matlab parallel computing toolbox--failed to start matlabpool using 'local' profile - matlab

My desktop runs in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and the matlab is R2013a. I'm doing local parallel computing(use multicores of my desktop).
Before using the following command to start matlabpool, I've already validated the local configuration of parallel computing toolbox. To verify this point, I've attached the figure 1.
figure 1
matlabpool local 4
But it takes like forever to start the matlabpool. After running 10 minutes, the command line is still like:
Starting matlabpool using the 'local' profile ...
So I use ctrl+c to stop it. It always give me:
Operation terminated by user during
parallel.internal.pool.InteractiveClient>iGetSingleConnection (line
Based on the above information, it seems that it get stuck at iGetSingleConnection.

I don't know about Ubuntu, but in Windows when you install a new version of MATLAB, the old firewall rules do not apply to the new executables. So, you need to open the firewall to allow access to the smpd.exe, mpiexec.exe and MATLAB.exe processes. For example, in Windows, I get one of these:
Then I need to go into Windows firewall settings and make the rules. Here is how to create an inbound program rule in Windows 7/8. Maybe there is something similar in Ubuntu.


TwinCAT: Running on isolated cores failed

I was trying to activate my configuration on my local PC, but it failed. I tried:
Isolate 1 or 2 cores on my pc (Under SYSTEM > Real-Time and reboot the PC) and run the PLC tasks on those cores. When I do this I get the following error:
'TwinCAT System' (10000): Sending ams command >> Init4\RTime: Start Interrupt: Ticker started >> AdsWarning: 4118 (0x1016, RTIME: startup of isolated CPU fails!) << failed!
I then tried to run it on the normal windows dedicated CPUs (so none of the CPU’s were isolated). When I activated the configuration (and enabled Virtualization in the BIOS) I got the following error message:
Setting TwinCAT in Run Mode with KB4056894 is not possible
Uninstall KB4056894
Activate a solution using only isolated cores
I could not find KB4056894 installed on my PC. Any other solution?
I'm using TwinCAT 3 Build 4022.14 under Windows 10.
From Beckhoff support:
According to the error note, the Microsoft patch for spectre/meltdown
is installed on your PC. Normally, the TC3 should work with this patch
when using isolated cores…
However, since version TC3 Build 4022.16, this problem is solved.
I installed 4022.22 and everything worked.
I just want to share my experience with this error and how I solved it. Just in real-time menu set the cpu cores as 1 shared and 3 isolated cores. since my cpu has 4 core. Then set this value on target and then it will ask for reboot. after reboot it worked without this error and I was able to run the my code.

Automating Matlab without requiring the user to be logged in

Is it possible to setup Matlab to run a specific script in the background when the user is NOT logged in? The script works fine on its own on a Windows Server 2008 machine with Matlab R2014a. It doesn't need a gui for the script to complete, but I'm guessing that Matlab requires user-specific environments to be set. Is there a place where this can be set ahead of time maybe?
I have tried "Task Scheduler" and it works just fine, but you have to set the setting to run only when that particular user is logged in or else nothing happens. The problem, of course, is the user session would require continuous monitoring in order to remain logged in (power outage, updates, etc.).
Has anyone dealt with this in the past? We've considered compiling it, but apparently there are certain functions and objects that the script uses (I didn't write it) that don't carryover during compilation.
Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome!
I've done some work for a client where we have an instance of MATLAB running continuously on a server, doing some stuff. The server occasionally fails (power outages, IT dept screw-ups etc), and it needs to be brought back up automatically.
Note that MATLAB does need to be run as a user for licensing reasons, so our MATLAB instance always runs under a designated account, with a license dedicated to running that instance continuously.
We have a Windows batch file to start up a suitable MATLAB instance, that contains a command similar to the following:
CALL matlab.exe -nosplash -nodesktop -sd "myStartupFolder" -r "myMATLABCommand"
We then have a scheduled task set up so that 5 minutes after that account logs in, the batch file runs, and we have Windows set up so that when Windows starts, that account is automatically logged in (I'm no Windows admin, but I think we had to do some weird stuff in order to enable that, such as adding the account to some special domain group, or giving the account special privileges - you may need to research that a little more).
Anyway, that solved the issue for us. If the server goes down and then recovers (perhaps IT bring it back up), the account is automatically logged in, the batch file runs, and the MATLAB instance is brought back up. If we need (rarely) to log in directly under that account without the task running, we have a 5 minute window to stop the scheduled task from running, which is no problem.
Hope that helps!
Unfortunately and afaik, Matlab can only be startet without GUI on Linux (maybe on Mac OS X too?).
~$ cat /tmp/stackoverflow.m
~$ ./R2013a/bin/matlab -nodisplay -nojvm -nodesktop -nosplash -r "run /tmp/stackoverflow.m, exit"
< M A T L A B (R) >
Copyright 1984-2013 The MathWorks, Inc.
R2013a ( 64-bit (glnxa64)
February 15, 2013
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ans =
However Matlab itself is not capable of Shebang #! in a Bash script. So it's always a workaround.
A better solution might be to run your Matlab instance continuously and write a daemon/script, which will run you .m script time-dependent for example.
A much better way is to use the Matlab Coder Toolbox (if you have it) and compile a stand-alone binary from you .m file. This binary should be easily runable with task schedular on Windows.

Ssh connection to matlab GUI (using screen)

Can I connect to matlab GUI remotely via ssh and "screen" simultaneously?
Using commands ssh, "screen" and "maltlab -nodesktop" seem to work without graphic interface ,but I need GUI to use specific toolbox.
And I need to disconnect and reconnect it later, because the process takes long time.
My environment is :
Server (matlab) - linux ubuntu
Client - mac osx
Can anyone help me with this?
I don't think so - your best bet is probably a remote desktop solution. is the first coming to my mind...

fluxbox couldn't connect to XServer - CentOS 6.4

I'm setting up some new VNC servers. I already have this setup working with CentOS 6.3, although I'm not certain that this difference is the real problem.
One of the window managers I'm making available is fluxbox, but when I start it, I always get the following: Error: Couldn't connect to XServer. Here's my setup:
fluxbox: fluxbox-1.1.1-5.el6.x86_64
vnc : tigervnc-server-1.1.0-5.el6_4.1.x86_64
OS : CentOS 6.4
Note that I can start other window managers: Gnome, KDE, openbox, xfce4, etc.
I gutted my ~/.vnc/xstartup script so it only loads an xterm. Then, I tried running startfluxbox &, but still got the error. Obviously, VNC is working, since my xterm opened up OK. I can start firefox, another xterm or other app requiring X, and even fluxbox comes up, but it is worthless in its current state, since it is not connected to the X session.
What is fluxbox looking for? Are there some log files I can look at to give me some clues?
CentOS/RHEL 6.4 and up have upgraded libX11 and Xorg.
The $DISPLAY var handling has changed in libX11.
This one in particular is described in this git commit:
we run our fluxbox with this script in our vnc configs now:
/usr/bin/fluxbox -display "$DISPLAY.0"
OK, I think I've figured out the problem, so I'm answering my own question.
In VNC, I usually specify a display number. (Note, however, that the problem occurs even if vncserver uses the first available display number.) So, I start the vncserver as:
vncserver :17
This should create an X session where my $DISPLAY is set to :17.0, but in CentOS 6.4, the $DISPLAY is set to :17 instead. Apparently, unlike other window managers, fluxbox is unable to handle this inaccuracy. The problem, then, was that fluxbox was trying to connect to :17 and was unable to do so.
My solution, as suggested by someone answering a different problem, was to set $DISPLAY as part of the invocation of fluxbox. So, in my ~/.vnc/xstartup file, I have:
DISPLAY=$DISPLAY.0 startfluxbox &
Note that this may not work for other releases of CentOS, so you might wish to test the release of the box you are using before adding the DISPLAY=... setting to the command.

Launching matlab remotely on windows via ssh? Impossible?

Howdy, I am trying to run matlab remotely on windows via OpenSSH installed with Cygwin, but launching matlab in windows without the GUI seems to be impossible.
If i am logged in locally, I can launch matlab -nodesktop -nodisplay -r script, and matlab will launch up a stripped down GUI and do the command.
However, this is impossible to do remotely via ssh, as, matlab needs to display the GUI.
Does anyone have any suggestions or work arounds?
Short story: is your script calling exit()? Are you using "-wait"?
Long story: I think you're fundamentally out of luck if you want to interact with it, but this should work if you just want to batch jobs up. Matlab on Windows is a GUI application, not a console application, and won't interact with character-only remote connectivity. But you can still launch the process. Matlab will actually display the GUI - it will just be in a desktop session on the remote computer that you have no access to. But if you can get it to do your job without further input, this can be made to work, for some value of "work".
Your "-r script" switch is the right direction. But realize that on Windows, Matlab's "-r" behavior is to finish the script and then go back to the GUI, waiting for further input. You need to explicitly include an "exit()" call to get your job to finish, and add try/catches to make sure that exit() gets reached. Also, you should use a "-logfile" switch to capture a copy of all the command window output to a log file so you can see what it's doing (since you can't see the GUI) and have a record of prior runs.
Also, matlab.exe is asynchronous by default. Your ssh call will launch Matlab and return right away unless you add the "-wait" switch. Check the processes on the machine you're sshing to; Matlab may actually be running. Add -wait if you want it to block until finished.
One way to do this stuff just use -r to call to a standard job wrapper script that initializes your libraries and paths, runs a job, and does cleanup and exit. You'll also want to make a .bat wrapper that sets up the -logfile switch to point to a file with the job name, timestamp, and other info in it. Something like this at the M-code level.
function run_batch_job(jobname)
init_my_matlab_library(); % By calling classpath(), javaclasspath(), etc
feval(jobname); % assumes jobname is an M-file on the path
catch err
warning('Error occurred while running job %s: %s', jobname, err.message)
catch err
% Yes, exit() can throw errors
java.lang.System.exit(1); % Scuttle the process hard to make sure job finishes
% If your code makes it to here, your job will hang
I've set up batch job systems using this style in Windows Scheduler, Tidal, and TWS before. I think it should work the same way under ssh or other remote access.
A Matlab batch system on Windows like this is brittle and hard to manage. Matlab on Windows is fundamentally not built to be a headless batch execution system; assumptions about an interactive GUI are pervasive in it and hard to work around. Low-level errors or license errors will pop up modal dialog boxes and hang your job. The Matlab startup sequence seems to have race conditions. You can't set the exit status of MATLAB.exe. There's no way of getting at the Matlab GUI to debug errors the job throws. The log file may be buffered and you lose output near hangs and crashes. And so on.
Seriously consider porting to Linux. Matlab is much more suitable as a batch system there.
If you have the money or spare licenses, you could also use the Matlab Distributed Computing toolbox and server to run code on remote worker nodes. This can work for parallelization or for remote batch jobs.
There are two undocumented hacks that reportedly fix a similar problem - they are not guarantied to solve your particular problem but they are worth a try. Both of them depend on modifying the java.opts file:
Setting this option fixes a problem of extreme GUI slowness when launching Matlab on a remote Linux/Solaris computer.
This option disables the Java just-in-time compiler (JITC). Note that it has no effect on the Matlab interpreter JITC. It has a similar effect to running Matlab with the '–nojvm' command-line option. Note that this prevents many of Matlab's GUI capabilities. Unfortunately, in some cases there is no alternative. For example, when running on a remote console or when running pre-2007 Matlab releases on Intel-based Macs. In such cases, using the undocumented '-noawt' command-line option, which enables the JVM yet prevents JAVA GUI, is a suggested compromise.
Using putty use ssh -X remote "matlab" it should work