could be a serialisation problem, but maybe this message is hiding the real issue...
chris_l and saret both helped to find the solution, but since I can only mark one I marked the answer from chris_l. Readers are encouraged to bump them both up, they really came through for me here. The solution was quite simple, just remove any absolute paths to your server and use only relative ones, that did the trick for me. Thanks guys!
The SOP (for AJAX requests) applies, when the URL of the HTML page, and the URL of the AJAX requests differ in their "origin". The origin includes host, port and protocol.
So if the page is http://www.example.com/index.html, your AJAX request must also point to something under http://www.example.com. For the SOP, it doesn't matter, if there is a reverse proxy - just make sure, that the URL - as it appears to the browser (including port and protocol) - isn't different. The URL you use internally is irrelevant - but don't use that internal URL in your GWT app!
Note: The solution in the special case of SmartClient turned out to be using relative URLs (instead of absolute URLs to the same origin). Since relative URLs aren't an SOP requirement in browsers, I'd say that's a bug in SmartClient.
What issue are you having exactly?
Having previously had to write a reverseproxy for a GWT app I can't remember hitting any SOP issues, one thing you need to do though is make sure response headers and uri's are rewritten to the reverseproxies url - this includes ajax callback urls.
One issue I hit (which you might also experience) when running behind a reverseproxy was with the serialization policy of GWT server.
Fixing this required writing an implementation of RemoteServiceServlet. While this was in early/mid 2009, it seems the issue still exists.
Seems like others have hit this as well - see this for further details (the answer by Michele Renda in particular)