Couchbase dynamic views with different keys - nosql

I have an issue with Couchbase.
I don't know ahead of time the keys on which the query is made. What solutions is Couchbase offering me.
Keep in mind that I have big data set, order of hundred of millions.
EDIT: I want to do matchmaking on a collection stored, the criteria is not known ahead of time or is randomly set. That means I have to set a view on compile time. What are my options?

You can use ElasticSearch. It's allow you to do dynamic queries.


Is dynamically creating and dropping collections in MongoDB going to create scalability issues?

I have an application (built in Meteor) that provides some ad hoc reporting capabilities to the end user. I have built up that functionality by using the aggregation pipeline to produce the results for a given query. This makes it extremely fast and I was using $out to push the results right into a results table.
The results table included a queryID, which the client used to figure out which were the correct results.
Unfortunately, as you may know (and I discovered), that doesn't work so well once you have more than one user running reports at a time because $out deletes the whole results table before pushing the new query in.
I see three possible workarounds:
Run the aggregation, but manually push the results into the results collection
$out the results into a temporary collection (dynamically named to avoid conflicts) and then manually copy the results from there into results collection, immediately dropping the temporary one. This made some sense when I thought I could use copyTo(), but that doesn't appear possible within Meteor, so I think this option doesn't make much sense relative to #1 in this case.
$out the results into a temporary collection (dynamically named to avoid conflicts) and have the client pull its results directly from there. I would then periodically drop the extra collections after say 24 hours (like I do with specific query results in the main collection today).
#3 would be the fastest by far - the time it takes to manually copy rows dwarfs the time it takes the queries to run. But I'm concerned about the impact of creating and dropping so many collections.
We're not talking millions of users here, but if an average of 500 users a day were each running 10-20 reports, there could be an additional 5-10k collections in the database at any one time. That seems like a lot. Perhaps I could be smarter about cleaning them up somehow, though I can't just immediately remove them because a user might want to have multiple tabs open with different reports. Even still, we're potentially talking about hundreds to thousands of collections.
Is that going to be a problem?
Are there other approaches I should consider instead?
Other recommendations?
Dropping a collection in mongoDB is very efficient operation, anyway much more efficient than deleting some documents in a larger collection.
Maximum number of collections is quite high, only limited by namespace namespace in MMAPv1 while no hard limit exists in wiretiger engine.
So I would favor your solution #3.
Some improvements/alternatives you can think:
Consider creating the collections in a separated database (say per day) then you can drop the entire database in a single operation without having to drop individual collections.
Use an endpoint for the result set, cash the results then drop the $out collection. Let cache handle user requirements and only rerun the aggregation if cache has expired or something.
This kind of activity is done very easily in relational databases such as mysql or pgsql. You might consider synchronising your data to a separate relational database for the purposes of reporting.
There is a package which claims to provide synchronisation. I played with it and it didn't work perfectly, although doing just one way sync is more likely to succeed.
The other option is to use Graphql over a mongo/mysql hybrid database which can be done with the Apollo stack

Are there any advantages to using a custom _id for documents in MongoDB?

Let's say I have a collection called Articles. If I were to insert a new document into that collection without providing a value for the _id field, MongoDB will generate one for me that is specific to the machine and the time of the operation (e.g. sdf4sd89fds78hj).
However, I do have the ability to pass a value for MongoDB to use as the value of the _id key (e.g. 1).
My question is, are there any advantages to using my own custom _ids, or is it best to just let Mongo do its thing? In what scenarios would I need to assign a custom _id?
For anyone else that may find this. The general idea (as I understand it) is that there's nothing wrong with assigning your own _ids, but it forces you to maintain unique values within your application layer, which is a PITA, and requires an extra query before every insert to make sure you don't accidentally duplicate a value.
Sammaye provides an excellent answer here:
Is it bad to change _id type in MongoDB to integer?
Advantages with generating your own _ids:
You can make them more human-friendly, by assigning incrementing numbers: 1, 2, 3, ...
Or you can make them more human-friendly, using random strings: t3oSKd9q
(That doesn't take up too much space on screen, could be picked out from a list, and could potentially be copied manually if needed. However you do need to make it long enough to prevent collisions.)
If you use randomly generated strings they will have an approximately even sharding distribution, unlike the standard mongo ObjectIds, which tends to group records created around the same time onto the same shard. (Whether that is helpful or not really depends on your sharding strategy.)
Or you may like to generate your own custom _ids that will group related objects onto one shard, e.g. by owner, or geographical region, or a combination. (Again, whether that is desirable or not depends on how you intend to query the data, and/or how rapidly you are producing and storing it. You can also do this by specifying a shard key, rather than the _id itself. See the discussion below.)
Advantages to using ObjectIds:
ObjectIds are very good at avoiding collisions. If you generate your own _ids randomly or concurrently, then you need to manage the collision risk yourself.
ObjectIds contain their creation time within them. That can be a cheap and easy way to retain the creation date of a document, and to sort documents chronologically. (On the other hand, if you don't want to expose/leak the creation date of a document, then you must not expose its ObjectId!)
The nanoid module can help you to generate short random ids. They also provide a calculator which can help you choose a good id length, depending on how many documents/ids you are generating each hour.
Alternatively, I wrote mongoose-generate-unique-key for generating very short random ids (provided you are using the mongoose library).
Sharding strategies
Note: Sharding is only needed if you have a huge number of documents (or very heavy documents) that cannot be managed by one server. It takes quite a bit of effort to set up, so I would not recommend worrying about it until you are sure you actually need it.
I won't claim to be an expert on how best to shard data, but here are some situations we might consider:
An astronomical observatory or particle accelerator handles gigabytes of data per second. When an interesting event is detected, they may want to store a huge amount of data in only a few seconds. In this case, they probably want an even distribution of documents across the shards, so that each shard will be working equally hard to store the data, and no one shard will be overwhelmed.
You have a huge amount of data and you sometimes need to process all of it at once. In this case (but depending on the algorithm) an even distribution might again be desirable, so that all shards can work equally hard on processing their chunk of the data, before combining the results at the end. (Although in this scenario, we may be able to rely on MongoDB's balancer, rather than our shard key, for the even distribution. The balancer runs in the background after data has been stored. After collecting a lot of data, you may need to leave it to redistribute the chunks overnight.)
You have a social media app with a large amount of data, but this time many different users are making many light queries related mainly to their own data, or their specific friends or topics. In this case, it doesn't make sense to involve every shard whenever a user makes a little query. It might make sense to shard by userId (or by topic or by geographical region) so that all documents belonging to one user will be stored on one shard, and when that user makes a query, only one shard needs to do work. This should leave the other shards free to process queries for other users, so many users can be served at once.
Sharding documents by creation time (which the default ObjectIds will give you) might be desirable if you have lots of light queries looking at data for similar time periods. For example many different users querying different historical charts.
But it might not be so desirable if most of your users are querying only the most recent documents (a common situation on social media platforms) because that would mean one or two shards would be getting most of the work. Distributing by topic or perhaps by region might provide a flatter overall distribution, whilst also allowing related documents to clump together on a single shard.
You may like to read the official docs on this subject:
I can think of one good reason to generate your own ID up front. That is for idempotency. For example so that it is possible to tell if something worked or not after a crash. This method works well when using re-try logic.
Let me explain. The reason people might consider re-try logic:
Inter-app communication can sometimes fail for different reasons, (especially in a microservice architecture). The app would be more resilient and self-healing by codifying the app to re-try and not give up right away. This rides over odd blips that might occur without the consumer ever being affected.
For example when dealing with mongo, a request is sent to the DB to store some object, the DB saves it, but just as it is trying to respond to the client to say everything worked fine, there is a network blip for whatever reason and the “OK” is never received. The app assumes it didn't work and so the app may end up re-trying the same data and storing it twice, or worse it just blows up.
Creating the ID up front is an easy, low overhead way to help deal with re-try logic. Of course one could think of other schemes too.
Although this sort of resiliency may be overkill in some types of projects, it really just depends.
I have used custom ids a couple of times and it was quite useful.
In particular I had a collection where I would store stats by date, so the _id was actually a date in a specific format. I did that mostly because I would always query by date. Keep in mind that using this approach can simplify your indexes as no extra index is needed, the basic cursor is sufficient.
Sometimes the ID is something more meaningful than a randomly generated one. For example, a user collection may use the email address as the _id instead. In my project I generate IDs that are much shorter than the ones Mongodb uses so that the ID shown in the URL is much shorter.
I'll use an example , i created a property management tool and it had multiple collections. For simplicity some fields would be duplicated for example the payment. And when i needed to update these record it had to happen simultaneously across all collections it appeared in so i would assign them a custom payment id so when the delete/query action is performed it changes all instances of it database wide

MongoDB - single huge collection of raw data. Split or not?

We collect and store instrumentation data from a large number of hosts.
Our storage is MongoDB - several shards with replicas. Everything is stored in a single large collection.
Each document we insert is a time based observation with some attributes (measurements). The time stamp is the most important attribute because all queries are based on time at least. Documents are never updated, so it's a pure write-in-look-up model. Right now it works reasonably well with several billions of docs.
We want to grow a bit and hold up to 12 month of data which may amount to a scary trillion+ observations (documents).
I was wandering if dumping everything into a single monstrous collection is the best choice or there is a more intelligent way to go about it.
By more intelligent I mean - use less hardware while still providing fast inserts and (importantly) fast queries.
So I thought about splitting the large collection into smaller pieces hoping to gain memory on indexes, insertion and query speed.
I looked into shards, but sharding by the time stamp sounds like a bad idea because all writes will go into one node canceling the benefits of sharding.
The insert rates are pretty high, so we need sharding to work properly here.
I also thought about creating a new collection every month and then pick up a relevant collection for a user query.
Collections older than 12 month will be either dropped or archived.
There is also an option to create entirely new database every month and do similar rotation.
Other options? Or perhaps one large collection is THE option to grow real big?
Please share your experience and considerations in similar apps.
It really depends on the use-case for your queries.
If it's something that could be aggregated, I would say do this through a scheduled map/reduce function and store the smaller data size in separate collection(s).
If everything should be in the same collection and all data should be queried at the same time to generate the desired results, then you need to go with Sharding. Then depending on the data size for your queries, you could go with an in memory map/reduce or even doing it at the application layer.
As yourself pointed out, Sharding based on time is a very bad idea. It makes all the writes going to one shard, so define your shard key. MongoDB Docs, has a very good explanation on this.
If you can elaborate more on your specific needs for the queries would be easier to suggest something.
Hope it helps.
I think collection on monthly basis will help you to get some boost up but I was wondering why can not you use the hour field of your timestamp for sharding . You can add a column which will hold the HOUR part of time stamp and when you shard against it will be shared nicely as you have repeating hour daily basis. I have not tested it but thought it will may help you
Would suggest to go ahead with single collection, as suggested by #Devesh hour based shard should be fine, Need to take care of the new ' hour Key ' while querying to get better performance.

indexing multiple keys for random queries in different combinations of keys

I'm building an application that stores lots of data per user (possibly in gigabytes).
Something like a request log, so lets say you have the following fields for every record:
response code
response time (range)
and possibly some more.
The good thing is that the usage will be mostly write only, but when there are reads
I'd like to be able to answer then quickly in near real time.
Another prediction about the usage pattern is that most of the time people will be looking at the most recent data,
and infrequently query for the past, aggregate etc, so my guess is that the working set will be much smaller then
the whole database, i.e. recent data for most users and ranges of history for some users that are doing analytics right now.
for the later case I suppose its ok for first query to be slower until it gets the range into memory.
But the problem is that Im not quite sure how to effectively index the data.
The start of the index is clear, its customer_id and date. but the rest can be
used in any combination and I can't predict the most common ones, at least not with any degree of certainty.
We are currently prototyping this with mongo. Is there a way to do it in mongo (storage/cpu/cost) effectively?
The only thing that comes to mind is to try to predict a couple of frequent queries and index them and just massively shard the data
and ensure that each customer's data is spread evenly over the shards to allow fast table scan over just the 'customer, date' index for the rest
of the queries.
P.S. I'm also open to suggestions about db alternatives.
with this limited number of fields, you could potentially just have an index on each of them, or perhaps in combination with customer_id. MongoDB is clever enough to pick the fastest index for each case then. If you can fit your whole data set in memory (a few GB is not a lot of data!), then this all really doesn't matter.
You're saying you have a GB per user, but that still means you can have an index on the fields as there are only about a dozen. And with that much data, you want sharding anyway at some point soon.
I think, your requirements don't really mix well together. You can't have lots of data and instantaneous ad-hoc queries.
If you use a lot of indexes, then your writes will be slow, and you'll need much more RAM.
May I suggest this:
Keep your index on customer id and date to serve recent data to users and relax your requirements to either real-timeliness or accuracy of aggregate queries.
If you sacrifice accuracy, you will be firing map-reduce jobs every once in a while to precompute queries. Users then may see slightly stale data (or may not, it's historical immutable data, after all).
If you sacrifice speed, then you'll run map-reduce each time (right now it's the only sane way of calculating aggregates in a mongodb cluster).
Hope this helps :)

MongoDB - Denormalization / model opinion

I've been getting in to mongo, but coming from RDBMS background facing the probably obvious questions with regards to denormalisation and general data modelling.
If I have a document type with an array of sub docs, each sub doc has a status code.
In The relational world I would add a foreign key to the record, StatusId, simple.
In mongodb, would you denormalise the key pieces of data from the "status" e.g. Code and desc and hold objectid referencing another collection of proper status. I guess the next question is one of design, if the status doc is modified I'd then need to modified the denormalised data?
Another question on the same theme is how would you model a transaction table, say I have events and people, the events could be quite granular, say time sheets which over time may lead to many records. Based on what I've seen, this would seem like a good candidate for a child / sub array of docs, of course that could be indexed for speed.
Therefore is it possible to query / find just the sub array or part of it? And given the 16mb limit for doc size, and I just limited the transaction history of the person? Or should the transaction history be a separate collection with a onjid referencing the person?
Thanks for any input
Or should the transaction history be a separate collection with a onjid referencing the person?
Probably, I think this S/O question may help you understand why.
if the status doc is modified I'd then need to modified the denormalised data?
Yes this is standard trade-off in MongoDB. You will encounter this question a lot. You may need to leverage a Queue structure to ensure that data remains consistent across multiple collections.
Therefore is it possible to query / find just the sub array or part of it?
This is a tough one specific to MongoDB. With the basic query syntax, you have only limited support for dealing with arrays of objects. The new "Aggregration Framework" is actually much better here, but it's not available in a stable build.
All your "how to model this or that" can't really be answered, because good schema design depends on so many factors (access patters, hardware characteristics, is cluster used, etc).
if the status doc is modified I'd then need to modified the denormalised data?
Usually yes, that's the drawback of denormalisation. But sometimes you don't have to (some social network site stores user name with a photo tag and doesn't update it when user changes his name).
to query / find just the sub array or part of it?
It is not currently possible to fetch only a part of array (unless using map/reduce, of course).
And given the 4mb limit
Where did you get this from? It's 16mb at the moment.
While it's true that schema design does take into account many factors, the need to denormalize data usually comes up somewhere. I tend to take advantage of denormalization in my apps that use MongoDB because I feel it lends itself well storing denormalized data:
no additional column maintenance
support for hashes and arrays as field types (perfect for storing denormalized fields)
speedy, non-blocking writes make syncing data less expensive
document size growth only marginally affects performance up to limits (for the most part)
There are a few gems that help you manage denormalized data, including setting it up and keeping it in sync. If you're using Mongoid, you try mongoid_alize. DISCLAIMER: I am the author and maintainer of mongoid_alize.