Automating Matlab without requiring the user to be logged in - matlab

Is it possible to setup Matlab to run a specific script in the background when the user is NOT logged in? The script works fine on its own on a Windows Server 2008 machine with Matlab R2014a. It doesn't need a gui for the script to complete, but I'm guessing that Matlab requires user-specific environments to be set. Is there a place where this can be set ahead of time maybe?
I have tried "Task Scheduler" and it works just fine, but you have to set the setting to run only when that particular user is logged in or else nothing happens. The problem, of course, is the user session would require continuous monitoring in order to remain logged in (power outage, updates, etc.).
Has anyone dealt with this in the past? We've considered compiling it, but apparently there are certain functions and objects that the script uses (I didn't write it) that don't carryover during compilation.
Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome!

I've done some work for a client where we have an instance of MATLAB running continuously on a server, doing some stuff. The server occasionally fails (power outages, IT dept screw-ups etc), and it needs to be brought back up automatically.
Note that MATLAB does need to be run as a user for licensing reasons, so our MATLAB instance always runs under a designated account, with a license dedicated to running that instance continuously.
We have a Windows batch file to start up a suitable MATLAB instance, that contains a command similar to the following:
CALL matlab.exe -nosplash -nodesktop -sd "myStartupFolder" -r "myMATLABCommand"
We then have a scheduled task set up so that 5 minutes after that account logs in, the batch file runs, and we have Windows set up so that when Windows starts, that account is automatically logged in (I'm no Windows admin, but I think we had to do some weird stuff in order to enable that, such as adding the account to some special domain group, or giving the account special privileges - you may need to research that a little more).
Anyway, that solved the issue for us. If the server goes down and then recovers (perhaps IT bring it back up), the account is automatically logged in, the batch file runs, and the MATLAB instance is brought back up. If we need (rarely) to log in directly under that account without the task running, we have a 5 minute window to stop the scheduled task from running, which is no problem.
Hope that helps!

Unfortunately and afaik, Matlab can only be startet without GUI on Linux (maybe on Mac OS X too?).
~$ cat /tmp/stackoverflow.m
~$ ./R2013a/bin/matlab -nodisplay -nojvm -nodesktop -nosplash -r "run /tmp/stackoverflow.m, exit"
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R2013a ( 64-bit (glnxa64)
February 15, 2013
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However Matlab itself is not capable of Shebang #! in a Bash script. So it's always a workaround.
A better solution might be to run your Matlab instance continuously and write a daemon/script, which will run you .m script time-dependent for example.
A much better way is to use the Matlab Coder Toolbox (if you have it) and compile a stand-alone binary from you .m file. This binary should be easily runable with task schedular on Windows.


How to run powershell script remotely using chef?

I have powershell script which is present on chef server to run on remote windows server, how can i run this powershell script from chef server on remote windows server.
Chef doesn't do anything like this. First, Chef Server can never remotely access servers directly, all it does is stores data. Second, Chef doesn't really do "run a thing in a place right now". We offer workstation tools like knife ssh and knife winrm as simplistic wrappers but they aren't made for anything complex. The Chef-y way to do this would be to make a recipe and run your script using the the powershell_script resource.
Does it mean chef is also running on Windows server ?
If yes, why not to use psexec from Windows Ps tools ?
Here is my understanding of what you are trying to achieve. If I'm wrong then please correct me in a comment and I will update my answer.
You have a powershell script that you need to run on a specific server or set of servers.
It would be convenient to have a central management solution for running this script instead of logging into each server and running it manually.
Ergo you either need to run this script in many places when a condition isn't filled, such as a file is missing, or you need to run this script often, or you need this script to be run with a certain timing in regards to other processes you have going on.
Without knowing precisely what you're trying to achieve with your script the best solution I know of is to write a cookbook and do one of the following
If your script is complex place it in your cookbook/files folder (assuming the script will be identical on all computers it runs on) or in your cookbook/templates folder (if you will need to inject information into it at write time). You can then write the .ps file to the local computer during a Chef converge with the following code snippet. After you write it to disk you will also have to call it with one of the commands in the next bullet.
Monomorphic file:
cookbook_file '<destination>' do
source '<>'
<other options>
Options can be found at
Polymorphic file:
template '<destination>' do
source '<>'
variables {<hash of variables and values>}
<other options>
Options can be found at
If your script is a simple one-liner you can instead use powershell_script, powershell_out! or execute. powershell_out! has all the same options and features as the shell_out! command and the added advantage that your converge will pause until it receives an exit status for the command, if that is desirable. The documentation on using it is a bit more spotty though so spend time experimenting with it and googling.
Which ever option you end up going with you will probably want to guard your resource with conditions on when it should not run, such as when a file already exists, a registry key is set or what ever else your script changes that you can use. If you truly want the script to execute every single converge then you can skip this step, but that is a code smell and I urge you to reconsider your plans.
It's important to note that this is not an exhaustive list of how to run a powershell script on your nodes, just a collection of common patterns I've seen.
Hope this helped.

Microsoft Deployment Toolkit setting SystemAutoLogon registry key when deploying upgraded OS

I'm trying to deploy images via MDT that have been upgraded via the MDT "Standard Client Upgrade" task sequence. My images started as Win10 v1607 images and are updated to v1703 and then captured.
When I go to deploy the captured images, I'll get a popup on first login that c:\LTIBootstrap.vbs can't be found. Digging, I discovered that after the OS is installed and the PC restarts, the MDT task sequence continues running as the SYSTEM account . This is bizarre as it typically runs as the built-in Administrator account.
For some reason, even though the unattend.xml file contains the usual AutoAdminLogon entries, a registry key at
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SystemAutoLogon
is being created and set to 1 during the deployment. (I discovered this by comparing the registries at the end of deployment.) This key is not present in the captured image. This key does not get created if I deploy an image that is manually updated to v1703 (via Windows Update instead of MDT).
Any ideas on why the unattend.xml could be ignored or what would cause SystemAutoLogon to get created and set?
I figured out what was going on.
The MDT Upgrade task sequence invokes the upgrade with the command line /postoobe option pointing to setupcomplete.cmd. This causes the file to be copied to c:\windows\setup\scripts\setupcomplete.cmd. When windows install is complete, if a file is present at that location, it is run under the SYSTEM account.
The problem is that this file remains even after the upgrade task sequence is totally complete. So if you then capture the image and deploy it to a real machine, it will see setupcomplete.cmd and run it after the deploy, instead of using the usual default Administrator account.
I imagine the presence of this file at c:\windows... is what causes the registry changes mentioned above. setupcomplete.cmd is only built to bootstrap an upgrade back into the MDT task sequence, and needs to be removed from c:\windows... when the task sequence is done running.
Knowing that the post-upgrade portion of the upgrade task-sequence runs as SYSTEM instead of Administrator via a very different mechanism than standard deployment is important, as there are then limits to what you can do. By default the sequence lets you install applications.. they need to be apps that are ok being installed by SYSTEM.
For now I've updated my local SetupComplete.cmd in my scripts directory to delete itself when it is done by changing the last for loop to this (there was also a typo in the for loop before preventing the exit echo):
for %%d in (c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) do if exist %%d:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\setupcomplete.cmd (
del /q /f %%d:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\setupcomplete.cmd
echo %DATE%-%TIME% Exiting SetupComplete.cmd >> %WINDIR%\Temp\setupcomplete.log)
After thinking about this more and hitting issues due to running as the SYSTEM account, I started playing with avoiding running as the SYSTEM account. (One big problem is that if you want to shutdown at the end of the task sequence right after a reboot occurs, SYSTEM starts running too fast, and the call to shutdown in MDT fails.)
The idea is to instead use SetupComplete.cmd running as SYSTEM to simply bootstrap back into running the task sequence as the default Administrator.
There are a few wrinkles to implementing this. Namely, the synchronous commands that run from unattend.xml during a normal install do not run, so things like enabling admin, disabling uac for admin, disable user account page, disable async run once all have to be invoked manually. Beyond that, it is just a matter of setting the right registry entries by calls to PopulateAutoAdminLogon and SetStartMDT via a step in the task sequence after the OS upgrade is complete, and then performing a restart. This seems to work pretty well. The ideal way to do this would be to have the same script that calls PopulateAutoAdminLogon/SetStartMDT also parse unattend.xml and run those commands.
For some reason shell hiding does not work even though everything is set for it. My best guess is that the task sequence runner is doing this because IsOSUpgrade is set, but am not sure.
With this approach, SetupComplete.cmd is just responsible for a single bootstrap back into the task sequence, and the task sequence can delete it at the same time that it calls a script to do PopulateAutoAdminLogon/SetStartMDT
There is enough work to be done to fully polish this approach that I'll just workaround the one autologin issue for now, but it really does feel like a better way for MDT to work when doing upgrades. Hopefully they'll flesh it out in the future.

Pass SIGTSTP signal to all processes in a job in LSF

The problem statement in short: Is there a way in LSF to pass a signal SIGCONT/SIGTSTP to all processes running within a job?
I have a Perl wrapper script that runs on LSF (Version 9.1.2) and starts a tool (Source not available) on the same LSF machine as the Perl script.
The tool starts 2 processes, one for license management and another for doing the actual work. It also supports an option where sending SIGSTSP/SIGCONT to both processes will release/reacquire the license (which is what I wish to achieve).
Running bkill -s SIGCONT <JOB_ID> only resumes the tool process and not the license process, which is a problem.
I tried to see if I can send the signals to the Perl script's own PGID, but the license process starts its own process group.
Any suggestions to move forward through Perl or LSF options are welcome.
I tried to see if I can send the signals to the Perl script's own PGID, but the license process starts its own process group.
This is likely your problem right here. LSF keeps track of "processes running within the job" by process group. If your job spawns a process that runs within its own process group (say by daemonizing itself) then it essentially is a runaway process out of LSF's control -- it becomes your job's responsibility to manage it.
For reference, see the section on "Detached processes" here.
As for options:
I think the cgroups tracking functionality helps in a lot of these cases, you can ask your admin if LSF_PROCESS_TRACKING and LSF_LINUX_CGROUP_ACCT are set in lsf.conf. If they aren't, then you can ask him to set them and see if that helps for your case (you need to make sure the host you're running on supports cgroups). In 9.1.2 this feature is turned on at installation time, so this option might not actually help you for various reasons (your hosts don't have cgroups enabled for example).
Manage the license process yourself. If you can find out the PID/PGID of the license process from within your perl script, you can install custom signal handlers for SIGCONT/SIGSTP in your script using sigtrap or the like and forward them to the license process yourself when your script receives them through bkill. See here.

Run batch file on remote pc *visibly* to logged on user

I've got a batch file dmx2vlc which will play a random video file through VLC-Player when called.
It works well locally but I need this to happen on another machine on the network (will be adhoc) and the result (VLC-Player playing the video) must be visible on the remote screen.
I've tried SSH, Powershell and PsExec, but both seem to run the batch file and the player in the session of the command line, even when applying a patch to allow multiple logins.
So IF I get to run the batch file it is never visible on screen.
Using Teamviewer and the like is no option as I need to be able to call all this programmatically from my dmx program.
I'm not bound to being able to call the batch directly, it would be sufficient for me if I could somehow trigger it to run.
Sadly latency is a problem here as we are talking about a lighting (thus dmx) environment.
Any hints would be greatly appreciated!
You can use PSexec if the remote system is XP with the interactive parameter if you state the session to interact with, 0 would probably be the console (person physically in front of the machine).
This has issues with Windows Vista and newer as it pops up a prompt to ask the user to change their display mode first.
From memory, you could create a scheduled task on the remote system pretty easily though and as long as it's interactive the user should see it.
Good luck.
Try using web interface. It is rather easy: VLC is running http server, and accessing particular URL from remote machine will give full control over VLC. Documentation can be found here

Launching matlab remotely on windows via ssh? Impossible?

Howdy, I am trying to run matlab remotely on windows via OpenSSH installed with Cygwin, but launching matlab in windows without the GUI seems to be impossible.
If i am logged in locally, I can launch matlab -nodesktop -nodisplay -r script, and matlab will launch up a stripped down GUI and do the command.
However, this is impossible to do remotely via ssh, as, matlab needs to display the GUI.
Does anyone have any suggestions or work arounds?
Short story: is your script calling exit()? Are you using "-wait"?
Long story: I think you're fundamentally out of luck if you want to interact with it, but this should work if you just want to batch jobs up. Matlab on Windows is a GUI application, not a console application, and won't interact with character-only remote connectivity. But you can still launch the process. Matlab will actually display the GUI - it will just be in a desktop session on the remote computer that you have no access to. But if you can get it to do your job without further input, this can be made to work, for some value of "work".
Your "-r script" switch is the right direction. But realize that on Windows, Matlab's "-r" behavior is to finish the script and then go back to the GUI, waiting for further input. You need to explicitly include an "exit()" call to get your job to finish, and add try/catches to make sure that exit() gets reached. Also, you should use a "-logfile" switch to capture a copy of all the command window output to a log file so you can see what it's doing (since you can't see the GUI) and have a record of prior runs.
Also, matlab.exe is asynchronous by default. Your ssh call will launch Matlab and return right away unless you add the "-wait" switch. Check the processes on the machine you're sshing to; Matlab may actually be running. Add -wait if you want it to block until finished.
One way to do this stuff just use -r to call to a standard job wrapper script that initializes your libraries and paths, runs a job, and does cleanup and exit. You'll also want to make a .bat wrapper that sets up the -logfile switch to point to a file with the job name, timestamp, and other info in it. Something like this at the M-code level.
function run_batch_job(jobname)
init_my_matlab_library(); % By calling classpath(), javaclasspath(), etc
feval(jobname); % assumes jobname is an M-file on the path
catch err
warning('Error occurred while running job %s: %s', jobname, err.message)
catch err
% Yes, exit() can throw errors
java.lang.System.exit(1); % Scuttle the process hard to make sure job finishes
% If your code makes it to here, your job will hang
I've set up batch job systems using this style in Windows Scheduler, Tidal, and TWS before. I think it should work the same way under ssh or other remote access.
A Matlab batch system on Windows like this is brittle and hard to manage. Matlab on Windows is fundamentally not built to be a headless batch execution system; assumptions about an interactive GUI are pervasive in it and hard to work around. Low-level errors or license errors will pop up modal dialog boxes and hang your job. The Matlab startup sequence seems to have race conditions. You can't set the exit status of MATLAB.exe. There's no way of getting at the Matlab GUI to debug errors the job throws. The log file may be buffered and you lose output near hangs and crashes. And so on.
Seriously consider porting to Linux. Matlab is much more suitable as a batch system there.
If you have the money or spare licenses, you could also use the Matlab Distributed Computing toolbox and server to run code on remote worker nodes. This can work for parallelization or for remote batch jobs.
There are two undocumented hacks that reportedly fix a similar problem - they are not guarantied to solve your particular problem but they are worth a try. Both of them depend on modifying the java.opts file:
Setting this option fixes a problem of extreme GUI slowness when launching Matlab on a remote Linux/Solaris computer.
This option disables the Java just-in-time compiler (JITC). Note that it has no effect on the Matlab interpreter JITC. It has a similar effect to running Matlab with the '–nojvm' command-line option. Note that this prevents many of Matlab's GUI capabilities. Unfortunately, in some cases there is no alternative. For example, when running on a remote console or when running pre-2007 Matlab releases on Intel-based Macs. In such cases, using the undocumented '-noawt' command-line option, which enables the JVM yet prevents JAVA GUI, is a suggested compromise.
Using putty use ssh -X remote "matlab" it should work