Alfresco Workflow notification email template - eclipse

I'm new to Alfresco, and I have been trying to customize the email templates for workflow notifications. I have two issues that I appreciate some help with:
I have accidentally deleted the default template from the repository. When I uploaded it again, it gives me this error when trying to send an email:
Exception while invoking TaskListener: Node does not exist: workspace://SpacesStore/wf-email-html-ftl(Status[changeTxnId=fd950a3d-d236-4cb8-b2df-3337187c6aef, dbTxnId=1250, deleted=true])
Second, I want to include a link to the WF's document in the email sent. For this I need the site id in order to include it in the url of the link to be displayed. I tried to retrieve it from space object but it's not working. (I was testing on the server on which my application was deployed. On my local machine, I am getting the error above in my eclipse project's console, so I'm not being able to test and get the exact error.)
I appreciate any help and Thx in advance.

I've you've deleted it, go to your trashcan through the old explorer interface /alfresco.
Or login as admin and go to the trashcan in Share and restore your file.
If you upload the file, it gets a new UUID, so references will be broken.
You don't need the site id in theory. You can browse to the same document through the Repository which doesn't have a site :).
This is an example from my environment: share/page/document-details?nodeRef=workspace://SpacesStore/fbb062e6-e941-42bf-ade4-3ac3acc05501
So it's just /share/page/document-details?nodeRef=<UUID>


Cannot access TYPO3 Backend after config change

I have the following problem:
After trying to change the entry point to my website in the backend of my TYPO3 system (by using the site config), I cannot access neither my backend nor my frontend of the website anymore. Whenever I try to access the site it says "Oops, an error occurred! The parsedUri "https://" appears to be malformed".
What I have tried, is accessing the config.yaml on my webserver to change the baseURL inside of the config, but no matter what I change it to, it doesn't seem to work, as I always get the same error message even uploading the changed config file (what I mean by that is, that the text inside the error message doesn't change to reflect the new url but stays "https://").
I hope that someone who is more experienced in TYPO3 can help me solve this issue. I couldn't really find a working solution after extensively searching so far. Thanks a lot in advance.
After changing the yaml file of the site configuration, you need to clear all caches, either via the install tool (yourdomain.tld/typo3/install.php) or by deleting all files in the directories var/cache/code and var/cache/data.

Azure Function - Publishing Failed - RequestTimeout

I have a basic Azure Function app. When I try to publish the app, I receive an error that says "error : The attempt to publish the ZIP file through https://... failed with HTTP status code RequestTimeout.".
This app is a .NET Standard app. I followed the instructions here. The difference is, my app has an Event Hub Trigger instead of the Http Trigger shown in the documentation. I don't understand why i'm getting a Timeout during deployment. I also don't know how to get past this.
What am I doing wrong?
Here are the logs.
1>------ Build started: Project: MyProject.Functions, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
1>MyProject.Functions -> C:\MyProject\MyProject.Functions\bin\Release\netcoreapp2.1\bin\MyProject.Functions.dll
========== Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
Publish Started
MyProject.Functions -> C:\MyProject\MyProject.Functions\bin\Release\netcoreapp2.1\bin\MyProject.Functions.dll
MyProject.Functions -> C:\MyProject\MyProject.Functions\obj\Release\netcoreapp2.1\PubTmp\Out\
Publishing C:\MyProject\MyProject.Functions\obj\Release\netcoreapp2.1\PubTmp\MyProject.Functions - to
C:\Users\me\.nuget\packages\\1.0.23\build\netstandard1.0\Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Functions.Publish.ZipDeploy.targets(42,5): error : The attempt to publish the ZIP file through failed with HTTP status code RequestTimeout. [C:\MyProject\MyProject.Functions\MyProject.Functions.csproj]
According to this:
you should be able to pass ?isAsync=true to the zipdeploy url (so it would be: ''
This requests resolves faster without a timeout and then you can grab the location header from the response, which you can poll to see the status of your deployment.
In my case this error was because of the version of packages in my .csproj file. After updating them there was not error and the publish was successful.
I faced this recently and spent 2 complete days trying to fix it. Tried most of the solutions suggested here and on other posts.
What finally worked for me is removing my Publish settings and creating a new one by uploading a brand new .PublishSettings file.
How to get .PublishSettings file?
On Azure Portal, on your Function App, click on "Get Publish Profile"
And will automatically start downloading it.
How to Upload Publish Profile?
When trying to Publish the project from Visual Studio, click on New -> Select "Import Profile"
And Browse your .PublishSettings file.
Then, just select this new profile (if it's not selected already), and click on Publish button as you would usually do.
In my case, it was an issue with two things:
1] Visual Studio and Azure are flaky. Timeouts in a working scenario are still somewhat regular, on a bad day happening about 50-75% of the time for me. This is with an 80mb function app, not super big and I have gigabit Internet.
2] Someone deleted the file share for the storage. I had to fix WEBSITE_CONTENTAZUREFILECONNECTIONSTRING to point to the right storage connection string, and I had to update WEBSITE_CONTENTSHARE to point to a valid file share name, which I had to create in the storage resource group matching WEBSITE_CONTENTAZUREFILECONNECTIONSTRING connection string.
If you are using a development and production function slot, I would suggest to make WEBSITE_CONTENTAZUREFILECONNECTIONSTRING and WEBSITE_CONTENTSHARE deployment slot settings, that way you can link to a production and development storage environment. This is especially handy if you are using tables or blob storage and don't want to have to prefix or suffix all your table names or keys. In my opinion these two settings should be slots by default.
Once I did these changes I could publish, still dealing with the intermittent timeouts.
The error messaging with Azure function publishing is bad to non-existant, with any kind of configuration or resource errors simply causing a timeout error.
I got the same issue when using Visual Studio. Very frustrating.
But then I just used the zip file that VS created and used
az functionapp deployment source config-zip -g <resource_group> -n \
<app_name> --src <zip_file_path>
to publish.
You can find more options in
I got the same issue recently.
I'm not sure if they are related, but it started working fine after updating the NuGet package "Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Functions" to v3.0.7.
Changing the profile to use WebDeploy was the only way i could update my Azure Function.
When downloading the Profiles from the Azure Portal, and importing to VS - i noticed it imported 2 profiles. 1 for Zip, and another for Web Deploy method for uploading.
Trying the Zip publish profile, failed, but the WebDeploy 2nd Profile - did work and update perfectly.

Stuck on Plugins Check

I tried to install without realising an older plugin than what was already installed. It errored with the install however now I cant get past the check plugins screen to fix my issue.
Reload just reloads the page, update does nothing. If I click Upgrade I get this:
I cant do anything else. If I try to reload Moodle with just http://moodle (Internal URL) I get redirected straight back to this page. If I clear my cookies I get taken to the login page, but after logging in it is straight back to the "Plugins Check" page again.
Do you have administrative access to the server running Moodle?
You should be able to download the version of the plugin you need and unzip it directly into Moodle's directory structure, and then log back in to the Web UI.
In my moodle installation, this is here:
You should be able to get the correct files from the installation package you used. Just make a backup of the existing folder in your Moodle environment, move it to a safe location, and drop the complete folder for the new version in its place. Then reload the web client.

CAS on confluence TicketValidationException

Hi am trying to create a Staging Server for Confluence and I cloned the VM and updated Confluence settings. Now after login I get
javax.servlet.ServletException: org.jasig.cas.client.validation.TicketValidationException:
ticket 'ST-224-7T1R0Olcgf3BJfvwOjJ3-cas' not recognized
Referer URL
The original Confluence still works but the Staging one errors our.
Any Ideas?
This is a bug but there is a workaround. See: .
Disable the Terms of Use (Control Panel > Portal Settings > Users >
Terms of Use Required)
Disable the password reminder query. Put the
line users.reminder.queries.enabled=false in the file .
I had the same problem as you, tried this recipe and it worked. Good luck!

Subclipse and SVN - Errors and Login Info

1) I'm try to access an svn repository with a url like this: svn://
When I do so, I get an error stating: "Authorization Failed." I know for a fact that the url is correct. And I just redownloaded subclipse.
How can I fix this?
2) I also want to change my user login information. I can't find anywhere to do this (including Google). I have a new Macbook Pro with Eclipse and subclipse.
How can I change the login data?
Really despearate for an answer on this one. Thanks.
1) You could post more error message (i.e. full copy of what is being displayed in your Eclipse console).
As it's unlikely that you've hit this kind of bug in Subclipse, for starters, please triple-check:
the address,
the port number,
your credentials.
You may also try the repository address without the trailing part - like svn:// instead of svn:// (not sure how SVN behaves here, but might be worth a shot).
Also, what kind of SVN server is that? Can you possibly connect and log in via a web browser on the same address? Some servers (VisualSVN) support this - just paste the URL into your browser and see if there's a web interface. If yes, then you can make sure there if your credentials are valid.
2) If you want to change your username/password, I believe you need to have administrative rights to the SVN server. Please contact the administrator for that.