Wicket reporting same FileUpload object in subsequent requests - wicket

I have a panel used in multiple pages in an app we're developing. In this panel is a FileUploadField that uses AjaxFormSubmitBehavior (extended as FileUploadBehavior) on "change" to upload a file, which I then add to a list via ajax, update the view, clear the FileUploadField, and then allow them to select another file. And this is in fact exactly what happens in one of the pages using the panel...but not in another. In the non-working page, the first file selected is repeated over and over regardless of what file is picked after the first.
In the onSubmit of the behavior, we get the the FileUpload object which is supposed to be different between requests. I can see in the debugger that the FileUpload is the exact same object as the previous request, not merely carrying the same payload.
I'm scrutinizing the usage of the panel on the two pages and see no material differences. I can see the file control on the page DOES show the changed file name while I sit at my breakpoint on the server (so I suspect whatever is going wrong is on the java side). But I can't figure out why they behave differently or see where it's going wrong. The panels and pages are large and complex, so here's snippets of the relevant pieces.
FileUploadBehavior.onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget) :
FileUploadField fileUploadField = (FileUploadField) fileUploadContainer.get("fileUploadField");
FileUpload fileUpload = fileUploadField.getFileUpload();
//clear file input after each request for next upload.
I have a break right after this line and can see the first file gets repeated. The code that instantiates the field and behavior in the panel looks like:
FileUploadField fileUploadField = new FileUploadField("fileUploadField");
fileUploadField.add(new FileUploadBehavior("change", maxFileSize).setDefaultProcessing(false));
The html tag:
<input wicket:id="fileUploadField" class="form-control" type="file" id="formFile" multiple>
I feel like the fact that it works in one page and not in another leads me to think the problem is outside the panel. The fact that the control in the browser shows the 2nd filename during test leads me to think it's on the java side. But nothing about the file event or definition happens outside the panel itself. The form elements are declared identically, and both have multipart enctypes when the pages render. Both successfully upload their first file. I'm kind of not even sure where to look for why wicket is re-using the FileUpload object in one page but not in another.
I should mention that we use Apache Wicket 6.26.
update: I looked into the source of FileUploadField, and it has an explicit check on whether FileUploads is null in it's internal property, and if so returns it without checking the actual request. I don't see any way to clear this value between requests. clearInput() doesn't affect it from what I see. I'm more confused by how this is working in one page than why it's not in the one where it doesn't now. I also don't know how to make the class 'reset' between requests.

Okay, figured this out. As martin-g pointed out, the fileUploads is set null in onDetach(), which I discovered about an hour after my update. The problem is that the onDetach() first tries to null out the model object. But that method was blowing up because there was no method 'fileUploadField' on the model attached to the form which was a compound property model. The page that worked does NOT use a compound property model for the form. For some reason, when this error occurred, it was being swallowed somewhere in the call stack and did not end up in my console log.
My solution was to provide a local model to the fileUploadField since that's not how I'm interacting with the control anyway (I'm using ajax and getting the FileUpload directly each time). That fixed it. It now works everywhere.


Get bean->id when in _headerModuleList.tpl (suiteCRM, SugarCRM CE)

I'm trying to adjust the nav bar at the very top when inside a specific bean, but I can't figure out how to read the current module name/bean->id
(or if it's even possible).
As a workaround I thought of indicating a custom header, but in meta we can only put custom headerTPL, example
$viewdefs[mod][DetailView][templateMeta][form][headerTpl] => 'custom/themes/SuiteP/tpls/headerModuleList_c.tpl',
But we can't indicate a custom headerMODULELIST it seems
Would appreciate your help
You can USE Jquery as well with ajax enabled or even ajax disabled modules. This is beneficial for you only if you need these values at Browser Side.
Try these
For going more specific you can access it by Parent Form ID
$("form#formDetailView input:hidden[name='module']").val()
$("form#formDetailView input:hidden[name='record']").val()
For Server Side you can try this thing to get URL and you can parse it accordingly
$url = "//{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}";
In the end the only thing that worked for me is disabling the AjaxUI which loads the page partially and makes any sort of complex modification to the header navigation pretty difficult
Once disabled you can just call $_REQUEST in _headerModuleList.tpl to get all the details you need

React does not recognize the `transitionAppear` prop on a DOM element. If you intentionally want it to appear in the DOM as a custom attribute

I am using the redux-form-material-ui DatePicker as described in the docs. However it just throws these errors.
React does not recognize the transitionAppear, transitionAppearTimeout, transitionEnter and transitionEnterTimeout props on DOM element...
I checked it in the developer tools and these transition properties are actually passing down to the child div from it's parent CSSTransitionGroup.
Due to this, the DatePicker dialog is not working as expected. I have already spent more than a day on this but can't seem to get it working. Please help me out!
The exact Bug you are reporting is discussed here: "Unknown props transitionAppear, transitionAppearTimeout, transitionEnter, transitionEnterTimeout and ripples #9328".
User kaytrance said: "It turned out that material-ui uses react-transition-group v1.x, but a chart library that I use has dependency on v2.x. So I had to put an older version of chart library in order to get rid of that errors.".
A further comment from user kevincolten was: "You can bring in both react-transition-groups in your package.json
"react-transition-group": "^1.2.0",
"react-transition-group-v2": "npm:react-transition-group",
The example given in your question runs fine on my browser.
Since you haven't provided your code (and modifications?) or a CodeSandbox (which is OK for me) I had to use a different example to reproduce the same error and determine the appropriate fix.
I get from this sandbox:
Warning: render(): Rendering components directly into document.body is discouraged, since its children are often manipulated by third-party scripts and browser extensions. This may lead to subtle reconciliation issues. Try rendering into a container element created for your app.
Warning: React does not recognize the staticContext prop on a DOM element. If you intentionally want it to appear in the DOM as a custom attribute, spell it as lowercase staticcontext instead. If you accidentally passed it from a parent component, remove it from the DOM element.
in a (created by Link)
in Link
in CourseLink (created by Route)
in Route (created by withRouter(CourseLink))
in withRouter(CourseLink) (created by Course)
in li (created by Course)
in ul (created by Course)
in div (created by Course)
in Course (created by Route)
in Route (created by BasicExample)
in div (created by BasicExample)
in Router (created by BrowserRouter)
in BrowserRouter (created by BasicExample)
in BasicExample
No Results
That error was reported here "React does not recognize the staticContext prop on a DOM element".
The suggested fix from user timdorr is:
"You should do what NavLink does and wrap it in a Route inside CourseLink: https://github.com/ReactTraining/react-router/blob/master/packages/react-router-dom/modules/NavLink.js ".
The Animation-Add-on isn't recognized.
That is due to the incorrect dependency, loading both is easier than fixing the one.

Stopping Ember.js Controller

My question is very basic on one hand but on the other hand the general situation is more complex, plus I cannot really get any working sample.
I'm developing/maintaing a web-application which is currently in transition from GWT code base into Ember.js.
Most of the newer code already relies on Ember.js and I think it's really awesome.
The problem is we cannot use Ember Router as all the request are being handled by the GWT.
In order to enabled the application run in this unusual configuration we have special JavaScript files that create our Ember main objects (Controllers & Models) for us.
As you can imagine navigation between tabs is cumbersome and is handled by GWT who creates Ember objects when needed. We are in transit toward a brave new world Ember Router and all.
But in the meantime, this is the problem I'm facing right now.
The user clicks a link which opens a page that contains some Ember based table.
The data is retrieved form the server using some Ajax code. Upon success it spawns a forEach loop which tries to pushObject all the received date into our Ember based components.
My problem happens when the user quickly switches between tabs. In this case the first list of object has not finished rendering yet and suddenly there's a new set of objects to handle. This causes Ember to throw errors like:
"Uncaught Error: Cannot perform operations on a Metamorph that is not in the DOM. "
"Uncaught NotFoundError: An attempt was made to reference a Node in a context where it does not exist."
Is it possible to prevent the loop from trying to render?
I've tried checking if the controller in question is already inDOM and it is, is there a way to notify Ember this object is no longer valid?
Sorry for a lengthy question and lack of running sample.
I'd probably modify the switch tab code to only execute afterRender has completed, that way you aren't mucking with ember objects while they are being used.
Ember.run.scheduleOnce('afterRender', this, function(){
// call GWT switch tab routine
Thank you Daniel and Márcio Rodrigues Correa Júnior. eventually what I did is to add a patch that would check the current context of the application (in my case the currently selected tab). If upon receiving the AJAX response the application is in the correct context (meaning the user haven't change the tab) go on. Otherwise just ignore the response and do not try to render it.
Now it seems to be working

GWT - Is it possible to create new HTML elements (from the server) or i can just to update the ones loaded on the client?

Im new about this technology, but I would like to know if is possible to create new object (html elements, such div/span/and so on...) dinamically on server and send it to the client, or if i can just load the ones made on client-side when i develop it in the application.
I don't ask how to do it (i think its a delicate argument), but if I can, and (if yes) where i can get some stuff/example/tutorial to do this.
What i usually do :
public void onSuccess(Boolean result) {
if(result) {
myFunction() {
InlineLabel label=new InlineLabel();
What im looking for :
public void onSuccess(InlineLabel result) {
So, i don't need to load in advance the Object, but load them only if i click on some button (or if i perform an action). This will save a lot of code (that is inutil, if i don't do any action) loaded (as JavaScript) on the client.
As usual, thanks for your time!
GWT does not support the pattern you showed, but you can achieve a similar effect with "code splitting": read http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/doc/latest/DevGuideCodeSplitting.html
With code splitting, the client only downloads the script it needs right away (configured by the developer). If, for example, the user navigates to a more complex area of the UI that requires more widgets, additional code will be downloaded.
I'm not entirely sure I understand your question, but please feel free to amend your question or post a comment if I've missed the mark.
The host page
A GWT app is loaded in the following (simplified) process:
A host page (HTML) is loaded
A bootstrapping script is loaded
A compiled app script is loaded
The host page can contain any HTML you want. The only requirement is that you include a <script> element that loads the GWT bootstrapping script.
As a result, you can have the server return a page that contains any server-generated markup you like.
Server-rendered HTML at runtime
Once your app is running, you can send off asynchronous requests in your code to retrieve arbitrary data from the server. One option is to retrieve server-generated HTML and insert it into your application.
For this option, you'll want to instantiate an HTML widget, then use its setHTML method to insert the server-generated markup into the widget.
As an alternative, you can retrieve structured data from the server via GWT RPC. Objects created on a Java-based server are serialised by GWT on the server and deserialised on the client back into regular objects. You can then pull data out of these objects using accessor methods (getName, getId, etc.). At this point, you have several options:
Generate some HTML using StringBuilder and the like, then use setHTML on an HTML widget.
Generate DOM elements with the DOM class
Set the data into widgets and add them to panels or the root panel.

How to show previous url after user has canceled dialog with message from Activity#mayStop()?

In our app we need to check if the data is saved when we are in a particular place before navigating away from it. So the user should be able to negate a browser back button request. But by the time that the history value change event is received the url has already been changed. The History class doesn't seem to have a way to restore the url back. Anybody have any ideas?
In GWT 2.1 you get Activities and Places. And activity has a maystop method, which is exactly what you want, if I understand you correctly.
Use a window.onunload or window.onbeforeunload javascript callback to confrim/save state.
onbeforeunload example
I haven't actually implemented this behavior yet, but here is my plan and maybe it will work for you.
1) Each time you receive an onHistoryChanged event and decide to allow it, save the current historyToken in an instance variable somewhere.
2) Keep track of activity on the page that should block navigation. Use a data structure that can keep track of multiple activities, like multiple file uploads, multiple edits, etc.
3) When you receive a new onHistoryChanged event, if your data structure from #2 indicates that it's not safe to navigate, avoid changing the page and restore the historyToken that you saved in #1. I'm assuming that you can do this either by:
a) Calling History.newItem(oldHistoryToken, false) or
b) Calling History.newItem(oldHistoryToken, true) and keeping a flag to force the next onHistoryChanged to be ignored.
Again, I haven't actually implemented this so let me know how it works out.
If you have links that allow the user to leave the app and you want to prevent that as well, you'll need to also add an onbeforeunload.
Have a look at the PlaceManagerImpl class from the gwt-platform framework. Especially the onValueChange() method and the methods dealing with the onLeaveQuestion field.
Hope that helps.
In this issue report, t.broyer explains in his comment that such behavior was planned during design of Places framework. The most important part is:
mayStop was a mistake, or it should have only been called when unloading the app, not for internal navigation within the app.
So probably it's better to not use it at all...