Get virtual SCSI hardware on servers using Powershell - powershell

I'm trying to use Powershell to get SCSI hardware from several virtual servers and get the operating system of each specific server. I've managed to get the specific SCSI hardware that I want to find with my code, however I'm unable to figure out how to properly get the operating system of each of the servers. Also, I'm trying to send all the data that I find into a csv log file, however I'm unsure of how you can make a powershell script create multiple columns.
Here is my code (almost works but something's wrong):
$log = "C:\Users\me\Documents\Scripts\ScsiLog.csv"
Get-VM | Foreach-Object {
$vm = $_
Get-ScsiController -VM $vm | Where-Object { $_.Type -eq "VirtualBusLogic" } | Foreach-Object {
get-VMGuest -VM $vm } | Foreach-Object{
Write-output $vm.Guest.VmName >> $log
I don't receive any errors when I run this code however whenever I run it I'm only getting the name of the servers and not the OS. Also I'm not sure what I need to do to make the OS appear in a different column from the name of the server in the csv log that I'm creating.
What do I need to change in my code to get the OS version of each virtual machine and output it in a different column in my csv log file?

get-vmguest returns a VMGuest object. Documented here: The documentation is sparse, but I would guess the OSFullName field would give you the OS version. So you could change the write-output line to
add-content $log "$($vm.guest.vmname) , $($vmguest.guest.OSFullName)"
and you'd be on the right track. The comma in the output is what makes the output "comma separated values". A CSV file can optionally have a header. (See Import-CSV / Export-CSV help for details). So you might want to add the following as the second line of your script:
add-content $log "VM Name, OS Name" # add CSV header line


Export-CSV is not populating separate CSV files based on source

Good morning,
Hopefully this will be a quick and easy one to answer.
I am trying to run a PS script and have it export to csv based on a list of IP addresses from a text file. At the moment, it will run but only produce one csv.
Code Revision 1
$computers = get-content "pathway.txt"
$source = "\\$computer\c$"
foreach ($computer in $computers) {
Get-ChildItem -Path "\\$Source\c$" -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |
Select-Object Name,Extension,FullName,CreationTime,LastAccessTime,LastWriteTime,Length |
Export-CSV -Path "C:\path\$computer.csv" -NoTypeInformation
The script is now creating the individual server files as needed and I did change the source .txt file to list the servers by HostName rather than IP. The issue now is that no data is populating in the .csv files. It will create them but nothing populates. I have tried different source file paths to see if maybe its due to folder permissions or just empty but nothing seems to populate in the files.
The $computer file lists a number of server IP addresses so the script should run against each IP and then write out to a separate csv file with the results, naming the csv file the individual IP address accordingly.
Does anyone see any errors in the script that I provided, that would prevent it from writing out to a separate csv with each run? I feel like it has something to do with the foreach loop but I cannot seem to isolate where I am going wrong.
Also, I cannot use any third-party software as this is a closed network with very strict FW rules so I am left with powershell (which is okay). And yes this will be a very long run for each of the servers but I am okay with that.
I did forget to mention that when I run the script, I get an error indicating that the export-csv path is too long which doesn't make any sense unless it is trying to write all of the IP addresses to a single name.
"Export-CSV : The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters.
At line:14 char:1
Running the script against C: Drive of each computer is strongly not advisable that too with Recurse option. But for your understanding, this is how you should pass the values to the variables. I haven't tested this code.
$computer = get-content "pathway.txt"
foreach ($Source in $computer) {
Get-ChildItem -Path "\\$Source\c$" -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |
Select-Object Name,Extension,FullName,CreationTime,LastAccessTime,LastWriteTime,Length | Export-Csv -Path "C:\Path\$source.csv" -NoTypeInformation
$computer will hold the whole content and foreach will loop the content and $source will get one IP at a time. I also suggest instead of IP's you can have hostname so that your output file have servername.csv for each server.
In hopes that this helps someone else. I have finally got the script to run and create the individual .csv files for each server hostname.
$servers = Get-Content "path"
Foreach ($server in $servers)
Get-ChildItem -Path "\\$server\c$" -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |
Select-Object Name,Extension,FullName,CreationTime,LastAccessTime,LastWriteTime,Length |
Export-CSV -Path "path\$server.csv" -NoTypeInformation

Trouble editing text files with powershell Get-Content and Set-Content

Goal: Update text entry on one line within many files distributed on a server
Summary: As part of an application migration between datacenters the .rdp files on end-user desktops need to be updated to point to the new IP address of their Remote Desktop Server. All the .rdp files reside on Windows servers in a redirected folders SMB share where I have Administrative access.
Powershell experience: minimal. Still trying to wrap my head around the way variables, output and piping work.
Was originally trying to make a single line of powershell code to complete this task but got stuck and had to make script file with the two lines of code below.
-Line 1: Search for all .rdp files in the folder structure and store the full path with file name in a variable. Every file will be checked since the users tend to accidentally change file names, eliminating absolute predictability.
-Line 2: I want to make one pass through all the files to replace only instances of two particular IP addresses with the new address. Then write the changes into the original file.
$Path = ls 'C:\Scripts\Replace-RDP\TESTFILES\' -Include *.rdp -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | foreach fullname
$Path | (Get-Content -Path $Path) -Replace 'IPserver1','newIPserver1' -Replace 'IPserver2','newIPserver2' | Set-Content $Path -Force
Have found most of the solution with Powershell but have a problem with the results. The second line of code when output to the screen changes contents correctly in memory. The content written to file however resulted in the new server IP address being written into ALL rdp files even if the source rdp file's target IP address doesn't match the -Replace criterion.
Text inside a .rdp on the relevant line is:
full address:s:
changes to:
full address:s:
Thank you for all assistance in reaching the endpoint. Have spent hours learning from various sites and code snippets.
You need to keep track of each file that you are reading so that you can save changes to that file. Foreach-Object makes this process easy. Inside of the Foreach-Object script block, the current object $_ is the FullName value for each of your files.
$CurrentIP1 = '192\.168\.1\.123'
$CurrentIP2 = '192\.168\.1\.124'
$NewIP1 = ''
$NewIP2 = ''
$files = (Get-ChildItem 'C:\Scripts\Replace-RDP\TESTFILES\' -Filter *.rdp -Recurse -Force -File -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).FullName
$files | Foreach-Object {
if (($contents = Get-Content $_) -match "$CurrentIP1|$CurrentIP2") {
$contents -replace $CurrentIP1,$NewIP1 -replace $CurrentIP2,$NewIP2 |
Set-Content $_
Note that using the -File switch on Get-ChildItem (alias ls) outputs only files. Since -replace uses regex to do matching, you must backslash escape literal . characters.

Can I compare multiple computers using PowerShell? Specifically finding out which ones have a specific program and which ones dont

I need to compare multiple computers, finding out which ones have a specific program and which ones do not using PowerShell.
I am very new to this (about a week of PowerShell experience) so any help will be appreciated.
Yes, you can remotely check whether software is installed or not:
# We need to check for both 64-bit and 32-bit software
$regPaths = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall",
# Get the name of all installed software registered in the registry with Office in the name
# (you can search for exact strings if you know them for specific versions)
$regPaths | Foreach-Object {
( Get-ItemProperty "${_}\*" DisplayName -EA SilentlyContinue ).DisplayName | Where-Object {
How this works is it checks both the 32 and 64 bit registries for the installed software. Under the line $_ -match 'ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS_NAME', the ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS_NAME should be replaced with whatever the software name is in "Add/Remove Programs". Note that this technique does not work with some programs that get installed via EXE based installers.
You can run this remotely on multiple computers as well using Invoke-Command:
$computers = Get-Content "C:\Path\To\File\With\Computer_Names.txt"
$results = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $computers {
# We need to check for both 64-bit and 32-bit software
$regPaths = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall",
# Get the name of all installed software registered in the registry with Office in the name
# (you can search for exact strings if you know them for specific versions)
$regPaths | Foreach-Object {
( Get-ItemProperty "${_}\*" DisplayName -EA SilentlyContinue ).DisplayName | Where-Object {
Invoke-Command can run the embedded ScriptBlock on many computers at once. When all computers in the list have run the command, you can check the result per computer (it returns as an array so you can check the PSCOMPUTERNAME Property on each $result to see which computers don't have the software. The way the code above works, it should return an object on the computers that have it, and nothing on the computers that don't.

Printer Migration - Powershell script

I have found some great examples on foreach loops in Powershell here but I just can't wrap my head around foreach loops for what I am doing.
I found great scripts that deal with migrating printer when migrating from one Windows print server to another however my challenge is that I am migrating from an Novell iPrint server to a Windows server.
The struggle is that the printer name or share name (or any printer property) for iPrint printer is not the hostname so I have to come up with some translation table with iPrint name and Printer hostname.
Initially, I wanted to just have column 2 of my translation table have it execute my powershell command to install a network printer which would make things easier.
I am in the process of trying to create a logon script to query printers that are installed on computer and have it do a 'foreach' loop against a CSV with iPrint names and hostnames.
csv 1
column 1 column 2
iprintprintername1 hostnameprinter1
iprintprintername2 hostnameprinter2
iprintprintername3 hostnameprinter3
iprintprintername4 hostnameprinter4
This is what I got so far but not able to get it to work. Any help would be appreciated!
$printers = #(Get-wmiobject win32_printer)
$path = "\\networkdrive\printtranslationtable.csv"
$printertranslation = Import-Csv -path $path
foreach ($iprintprinter in $printtranslationtable) {
foreach ($name in $csv1) {
if ($name -eq $printtranslationtable.column1) {
Write-Host $newPrinter = $printtranslationtable.column2
So I was able to tweak the script #TheMadTechnician suggested and able to get this PS script to work in my environment. What I am trying to do is to check if new printers are installed and if they are then just exit script. This is what I have but can't get it to exit or break. I was also trying to write the new printers into text file but not necessary, I would like for it to stop executing script.
if (($ -like "\winprint*") -eq $true) {
$ -like "\winprint\" | out-file -FilePath "C:\windowsprinters.txt" -Append
{break} {exit}
When you read the file with Import-Csv, PowerShell creates an array of custom objects with property names from the header line. On the other hand Get-Content produces simple array of string values. I came up with this one liner, which goes thru the translation table and checks if the printer list contains one. This is not optimal if you have billions of printers, but keeps things clear:
$printers = Get-Content .\printers.txt
$prtable = Import-Csv -Delimiter ";" .\printertable.csv
$prtable | ?{ $printers -contains $_.Column1 } | %{Write-Host "Install $($_.Column2)"}
Ok, so you query what printers are installed, and you have a translation table loaded from a CSV, now you just need to look at that translation table and cross reference which entries have a listing in the local computer's printer listings.
$printers = #(Get-wmiobject win32_printer)
$path = "\\networkdrive\printtranslationtable.csv"
$printertranslation = Import-Csv -path $path
$printertranslation | Where{$_.Column1 -in $printers.ShareName} | ForEach{ Add-Printer $_.Column2 }
I don't know what property of the win32_printer object aligns best for you, but I would suggest ShareName or DeviceId. Those should be something like:
ShareName: XeroxColor02
DeviceId: \\printserver\XeroxColor02

exporting Powershell Script to CSV

We are getting ready to merge our AD with another. We have about 300 computers that I'm trying to match up with who uses them so the accounts and home folders migrate correctly, and I'm trying to think of the most efficient way to get this information.
We have everyone in an inventory system (Filemaker) (and will be implementing SCCM once we migrate (thank god) ) but we had a few errors when we did our first test batch. Im looking for something I can push out through group policy (possibly?) that will give me the computer name, logged in account, and them email it to me.
So far this is what I have.
Out-File T:\TEST.txt
But the output is blank. Any idea what I'm doing wrong here? Also is there a way to have this run on multiple computers but write to the same file?
"$env:USERNAME,$env:USERDOMAIN,$env:COMPUTERNAME" | Out-File 'T:\test.txt'
will write the name and domain of the currently logged-in user as well as the hostname of the local computer to the file T:\test.txt.
Using a single file may cause conflicts due to concurrent write attempts, though. It's better to use one file per computer, like this:
"$env:USERDOMAIN\$env:USERNAME" | Out-File "T:\$env:COMPUTERNAME.txt"
Run it as a logon script (or from a logon script), e.g. like this:
powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "\\%USERDNSDOMAIN\netlogon\your.ps1"
Get-ADComputer -Filter * -Property * | Select-Object Name | Out-File C:\outdir\machinelist.txt -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8
will get you all machine names, unless you have them already. Either way, use your list of machines in
$MachineList = Get-Content -Path c:\outdir\machinelist.txt;
foreach ($Machine in $MachineList){
($Machine + ": " + #(Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $Machine -Namespace root\cimv2 -Class Win32_ComputerSystem)[0].UserName) | Out-File "C:\outdir\result.txt" -Append
If you change the destination directory to somewhere that all computers have access to, it can run on multiple computers. It won't email it to you but you can just grab it.
You'll need to pipe those properties into the file like..
[System.Environment]::UserName, [System.Environment]::UserDomainName, [System.Environment]::MachineName | Out-File T:\Test.txt