JBehave results displayed on a webpage - jbehave

I have been working on a project that lets me test the behaviours of my companies webpage.
I have written an API and the testcase I am working on runs through JUnitRunner and the test passes.
The next step is to get the results displayed on a webpage, oes anyone know what plugin I need to get the JBehave results in HTML format or as a file.
I know I should be posting my code but there is no problems with the code, I just need the output in a different formatt.

To get the HTML output you need to make sure that you are generating the views with STATS and HTML output.
In MostUsefulConfiguration, add
new StoryReporterBuilder()
.withReporters(new MyStoryReporter())
.withFormats(Format.CONSOLE, Format.HTML, Format.STATS)
In the Embedder method add
embedder = configuredEmbedder();
This should be all you need to do to get HTML output.
We wanted more information than is provided in the default output so we created a new StoryReporter class to capture the additional data and '#Override' the existing methods where appropriate. The new reporter class also needs to be added to the mostUseFulConfiguration
new StoryReporterBuilder()
.withReporters(new MyStoryReporter())
We also needed to amend or create a new Freemarker template (jbehave-reports-with-totals.ftl) to actually get it to write out the new data from the new story reporter class into an HTML file. I am not going to provide an example here. Please read the Freemarker documentation which is very good.

check the reporting setup at JBehave's site.
and check the examples source code here. almost all examples is reporting to html and others.


Wicket reporting same FileUpload object in subsequent requests

I have a panel used in multiple pages in an app we're developing. In this panel is a FileUploadField that uses AjaxFormSubmitBehavior (extended as FileUploadBehavior) on "change" to upload a file, which I then add to a list via ajax, update the view, clear the FileUploadField, and then allow them to select another file. And this is in fact exactly what happens in one of the pages using the panel...but not in another. In the non-working page, the first file selected is repeated over and over regardless of what file is picked after the first.
In the onSubmit of the behavior, we get the the FileUpload object which is supposed to be different between requests. I can see in the debugger that the FileUpload is the exact same object as the previous request, not merely carrying the same payload.
I'm scrutinizing the usage of the panel on the two pages and see no material differences. I can see the file control on the page DOES show the changed file name while I sit at my breakpoint on the server (so I suspect whatever is going wrong is on the java side). But I can't figure out why they behave differently or see where it's going wrong. The panels and pages are large and complex, so here's snippets of the relevant pieces.
FileUploadBehavior.onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget) :
FileUploadField fileUploadField = (FileUploadField) fileUploadContainer.get("fileUploadField");
FileUpload fileUpload = fileUploadField.getFileUpload();
//clear file input after each request for next upload.
I have a break right after this line and can see the first file gets repeated. The code that instantiates the field and behavior in the panel looks like:
FileUploadField fileUploadField = new FileUploadField("fileUploadField");
fileUploadField.add(new FileUploadBehavior("change", maxFileSize).setDefaultProcessing(false));
The html tag:
<input wicket:id="fileUploadField" class="form-control" type="file" id="formFile" multiple>
I feel like the fact that it works in one page and not in another leads me to think the problem is outside the panel. The fact that the control in the browser shows the 2nd filename during test leads me to think it's on the java side. But nothing about the file event or definition happens outside the panel itself. The form elements are declared identically, and both have multipart enctypes when the pages render. Both successfully upload their first file. I'm kind of not even sure where to look for why wicket is re-using the FileUpload object in one page but not in another.
I should mention that we use Apache Wicket 6.26.
update: I looked into the source of FileUploadField, and it has an explicit check on whether FileUploads is null in it's internal property, and if so returns it without checking the actual request. I don't see any way to clear this value between requests. clearInput() doesn't affect it from what I see. I'm more confused by how this is working in one page than why it's not in the one where it doesn't now. I also don't know how to make the class 'reset' between requests.
Okay, figured this out. As martin-g pointed out, the fileUploads is set null in onDetach(), which I discovered about an hour after my update. The problem is that the onDetach() first tries to null out the model object. But that method was blowing up because there was no method 'fileUploadField' on the model attached to the form which was a compound property model. The page that worked does NOT use a compound property model for the form. For some reason, when this error occurred, it was being swallowed somewhere in the call stack and did not end up in my console log.
My solution was to provide a local model to the fileUploadField since that's not how I'm interacting with the control anyway (I'm using ajax and getting the FileUpload directly each time). That fixed it. It now works everywhere.

CRM 2016-Plugin Registring New Step

I am very new to MSCRM, so requesting for help. I am using Office365, i.e. MSCRM online organisation.
Here, I have written a plugin which should be fired when, in an Account entity, user uploads his image, the plugin stores the image as an attachment, in notes.
The plugin works fine, when I tested it by writing a console application.
I have registered the plugin and believe it will work fine here too. The only problem is I am unable to register the plugin new step.
The problem is in Filtering Attributes , I am unable to get entityimage attribute, even if i select/check All attributes.
Please suggest how should I proceed.
In this scenario you can write plugin on "Create" message of "Annotation" entity. And create message does not have any filtered attributes.
As you wrote and tested using Console Application, while converting it to plugin make sure that you are checking created note contains data into "FileName" and "DocumentBody" attribute. Along with you can also check whether this note is created against "Account" entity. This two conditions will narrow your scope, limited to notes created against account having some attachment. In plugin execution context you'll get above mentioned attributes.

Exporting a class and its methods in GWT for use in native JavaScript

I'm developing a GWT project at the moment and it's been up and running for a while. New functionality that is to be added require extensive testing, visualizing and simulating of a specific algorithm. I would like to export that specific algorithm so that I may call it directly from JavaScript and do some canvas magic.
How can I export a number of classes for direct use in JavaScript from a GWT project?
I've tried using the GWT exporter, following the Getting Started section closely.
I've noticed that my output directory contains a new generator class (TestClassExporterImpl.java) but the final JavaScript output contains no trace of my TestClass or the exported methods.
I'm sure I've made a mistake somewhere on the way or didn't understand the GWT exporter correctly.
Try to disable obfuscation, it will create the same names in Javascript as in the original Java code

alfresco web services cmisWS soap createdocument

Can someone help me out how I would go on about create documents to repository using soap createDocument.
I have a custom content model and and when I add a new document does not have the properties of the content model.
<ns:properties> <ns1:propertyId
<ns1:value>cms:customModel</ns1:value> </ns:properties>
Also I am looking to upload multiple attachments at time but right now I can't
<!-- Optional:-->
<ns:stream><xsl:copy-of select="//someelement"></xsl:copy-of></ns:stream>
any help on how I can get this working is greatly appreciated.
You should use OpenCMIS or a similar CMIS library instead of writing to the WS binding directly.
You appear to be attempting to set two values for cmis:objectTypeId. If you are trying to create an instance of cms:customModel, that should be the only value.
You aren't setting any custom property values in the snippets you provided.
To my knowledge, there is nothing in the spec allows you to provide multiple attachments simultaneously. You should get a single upload working first.

How do I use the Groups.pm in Request Tracker?

In lib\RT\CustomFieldValues\ there is the groups.pm file which is supposed to be an example of how to get data into a custom field, but how do I actually use that once I have written it? Does anyone have any documentation or a sample of this?
I have finally figured it out, to use the Groups.pm module you need to go to /opt/rt3/etc and edit the RT_SiteConfig.pm and add the line
Set(#CustomFieldValuesSources, "RT::CustomFieldValues::Groups");
Restart Apache and it will be available as a new field source.
I have written a blog post on doing this which also includes details on how to build your own module in case anyone is interested in doing this: AD Lookup Control in Request Tracker